The chess sage’s breathing began to be uneven, and his heart was indeed restless. Especially after the development of Zhengtian Camp, no one in the world can suppress him. If he has more resources, he will come to rely on this Zhengtian camp. , He can play against heaven, Swire Imperial Capital will be crushed!

Swire has the Emperor World’s First, and today there is Ye Qinghan, a mad house, but no one can ignore this enlistment camp!

The chess sage slowly stood up, staring at Ye Qinghan and saying, “Leaf, this is just your assumption.”

“No, this is a fact that has already happened. I do n’t ask you today, I just asked Zhengtian Camp. The first answer to Zhengtian Camp has already told the government. They will break every place you refer to, including of course Now that the mad house is a reality, I will let them tell me how I should treat them now and how they should treat me. “Ye Qinghan coldly said.

Zhengtianying did not speak, and had nothing to say.

Ye Qinghan came here today to find out who the Zhengtian camp was used for, so he was aggressive and had to get the answer.

“Today, you must answer the second question. If you are silent, you have two choices. First, dissolve Zhengtian Camp on the spot, and second, raise your weapons to me.” Ye Qinghan said firmly.

Ye Qinghan’s coercion is too strong, for someone else, today’s Zhengtian camp will be reversed!

No one spoke, but Ye Qinghan pressed hard.

“Everything is in command, commander-in-chief, 10000 captains, all out!”

Ye Qinghan coldly said.


A total of 600 masters were listed, 500 10000 captains, and the rest were all in command and in command.

“Respond to me from the Supreme Commander, don’t want to return to me with silence, and then silence, I will kill from the Commander until someone speaks.” Ye Qinghan coldly said.

Under the commander, the 3 commanders, at this moment, are sweating in the forehead, taking a deep breath, kneeling in front of Ye Qinghan on one knee, respectfully saying, “The commander will never betray the crazy house!”

“You’re off topic, answer me positively!” Ye Qinghan slowly walked out of the air and appeared in front of 3 people. Murderous intention has already appeared. Today 3 people do not answer, he will without the slightest hesitation.

The commander of Zhengtianying, aloof and remote, is now like a ant.

“Take the incense, you have 5 minutes of time to consider, whether to answer my question positively, or choose to dissolve in place, or stand up and pull out your weapons.” Ye Qinghan said silently.

The chess sage did not dare to disobey and could only order people to get a joss stick.

The incense has been lighted and burned a little bit. They never felt that time would pass so fast.

The chess sage does not know what the answer that Ye Qinghan wants, and it is even more impossible for others. Now they can only take out their original answers. If they are wrong, they will be wrong, and they will be right.

Commander-in-chief, dutong, 10000 captain, all sweating, thinking of the answer to this question.

Oh! Da da! da da da ……

Ye Qinghan’s fingertips hit the back of the knife, and it seemed to be counting time, but the fingertips seemed to hit the hearts of these people, and the commander felt hesitant.

At this moment, the masters of Kuangfu have rushed to the Ghost Weeping Mountain Range, standing on a distant mountain to look at this army. I don’t know what Ye Qinghan is doing, but the silence aura is already permeating, and you can feel it across a long distance. Here.

After a long time, the time it takes to burn one stick of incense.

“How should I treat you? How do you treat me? It’s time to answer me.” Ye Qinghan stared at the 3 commanders and said coldly.

The commander-in-chief, mysterious bone, status second only to the chess sage, at this time take a deep breath, bowed and said, “The end will be withdrawn after you appear, waiting for the house owner to take my life, I will admire the death of the commander.”

2 The commander-in-chief, Zhang Zhiyang, who controls 100 300,000, is also a high-weight person. At this time, he said, “I believe the commander will not make such an order. If he does, he will attack the mad house. If Sir Mansion The Master appears, and the end will be in a difficult situation. The only thing to report is the Sir Mansion Master and the commander! “

3 The commander-in-chief, nameless, the youngest, but also a wise man, otherwise he would not be able to do this position. At this time he did not know what answer Ye Qinghan wanted, but he also had his own answer in his heart.

“At the end of my childhood, I have watched Sir Mansion Master Legendary’s record grow up. My grown-up has always been my faith. Fortunately, I have been trained by the commander to become the commander-in-chief. Sir Mansion Master is worried about Zhengtianying getting out of control. I dare not speculate on the answer in the hearts of adults, but there is an answer in the minds of the generals. Zhengtian Camp is nominally a handsome private army, but in fact a mad army, so Sir Mansion Master’s first question, all Zhengtian camps thought In addition to removing the mad house, not at all counts the mad house. If Sir Mansion Master asks the first question again, the end will dare to guarantee that the answer for all the camps will be different! Guaranteed by life, if one day the commander gives a command to attack Kuangfu, I will thank him for cultivating him, but he will never attack Kuangfu! So the answer to the second question, I have no chance to answer you “Anonymous raised his soldiers with his hands and kneeled in front of Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan smiled and turned to look at the vicissitudes of the chess sage. In this life, he was loyal to chess and loyalty. He didn’t even have a puppet, but he had a group of loyal soldiers.

The answers of these 3 people, of which the first 2 represent more than 90% of the army of the Zhengtian camp, and this unknown answer represents the remaining 10%.

The chess sage was calm and did not speak, waiting for Ye Qinghan to rule.

“Sage, do you see this? This is Zhengtian Camp. You are not alone. They are loyal to Zhengtian Camp and you, not mad house. I don’t trust you, but Zhengtian Camp!” Ye Qinghan said The chess sage said firmly, “I dare to use you, I dare to believe in you, but I don’t believe in this army, their weapons will always point to me and Kuangfu, you seem to forget to remind them of something!”

The chess sage is lightly sighed, and he now understands what Ye Qinghan wants to do.


The chess sage stepped on the high platform, staring at the army, said solemnly, “All the enlistment camps obey orders!”


The army returned and quickly rose to obey the order.

“The old man has always forgotten one thing, that is, the ownership and loyalty of Zhengtian Camp. You remember, Zhengtian Camp belongs to Kuangfu. It is not only the coach who is loyal to loyalty. The most loyal object is Kuangfu’s house. Lord, you remember what the coach said today, when my order completely violates the security and interests of the Kuangfu, you should take the order of the governor, and there must be no hesitation! “Said saint said solemnly.


The enlisted army was immediately replied.

Ye Qinghan asked two questions, that is, to ask the chess sage to express his position. It seems that he does not believe in the army. In fact, he is playing the chess sage and giving the army resources to the army. He should tell them who is truly loyal.

“From today, the Zhengtian battalion was renamed Kuangfu Zhengtian battalion, and participated in the overall operational mobilization of Kuangfu. , No one is allowed to privately seize the resources of the Tianying Camp. “

Ye Qinghan’s majestic voice was violent in the sky, and then he looked at the chess sage.

“I dare give you what you want. Do you still think I don’t trust you?”

The chess sage was sighed, and he shook his head and said, “I do n’t blame you for this. It ’s an old man. I haven’t thought about it thoroughly. I have been cultivating this army with all my heart these years. I have really taken them as my own subconsciously, so I never told them that they are most efficient and loyal. Who is the subject of today ’s big joke? “

Ye Qinghan pats, with a smile on the shoulder of the chess saint, said with a smile, “The saint is too lonely. It’s time to find a woman to accompany you. If you have a 3 children and 2 women, you may not suffer so much, and treat Zhengtian Camp as your own, but This Kuangfu Zhengtian camp is really yours, but the allegiance object, 10000000 Don’t confuse, it can only be loyal to Kuangfu, not an individual. ”

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