More than a dozen big men were divided into two teams. Half of them pulled Ye Qinghan’s fleshy body with a rope, and half of them pulled the blade of the adjudication. They exhausted their efforts and did not take out the adjudication.

The ruling blade is a fairy soldier, how can mortals take it out!

In the end, the Hans gave up their weapons and focused their attention on the shirt of Ye Qinghan. Although there were some holes, just two knives did not leave any traces on them. They must be body armors, but they He could not take off Ye Qinghan’s hands and legs, and he could not take off the shirt.

“Back home, this corpse should be able to sell a lot of money.” Said solemnly headed by the big man.

wu wu wu ————————

The horn of returning echoed in the sea, and immediately afterwards, another corpse was taken up. It is a holy chess statue, but it is still a corpse, and the soul has fallen into darkness. It has not recovered so far, and may have completely died.

Fan Yin and Adjudicator’s holy graves have not yet been found, and more than a dozen fishing boats have returned.

The speed was fast, and the sails were upwind, which accelerated the speed of the ship.

A few years later, they returned to the land, and the land near the sea formed a huge port. It originally belonged to the territory of the Holy State, and now forms a huge dynasty. The ruins of the Holy State had all disappeared in the past. Stay, only Ye Qinghan and Sheng Qizun, the two ‘corpses’.

The big men took their bodies to the Imperial Capital of the dynasty. There were people who bought priceless and unique rare treasures, and some weird monks. They could control Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, time, space and so on. They It is called a spiritual master.

The spiritual masters have a very high status in this civilization. Some powerful spiritual masters even sit on an equal footing with the emperor. Even the weak spiritual masters have been banished and ruled. There are several slaves at least has, even up to 10000. A few hundred thousand.

The cultivator seeks the limit, but also the glory and the worship of the world, but does not need faith, but also spiritual medicine to cultivate, seeking some priceless and unique rare treasures with rich elements, but they are still in a low level.

These fishermen took Holy Carnival and Ye Qinghan’s fleshhy body to drive the carriage all the way, and came to this imperial Imperial Capital. Two carriages took 2 coffins and entered the Imperial Capital of the Qinhai Dynasty. , But compared with the civilization of that year, it is at most a medium city scale.

Ye Qinghan can only feel the endless darkness at this moment, but at this moment, it feels like a human breath, but this dream-like and real feeling is very embarrassing, the powerful soul becomes weaker than the living dead after the last heavy wound. The state is still helpless. At that time, at least the soul can control everything, and now, it is not even known whether it is in a dream or dead.

The fleshy body was transported all the way to an ancient street in the city.

There are a lot of weird things in this street, as well as a lot of weird people. They are very special because they have different patterns embroidered on the shoulders of their clothes, which represent what kind of god they are repairing.

Some are flame patterns, some are water patterns, and some are golden patterns …

Different patterns represent what type of ‘god’ they are repairing. If there are people from the last civilization living to this day, you can see that the so-called god-cultivators on this street, even Emperor Realm cultivation base is not there, it is a mess.


2 The second coffin was opened, and the Holy Ghost appeared in the sight of everyone.

“The body of impervious to sword or spear, it should be a great god sacrificing body. One of the bodies also has a machete. It is of great value, and the highest bidder will get it. Whoever wants it, bid quickly.” Beating the gongs and drums attracted many practitioners who came for treasure hunting.

xiu’s € 斺 € 斺 € 斺 € 斺 € 斺 €

In a short time, around dozens of god-cultivators came around, and the cultivation base was a mess, let alone Emperor Realm. There were no master-level masters. They were placed in the last civilization, not even the masters in those small domains.

“Impervious to sword or spear? What kind of bulls? Didn’t you see a blade inserted in him?” A cultivator pointed at Ye Qinghan’s holy body taunted.

The Dahan quickly bowed and explained, “This god, how dare the Caomin deceive you? This body is really impervious to sword or spear. Don’t believe you try to cut him a few knives.”

boom! !

Those god-cultivators were welcome, and they waved their hands at Ye Qinghan. As a result, the spiritual weapon in their hands was directly shattered, and the horrible recoil knocked the two god-killers shot off several dozen meters away, and died of blood coughing on the spot. past.

This god-cultivator is different from mortals. The stronger the force of the shot, the stronger the recoil. Dahan is just a mortal, and the recoil is just that.

si si hiss! !!

People all around suck in a breath of cold air, and looked at Ye Qinghan with a look of horror. If it wasn’t for Ye Qinghan’s complexion, he would have fled.

“Is he God? How could God die?”

Many cultivators looked at Ye Qinghan in horror, trembling all over, and kneeled involuntarily.

But soon, the bodies of Ye Qinghan and Sheng Qizun attracted the attention of the big shot. One was an order from the Imperial Family, and the other came from the Qin Hai Dynasty ’s greatest spiritual power, Divine Fire Sect.

Their goal is to take away the two corpses, but their rights are equal, and the Imperial Family’s power is greater after all, taking away the sacred body of Ye Qinghan, and the people of Divine Fire Sect took the corpse of the holy chess master.


In the imperial city great hall, the emperor of the imperial city of Qinhai sat down in the town, watching the coffin on the great hall, gazing at the appearance of Ye Qinghan, solemnly asked, “Can no one take off the Divine Weapon from the corpse?”

“Your Majesty, all three enshrined adults have tried it, and none of them can take Divine Weapon.” Lu Jun, the prime minister of the dynasty, respectfully replied.

Emperor sovereign’s prestige saw quite enough, changed his body, and the dragon robe danced, dropped Dragon Throne in person, and went directly to Ye Qinghan.

“Your Majesty, this Divine Weapon is a bit weird, and it hurts the dragon carefully.” The ministers persuaded.

The Emperor lightly said, “I can fight down this huge river and mountains. Naturally, I am not afraid of Divine Weapon. Since God made this body appear in front of me, maybe it was just sending me Divine Weapon. Why not!”

After finishing speaking, the emperor reached out and held the blade of the ruling, and fiercely pulled it, and the ruling was actually loosened.

Ye Qinghan even felt the pain. The soul was struggling madly in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. He wanted to break the repression of the ruling blade, but the ruling was a fairy soldier, and Xianwen 4 shot, sealed Ye Qinghan’s soul and imprisoned him. Sea of ​​Bitterness, no matter how he struggled, could not resist the seal of the ruling.

The ministers were shocked and delighted. The masters have tried it. No one can shake the ruling. It is unexpected that the emperor could let it loose, and he held his breath.

Emperor Sovereign’s prestige is strict. When he can lay down the country, he will gather for Heaven’s Chosen Child, Heavenly Dragon, and shake the best candidate!


The emperor reached out again and grabbed the blade of the ruling, pulling his luck again.


puci ——————————

The light of the verdict shrouded the great hall, and an immortal wave swept to the four sides, crushing everyone’s will, and even the higher offerings of the three cultivation bases were crushed to the knees.

A Blood Sword sprayed out of Ye Qinghan’s chest, pierced through the palace, and a drop of blood can kill God!


Angry roar came from the Sea of ​​Consciousness in Ye Qinghan, as if a troll hidden in the 10000 ancient abyss, the great hall shaking.

Ka-cha ……

Ye Qinghan’s clenched Iron Fist, who has not moved for many years, smashed the coffin vigorously, and the fleshhy body smashed onto the great hall.

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