Tongtian Great Saint did not respond to the Lord and was unwilling to respond. Once he responded, Holy War began, which he did not want to see.

The Lord asked with an eyebrow, “Tongtian Brother, you and I have been in friendship for so many years, wouldn’t you help me at the last minute?”

Tongtian Great Saint raised his eyes and looked at the Lord, thinking for a moment, “There is no immortal, in fact, it is impossible to guess, you are more clear than me, what level and what kind of existence of immortal, you and I can not speculate, but destroy The sacred finger is better than Azure Lotus Sword Song terrifying. You know it well, so we all know that there is a surpassing Sword Immortal Qing Lian behind him. You and I are not opponents. Why bother?

Tongtian Great Saint has no emotion, but he knows that there is no terror at all behind Ye Qinghan. Of course, he is not 100% sure.

“Yeah, you and I are not opponents, but you and I add another ghost, Great Saint, and it should be easy for three Great Saints to suppress him. That person is strong, I’m sure he is not a real fairy, we just need to understand When you destroy the Holy Finger, you will have the opportunity to become immortal. You will help me become immortal. You will never forget you as a brother. You must help you become immortal. “Holy Lord straight to the point, said solemnly.

Through the sky, Great Saint shook the head, frankly replied, “Sorry, I won’t do it. Instead, I will prevent you from starting Holy War.”

“Did you stop it? Tongtian! I advise you for your brother, do n’t ask for trouble. It ’s not difficult for me to suppress the Emperor Holy One, as long as the ghost and god Great Saint drags you on for a few days! After suppressing the Emperor Holy One, It is easier for me and him to suppress you again, “the Lord warned coldly.

The Great Saint indifferently smiled, replied, “Yeah, the dignified Lord, not only suppressed a Great Saint, but Sword Immortal Qing Lian, who was in the sky at that time, was suppressed by you in association with ten saints, although the saint died one, but It was a success, but do n’t forget, today ’s Kuangzong Ten Eight Saints, they wo n’t lose to the owner of the 8 Houses. As long as the old man drags you on for a few days, you say that the Emperor Holy One united with the Ten Eight Saints on the 9th Is it possible to suppress the ghost and god Great Saint? “

The Lord complexion sank, Iron Fist was tight, but there was no episode.

Tongtian Great Saint once again reminded, “Do n’t forget Ye Qinghan, how do you think Xia 9 Dragon has a chance to win after he was sanctified? Xia 9 Dragon was suppressed, and the Emperor Holy One united with Ye Qinghan. With the cooperation of masters, it will be possible to suppress the Great Saint of Great Ghosts for up to 3 days! When the time comes, it is not particularly difficult for us to work together to suppress the Dignified Lord. “

The Lord grinned, all sneered. The Great Saint knew the Lord best, and he was a little uneasy at this time, for fear that the Lord would start the Holy War directly.

However, the Lord is not so strong, but instead looks at Ye Qinghan pushed by Xia 9 Dragon and the fraternity of love.

“The old man bet with you once. If Xia 9 loses, I retreat. If he wins, how can you help me?” The Lord proposed.

Tongtian Great Saint laughed indifferently, did not respond to his proposal, but said, “It depends.”



wu wu wu ————————

The wind blew, snow covered, squinting.

Pok Oi Sheng pushed Ye Qinghan into the center of the battlefield. More than 30 saints were scattered around the four sides, and mad sect masters such as Jiang Jingtian were far from here. They would not show up until the critical moment.

“Here …” Bo Ai Shengxu lay softly on Ye Qinghan’s shoulder.

Ye Qinghan did not respond, and there was not even a trace of snowflakes around him, but he saw the entire snowy field through his soul, and even the mad monks standing in the rear have found that all saints in the world except the one who was suppressed in hell , Hiding in the immortal peach tree and 100 incense of other Secret Realm, the other saints have arrived.

None are absent! In addition to the mad saints, more than 50 people, the entire Big World heritage is here.

Xia 9 Dragon stood up from the ground, magnificent, and controlled 4 Fang Xue. From the momentum, it can be seen that he is bound to win this battle.

