Ye Qinghan’s backhand was slapped, and the half-ancestor’s face twitched and dazzled.

Liu Zong cold glow flashed, Iron Fist clenched, and then lightly said, “Master Ye Fu, Your Highness introduces himself, the government master will probably not say so.”

“My name is Cangmu Liuzong. Does the owner of Yefu know about Cangmu’s surname?” Liu Zong asked with a sneer and a sneer.

The surname of Cangmu is very ancient and strange. It is not a surname of Ancient Immortal Sub-world, but an alien.

Ye Qinghan already knew the names of nine Sages at this time. The surname of Cangmu was created by Sage of Cangmu.

Cangliu Zong, is the seventh son of Cangkang Sage, and also the most proud son. The height of the cultivation base can reach the limit of Ancestor Realm. The battle strength is extremely high, but not at all penetrates the power of Sage. Cangkang Sage is positive. It was because Liu Zong’s state of mind was not enough that he let him settle for a few years and then provide some Sage experiences. So now Liu Zong is not an opponent of Ye Qinghan and Emperor Yan. He can fight alone. Anyone can suppress this person.

But Liu Zong’s background is big enough! The most powerhouse of the 7 sons, in Cangmu Holy Land, except for the first disciple of Cangmu Sage, he is the most powerful, so he is the Young Master of Sage, and no one dares to mess with it.

Ye Qinghan looked at Liu Zong, nodded, lightly saying, “I have a surname of Cangmu and I have heard of it for a long time, but I didn’t expect Sage children to do such things like stealing chickens and dogs, wantonly in my mad house fairyland, thinking of fighting Is it impudent in the name of Sage? “

“You’re crazy! Even Sage dare to comment?” Liu Zong retorted.

Ye Qinghan slowly walked towards Liu Zong, and said in a condensed voice, “It’s not my comments that make Sage embarrassed, but your virtue, and you are not Liu Zong of the Cangmu, and also said that today you better obediently surrender, Otherwise, you will be hit hard. Don’t blame me for being ruthless. “

“Do you dare to catch me? Your Highness came here in the name of the son of Sage, traveled to all major realms, the great nations, and wherever she went, Ancestor Realm all greeted her, and when he reached the state of madness, you still have to catch My Highness, I really don’t see Sage in my eyes! “Liu Zong threatened coldly.

“My hometown, there is a sentence called Tianzi breaking the law with the common people. You broke the law in my mad house. I call you Sage or Saint the son of the virtuous, and you will be punished!” Ye Qinghan reached out and gestured to hand over his weapon.

Groan! !!

Liu Zong drew his sword, but half of the sword came out of the sheath and was directly pressed by Ye Qinghan.

Bang peng ~ peng ~ !!


After Ye Qinghan and Liu Zong matched the palms of their hands, the right hand was still pressed on the opponent’s hilt, and the left hand blocked the other’s right hand.

“What law did I commit? You better give me an explanation, otherwise you will be welcomed by the Holy Land 10000 100000000 army!” Liu Zong glared at Ye Qinghan, coldly said.

Ye Qinghan looked at Liu Zong’s eyes, and Yu Guang glanced over Emperor Yan and found him nodded. Then he knew that the men and women must have killed and killed Zhang Zhiyang, otherwise Zhang Zhiyang would not send out an arrow.

Within a short time, Zhang Zhiyang led 30000 people to kill, watched Ye Qinghan and Liu Zong confrontation, and immediately dismissed cup one fist in the other hand, respectfully said, “Fujian, this team killed dozens of adventurer brigades for no reason. , I was found in a humble job, and I wanted to kill people. Those corpses have been brought by me, please check with the house owner. “


A 100-person squad quickly ran up with dozens of corpses, and the fatal injuries on those corpses were all fatal and could not be faked.

“What else do you want to say now?” Ye Qinghan asked coldly.

“It’s just framed, this is the mad house fairyland, whatever you want to say, my father will justify for me!” Liu Zongsen replied.

