Yin ————————

Hey! ! !

The dragon roar roared out of Ye Qinghan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness. Although the voice was low, it was stronger than the emperor’s prestige. Even the emperor Qin Hai was shaken by the shocked legs and kneeled directly in front of Ye Qinghan.

Weng! !

The verdict trembled and wanted to re-insert Ye Qinghan’s chest, but the emperor subconsciously tightened the celestial soldier, for fear it would run away.

Although the emperor was not a Skywalker, he was a cousin of the sky. The ruling blade did not break free and gave Ye Qinghan a chance.


Ye Qinghan’s hands tear sharply the stone bricks on the great hall like sharp claw. The blue tendons are up, the soul is recovering quickly, and he is in control of the fleshhy body. However, after being sealed for so many years, the soul has become extremely tired. I want to restore it to Peak. Impossible.


Ye Qinghan felt that his head was about to explode, and the wound on his chest could not heal for a long time. Golden’s blood was overflowing, and his whole body was red. He stood up, holding his head with one hand, and his chest with one hand. He couldn’t even stand Stable, hesitant, almost fell.

The crowd looked at Ye Qinghan in horror. They couldn’t stand up, so they knelt on the great hall, including the emperor.

“10000 gods! God of Supreme! God really exists in the world …”

The emperor kneels in front of Ye Qinghan and keeps scratching his head, hoping to be favored by God.

Ye Qinghan retreated to the pillar and looked at the weirdly dressed people relying on the pillar, not even knowing that a new civilization had begun.


Ye Qinghan grabbed the ruling directly and took the ruling directly into his hands. He exhausted his efforts to seal the ruling blade, making World consciousness unable to sense its existence.

The sharp ruling blade turned into a blunt knife, and even the firewood continued to chop.

boom! !

Ye Qinghan casually dropped the verdict on the ground, looking at the emperor kneeling on the ground, his face was pale, his lips were purple, his face was pale, and he asked coldly, “How many years has Holy War passed? What is this place? Where did the saints go back then? “

Everyone panicked, the emperor didn’t know what Ye Qinghan was saying, where did the Holy War come from? Where are any saints?

Ye Qinghan grabbed a minister in the volley and plundered his memory directly, only to understand that the world has changed, a new civilization has been born, and the civilization of that year has fallen.


Ye Qinghan fell to the ground decadently, staring helplessly at the sky, sadness coming from his heart, and resentfully saying, “Is the mad zong over? Cangtian! How cruel you are!”

Still no one understood what Ye Qinghan was expressing, all kneeling in horror, afraid to move.

Wu wu wu ……

Ye Qinghan was crying, crying with a headache, the mad ancestors who participated in the war at that time, 9 saints and fraternity saints, Zuo Shuguang and Feng Huang, Lin Wutian, a total of ten three brothers! The closest people have followed themselves since they were youngest, and they never expected to be like today.

A big man was crying with headache, how desperate and crying, sadness infected the great hall.


Ye Qinghan cried for a long time, slowly stood up, reached out to grasp the verdict, wiped away the tears and stared at the emperor, whispered, “You have better keep your mouth shut, or I will come back to you. “

After speaking, Ye Qinghan took away the ruling and quickly left the great hall. I didn’t know where Fang Shun brought a few clothes. After disguising, he came to the edge of the sea to rent a fishing boat and went straight to the Panlong Island.

In the depths of the sea, in the depths of the ocean, no one has entered the civilization for thousands of years since the birth of this civilization, because at the speed of today’s ships, it may take decades to arrive.

Ye Qinghan did not dare to use Holy Force, for fear of shocking World consciousness.

World consciousness is not a true fairy. It is impossible to follow Big World all the time. As long as Ye Qinghan does not erupt and the ruling blade does not erupt, it cannot find Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan lay on the boat for decades, forcing the fishermen to send themselves to the veins of Panlong Island, and the young fishermen who brought them were old, but his appearance did not age, but he restored some vitality.

Today, there is a human being born in the Panlong Island vein, and the development is not bad.

Ye Qinghan rented a carriage to move on, and rushed all the way, although time was consumed a lot, at least it would not reveal his identity.

Ye Qinghan constantly changed the carriage, with the help of some Transmission Array that repaired the Divine Sect door, it took hundreds of years to reach the end of the small domain, and went into the small domain opened by the immortal peach alone.

The immortal peach old man froze. Ye Qinghan could not have come back alive!

For 100 miles of incense, the mad monarchs stood up, Ye Huang and Bai Xiaosheng and Jian Shenxue cried recklessly, rushed over and hugged Ye Qinghan tightly.

Ye Qinghan was speechless. After years of fighting, not only did he not win the final victory, but he buried so many brother sisters.

“I’m sorry … I’m sorry, I’m sorry to them!” Ye Qinghan knelt on the ground in pain and said in tears.

At this moment, the elderly immortal peach came to Ye Qinghan, patted Ye Qinghan’s shoulder gently, and whispered, “You did your best, no one blame you, at least you found the conspiracy of World consciousness, and the mad sect Not all of them have been sacrificed. Chen Xiang found a fossil, which is Xia Zi Young Lady Luo. Her soul was suppressed in the Sea of ​​Bitterness. Although she cannot be recovered now, it does not mean that she is really dead. I believe other people also May escape this calamity. “

Ye Qinghan heard it, and immediately looked up at the elderly immortal peach, solemnly asked, “What about Ziluo?”

The old man immortal peach pointed to a corpse under an immortal peach tree. It was Xia Ziluo who was taken out of the fossils by the old man immortal peach.

Ye Qinghan rushed towards Xia Ziluo madly, holding a cold and stiff corpse, and breathing was abnormal. At the moment Xia Ziluo was dead in the eyes of a normal person, but for Great Saint, she not at all died completely, the soul was suppressed in the Sea of ​​Bitterness, if she couldn’t save her soul, she was really dead, but if she could save her, she would still recover.

“I’ll go out and find them!” Ye Qinghan put down Xia Ziluo and said firmly.

The old man immortal peach sighed, “Don’t be in a hurry for this matter. Chen Xiang searched for 10000 years and only found this crazy fleshhy body. Everyone else was missing. Disappear without a trace. Now you rush out and look for it. Without them, it would be better to repair the cultivation base first, at least to avoid the pursuit of World consciousness. “

hu hu hu!!

Dong dong dong ……

Ye Qinghan was short of breath, shaking with excitement, looking at these youngsters in Kuangzong’s heart, inexplicably sad.

“Did you not come back?” Ye Qinghan asked sadly.

In addition to Ye Qinghan, Lin Wutian is the only Great Saint of the Kuangzong. He should be able to escape if he is not good, but he is not here, and Ye Qinghan has some bad feelings.

The elderly immortal peach shook the head, saying, “Without coming back, according to Chen Xiang’s information, it seems that when Holy War is not over yet, Lin Wutian and Tongtian and the Emperor Holy One rushed into the sea, and disappeared from there, no more information.”

Ka-cha! !

Ye Qinghan clenched his fists and hated the sky. If he could find these 2 Great Saints, he would use the most cruel means to kill them.

It will be changed today. The bottom 3 chapters will be updated first.

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