Zhengtianying is an army that is comparable to the mad house. The key is that they have no personal will and only overall consciousness. Their belief is not Ye Qinghan, not a mad house, but a chess sage, this soldier, Great Saint.


Ye Qinghan walked slowly inside the barracks, pondering how to drag this army out of control.

The chess sage is waiting. At this time, he cannot be the master. Resources are allocated by Jian Shenxue. Others cannot interfere. He can only ask for the most important resources through Ye Qinghan.

“Gather at Zhengtian Camp, I want to see them.” Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

The chess sage looked at Ye Qinghan and asked blandly, “Is it true that Ye Zi can’t believe me?”

Ye Qinghan’s mouth raised slightly, and the eyes under the mask flashed a touch of evil charm. Those who betrayed him once, he never dared to believe it with all his heart, especially the chess sage. It was too uncontrollable. Even if the chess sage is really strong.

“Sage, you ca n’t talk about trust or distrust. I have to take a look at the hands of such an army. Zhengtian Camp is your private army, not my private army. If one day they lose control, they can take half of their lives. A mad house! “

Ye Qinghan looks directly at the chess sage, said solemnly.


The chess sages no longer say more, the raised hand, Zhengtianying’s banner rises to the sky.

Dong dong dong ……

Immediately after, the drums of war were inspiring, and Heaven Shaking Drum sounded completely silent, even reaching Zhentianfu District.

dong dong dong ————————

Hua hua hua! !

da da da ————————

5,000,000 armies, heavy armored infantry, heavy armored cavalry, crossbowmen, everything, uniform movements, battle strength, uniform status, up to the 4th state, down to the first level, the overall battle strength of each 10000-person team The 10000 captains all have three territories and have been armed to the teeth.

Over the years, they have exhausted countless resources, accumulated for several 10000 years, and are all terrifying.

Bang bang bang!!

Hua hua hua! !

The earth was trembling and roaring. This momentum alone, even Ye Qinghan’s tabard was washed up.

Wow ————————

The flags are swaying, the army formations are transformed, the universe contains the Xeon devouring doctrine, and the order is indestructible. Unless someone kills 5,000,000 troops in one fell swoop, don’t try to defeat this army.

Ye Qinghan slowly walked to the high platform, looking down at the army, Yan’s war drums were taken by them, and the drums spread across the four sides.

Everyone in this army has the same expression. There is no fanaticism, only indifference. Even if they believe in Ye Qinghan in their hearts, they are suppressed. In the army, they can only obey the command of one person, that is, the chess sage.

Ye Qinghan glanced at the army, dominating the sky, wanting to be with the sky, the Dragon-Tiger phase took the air, and the hegemony’s prestige stirred up the four sides.


The chess sage was beckoned, and a powerhouse quickly moved a huge chair to Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan waved his jersey, slowly sat down, his right fist rested his cheeks, his thighs were tilted with two legs, and he looked at the black squatter army under the sky.

But the army was indifferent and had no intention of seeing it. This army was different from the Kuangfu. It had a strict hierarchy. The first level of the government university crushed people. However, they saw the highest commander of the Kuangfu and remained indifferent!

The chess sage stepped beside Ye Qinghan, angrily reprimanded, “I haven’t paid respect since I saw the owner of Kuangfu Mansion? Do you want to rebel?”

“Meet the houselord! Meet the commander!”

The 5,000,000 troops were uniform, and immediately fell on one knee, loudly said.

5,000,000 army voices, vast sky, wave after wave, sweeping Myriad Layers Wave.

Ye Qinghan took off the mask, his handsome face was full of cold breath, vigorous and resolute, and the breath of the hegemon emperor burst out.

He did not order the Zhengtian camp to be up. Of course, the chess sages did not dare to say more. The 5,000,000 Zhengtian camp was kneeling there on one knee, not even moving.

Dong dong dong ……

Except for each other’s undulating heartbeat, there is not even a bird call in Fang 1000.

After a long time, Ye Qinghan said in silence, “Stand up and look at me!”

The army was uniform, stood up and stared at Ye Qinghan, bowed and said, “Xie Fuzhu!”


Ye Qinghan got up, fighting against the sky with momentum, looking down at the army, lifting up strength, and shouted with awe. “I only ask you two questions today. The first question is, when the military command is issued, are you no matter where you are, All without the slightest hesitation? “

The army looked at the chess sage, but Ye Qinghan asked what it meant.

“Answer the housekeeper!” The chess sage serene, said in a tranquil voice.


“Everywhere the Marshal is pointing is the place where Zhengtianying settles down!”

5,000,000 army said without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Qinghan raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth. The cohesiveness of this camp is never lost to the mad house, but because of this, they are like iron plates, no stronghold one cannot overcome, nothing that cannot be broken, they terrifying 10000 points.

“Very well, I appreciate your answers. As commander-in-chief, there is such an army without regrets.” Ye Qinghan took a deep breath, and then fiercely light flashed, cold and severe eyes of evil spirit seemed to stare Everyone’s heart.

“Second question, when the commander gave the order, the attack was directed to Zhentianfu. You broke it there. What do you say to your host? How should you treat me?”

si si hiss! !!

At this time, the chess sages were sucking in a breath of cold air. The first question of Ye Qinghan was hiding the second question, but it was not expected to be this question!

Army pumps shrank, they never thought that the first problem would be so terrifying!

Killing the heart, but this sentence is more terrifying than the heart!

Ye Qinghan was furious, no one would know what happened, but the chess sage knew that the enemy would be very miserable.

Guilty of my race, no matter how far away you are you will certainly be punished!

The chess sage knows Ye Qinghan too well. In that year, he checked Ye Qinghan’s combat experience in a small plane. He also saw him alone in the immortal Immortal World. It took him countless years to kill the Sikong greedy wolf.

Today, Ye Qinghan is angry!

Because this Zhengtian camp was out of control, he was really angry!


The chess sage never bowed, but today he knelt on one knee without the slightest hesitation, respectfully saying, “Leaves … Sir Mansion Master, will the old man attack the mad house?”

5,000,000 Zheng Tianying pump shrink, hold breath cold air, they don’t know how to answer Ye Qinghan’s question.

Ye Qinghan gave a cold glance at the chess sage, waved a finger, and signaled, “Master, don’t panic, I just want to ask the next camp, just when you are broken by the mad house, how should I treat you, you should How do you treat me? “


“answer me!”

Ye Qinghan was so furious that the sword pointed at the army and confronted Zhengtian Camp with one person!


The army knelt down again, and no one dared to burst into a confrontation with Ye Qinghan, but no one knew how to answer the question of Ye Qinghan.

The chess sage does not know how to answer, there seems to be no answer, because the only answer that satisfies Ye Qinghan is to let Zheng Tianying overthrow the first answer, but Zheng Tianying does not seem to do this. No one except the chess sage Commander might not be able to do this arrogance camp.

“The government fought for Ascendant Hall for peace, and endless resources for training, etc. I want to know now, after you answer the first question, what is the answer to the second question?” Ye Qinghan looked coldly, majestic Asked.

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