Ye Qinghan grabbed the opponent’s hilt and took away the Murderous intention. He said lowly, “You can choose to resist, but there is no chance of revenge.”


Liu Zong gave up the resistance directly, and Ye Qinghan took it away.

Bang peng ~ peng ~ !!

Ye Qinghan struck dozens of consecutive shots, all of which were shot at Liu Zong’s limbs and 4 skeletons. His dantian, throat, and ancestors were all stuck, and the power of Five Elements was reversed. People can help him undo seal.

“My father will let you give me an explanation.” Liu Zong’s eyes were full of murderous intention, staring coldly at Ye Qinghan, he knew Ye Qinghan didn’t dare to kill him.


Ye Qinghan hummed coldly, replied silently, “I’m waiting for your father to give me an explanation.”


call out! !!

Ye Qinghan silhouette flashed and banned the eleven others.

“Zhang Zhiyang, detained all these people, announced to the public that someone pretending to be the son of Cang curtain Sage wanted to kill someone in the kingdom of madness, defiled Sage, dishonored Sage, and executed him in public 100 years later. Aside, coldly said.

si si hiss! !!

Liu Zong sucked in a breath of cold air, roared, “Ye Qinghan, you dare!”

Ye Qinghan didn’t even turn around, but simply replied, “If you are really the son of Sage, Sage will send someone to explain to me. If you are not, 100 years later, I will see you off for you.”


“Take it away!” Ye Qinghan waved and said, “In addition, Zhang Zhiyang, frozen these corpses for future evidence.”


Zhang Zhiyang responded quickly and quickly led an army to detain the 2 people.

The army withdrew, leaving only Emperor Yan and Ye Qinghan.

Although Emperor Yan is impulsive, he is not stupid. It is not a good thing to offend Sage at this time.

“10000 A Cang Mu Sage in person, I am afraid it is not easy to explain.” Emperor Yan said solemnly.

Ye Qinghan slightly smiled, lightly saying, “Senior Emperor Yan don’t have to worry about it, Sage must wait for me. If he comes to deal with me for the son who broke the law, it is really insulting Sage’s name.”


Soon, the news of the arrest of Liu Zong in the Cang curtain spread to all directions, the major sub-universes, and even began to spread to Purple-Yang Sub-world and Xuntian Sub-world.

The major forces are boiling. A mad house fairyland that has no Sage land dare to catch Sage’s parents and sons, and is the best son. Who gave Ye Qinghan the courage?

Ancient Immortal Sub-world, other sub-universal forces are stunned. Only the Great Sage of Xing Xuan of Sage Mountain smiled and looked at the report of Xing Mu, but smiled happily.

“Hahahaha, this Ye Qinghan, the owner of the mad house, is really arrogant, even the pro-son of the Cang curtain dare to catch it.” Xing Xuan Great Sage said with a smile.

Xing Mu’s face was surprised. This incident might cause big changes and even affect the whole sub-world. Why is Xing Xuan Great Sage happy?

“Master Sage, Disciple doesn’t understand. This may very likely lead Master Sage to fly into a rage out of humiliation. Why are you so happy?” Xing Mu wondered.

Xing Xuan Great Sage said with a smile, “You do n’t understand Sage, in fact Sage will also fight, 9 Great Sage except when dealing with the Great Sage of the third planet of the original universe, the other time is the internal fight, this time Cang curtain Sage The son did such a stupid thing, other Sage would not help him, so there is a good show, the Lord Ye Fu will be forced to run out of course. “

“Do you mean … Lord Sage from Cangmu will send his First Disciple to solve this matter? But Ye Qinghan will definitely not let it, the two sides will fight?” Hoshimaki curiously asked.

Hoshimaki Great Sage nodded, lightly saying, “What is the virtue of these preached First Disciple in Sage, the old man knows best, including yourself. If a small force caught the old man’s son, what attitude would you use to deal with that People of small influence speak? It must be condescending, Ye Qinghan can he bear it? ”

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