Ye Qinghan’s emotions did not appear on his face, because he could not mobilize any part of the body, and his emotions at this moment did not have any ups and downs, but he looked at the world silently, without desire.

Xia 9 Dragon looked at Ye Qinghan, as if looking at a waste, smiled, mocked, “Ye Qinghan, I know you, you and me like Paragon, it ’s better to die like this, it ’s better to die today, do n’t thank me It is your honor to die in the hands of the emperor. Lin 9 Star is dead. His soul has been stripped by me, all for me to use. Now you are fighting against the emperor and Lin 9 Star. Peak battle strength, even if the battle dies, it should be recorded forever. “

When Ye Qinghan moved his mind, the snowy field started to rise from the sky, covering the eyes of the saint, and then the heavy snow condensed into large characters, standing proudly in the world.

“I have no saint, Lin 9 stars, this seat is not yet in my eyes. As for you, today I let the saints in the world watch you being stepped on your feet.”

Hahaha ……

Xia 9 laughed, waved and shattered the big word between Heaven and Earth, stepped on the iceberg, walked to the middle of the battlefield, and reached out to signal, “Ye Qinghan, you have already died, the emperor should not treat you as an opponent It ’s so boring for the younger generation. No one is worth my shot except you. It ’s really lonely! “


Big words come up again.

“Yeah, it’s too cold in the heights …”

Hua hua hua! !

wu wu wu ————————

When the cold wind started, the snow and snow condensed, crystal clear and near-transparent, and a snowman appeared, almost the same as Ye Qinghan. The snow robe was lingering and the fairy light was pressing. The coercion conceded the saint.

10000 things are between the thoughts of Ye Qinghan. A snowman seems to be stronger than a saint, even if that snowman is broken at the touch.


The snowman waved and printed, Heaven and Earth roared, ten thousand li Snowfield became Ye Qinghan’s weapon, and each piece of snow became a Great Killing Artifact that captured the soul of the saint!

This is not the holy finger, but the Star Plucking Hand!

The snowman did not make any extra moves, directly printed, waved smashing void, followed by the formation of Second Style.

Pick the stars!

The snowman drove the 10000 sky generals, waved the stars to win the holy spirit, and the big hand directly darted to Xia 9 Dragon.


Xia 9 Dragon waved 9 Dragon Fans, 9 Snow Dragons roared, shattered the mountains and rivers, wanted to devour the Yeti, destroy Ye Qinghan’s deity, and kill the soul.

Bang bang bang!!

Bang peng ~ peng ~ !!

Suddenly, the snowman’s hand crushed a snow dragon, as if Xia 9’s attack was fragile!

The snowman flipped his wrists and waved heavy snow to form a few big hands covering the sky. It strongly suppressed the remaining snow dragons, which looked so bland and innocent, but killed invisible.


The hand of the snowman shattered the void, and appeared in front of Xia 9 Dragon in an instant.

Xia 9 dragon startedled, stepped back a few steps, 9 dragon fan strong cut to the snowman, but the snowman seemed to have his own life, more like Ye Qinghan’s deity, turned his palm into claws, flipped his arms, escaped the 9 dragon fan, directly Grasp the wrist of Xia 9 Dragon.

call out! !!


Xia 9 The dragon stomped his feet, soared into the sky, escaped the snowman’s attack, and waved his hand to the back of the snowman.

Third Style!

Bang bang bang!!

Wow ——————

Snowman A Single Palm Overturning Heaven, shatters the snowy field, and the air waves impact ten directions. The snowflakes turn into Divine Weapon weapons. From all directions, they kill the Xia 9 dragon. The big hand launches an attack like the sky, and it is difficult for the Xia 9 dragon to escape. Escape this Five Fingers Mountain!

At this moment, all the saints are all upset. This simple attack contains the sky of the sky and cannot be resisted. Just like heaven punishment, you can suppress the saints by waving your hand!

This is Third Style! The Fourth Style and Fifth Style have such formidable power before they start. At this time, including the Yunlong saints are all frizzled. If Xia 9 Dragons were replaced with them at this time, none of them would dare to say that they could block Ye Qinghan!

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