Sage Mountain, Xing Mu heard Xing Xuan’s Great Sage and suddenly felt that he hadn’t thought about it.

“Know more about people’s hearts. People like Ye Qinghan are amenable to coaxing but not coercion, just wait slowly.” Xing Xuan Great Sage lightly saying.

Xingxuan Great Sage also took the lead in energy, but he was more patient.


News at this moment is constantly spreading to Xuntian Sub-world and Purple-Yang Sub-world.

In the land of Sage, an old man with a frown on his eyebrows. Looking at the constant information, it was all about Liu Zong. He couldn’t help touching his forehead and sighed.

“Old 7 is still so impatient. Master and Senior told him to settle the temperament. I couldn’t think of it at this time. I struck Qiutian and actually ran to Ancient Immortal Sub-world. He was even arrested by the imperial imperial kingdom. … “

This person is the first disciple of Cangmu Sage. Chuda, cultivation base is the limit of Ancestor Realm. It is definitely stronger than Liu Zong, and he has learned the power of 20% Sage. This is the complete 20% Sage power. Ye Qinghan and Emperor Yan are a bit more powerful, but the real battle is not necessarily realm high.

Chuda senile, but without the spirit of divide poise and sagelike features, his sharp eyes were suffocated and very angry.

“The little mad house immortal country dare to catch the son of Sage, really eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder …” Chuda held the old Iron Fist, wrinkles were wrinkled, and the fierce light was exposed.


Chuda thought for a moment, and decided to report it to Sage, so he climbed to Dao Field on foot.

In the Dao Field of the Cang curtain, it is grand and boundless. It seems to be older than Xingxuan’s Sage Dao Field. It is full of chaos, dense with lightning, mixed with the coercion of Sage. It seems that ancient creatures shuttle in it. What is being guarded.

Cage Sage retreats cultivation all year round, hoping to touch the realm of the master, even if it touches a trace, he can lead other Sage, so he rarely goes out.

Chuda ascended to the top, except for the horrible creatures and the high-level uncle’s servants. There was no other thing, lightning was thick, and he fell at any time.

In the large Dao Field, there are several ancient palaces. This Dao Field is not a place to live, but a place where the Cang Sage cultivates, and even Chuda rarely comes in.

“Oblique, Lord Sage Master, 7 Junior Brother Liu Zong took a dozen people into the Mad Kingdom of Ancient Immortal Sub-world. He was murdered for no reason. Ye Qinghan now announces that someone is posing as Liu Zong for blaspheming Sage and insulting Sage’s sons. He will be executed within 100 years. There are now more than 80 years left. Please tell the Master whether Disciple is begging or strong. Attacking the mad house fairyland? “Chuda said respectfully.

There was silence in Dao Field, and there was no reply.

Chuda stood respectfully, waiting for Sage to respond.

After a long time, a deep reply came out of Dao Field.

“In the past, if Liu Zong did something foolish, then he would pay some compensation and bring them back to see him in custody. If he was framed by a mad house, bring Ye Qinghan back alive.”

The majestic voice was powerful, deep and full of coercion.

Chuda suddenly replied, “Yes, Lord Sage Master. Disciple is over.”

“I don’t want to lose Sage’s face. This child is so strong, there must be reliance on it, and you don’t have to go too far. Bring a group of people to recruit troops at the border of Kuangfu fairyland. Ye Qinghan can send them out.” Sage didn’t show his face, but what he said was God’s will, and no one dared to refute it.


At this moment, Ye Qinghan, Emperor Yan, and Yan Yunbei are following Dao Tianji Holy Enlightenment Space to the extreme Profound Truth. This thief may be able to play with space with his eyes closed. His cultivation experience is a priceless gem. and the others share, but what he is asking for is more valuable.

Ye Qinghan and the others have been enlightened for more than 20 years. Profound Truth of Space advanced by leaps and bounds, especially Ye Qinghan, relied on a space beast that I got many years ago, Xiaoyu, and now I practice it twice. for half the effort, a step faster than Emperor Yan and Yanyun North.

This little cricket has not much ability. It has been hidden within Ye Qinghan’s within the body. Ye Qinghan himself has forgotten to use it. If he hadn’t understood the mysteries of the limit of space, he would have forgotten it.

The order in space is intricate and complex. If they take complete control of the space, they can move instantly and go directly from one point to another. With the help of space order, there will be no trace at all.

At this moment Dao Tianji Sheng wants to escape, Sage really may not be able to catch him.

Time is slowly passing, the years of cultivation are flashing, ten years is just blinking.

Human Sovereign peak, eyes closed like a day, but the sub-world has passed for decades.

Ancestor Realm was born one after another, but they are extremely low-key and cannot be hidden. Now, the outside intelligence can’t find out how many masters above the ancient Emperor Realm in the crazy house!


There are really not many prisoners in the prison of Zhentianfu. All the people who can be arrested are poor and fierce. Liu Zong growled for decades and was tired of shouting. His hatred for Kuangfu was so strong that he could not wait now After killing Ye Qinghan and annihilating the mad house, the temperament that had finally settled was destroyed again. If he could not return to his heart, he would not want to step out of the Ancestor Realm limit in his life, and he might even lose the realm.

“Ye Qinghan, I will make you regret it!” Liu Zong growled and wanted to break out of the jail, but the inverse Five Elements order within the body could not be broken at all, he could only stay like a mortal.


boom! !

The fiercely guard slammed a stick, hit the black iron, and gave Liu Zong a cold glance.

“Miscellaneous account! Do you know who my Highness is?” Liu Zong’s followers were loyal. At this point, he still refused to let go of his so-called status and face.


The young guard kicked him on the man’s body. The other side was almost fainted by the young man because he could not gather strength.

“Mother, Lao Tzu is a madman. I have never seen you so arrogant. When you get here, I care about whether you are a dragon or a snake. I’ll give it to you, be honest, and then dare to mess around, be careful I will kill you . “

“That is, with less than 20 years left, you will be executed and arrogant and despotic. I think a dozen of you are really tired.”

“Take them a word, let them scold, it’s only 20 years, it’s a flash.”

The guards are all youngsters, but they are so enthusiastic as to be loyal to Kuangfu, so they are extremely upset about the arrogance of Liu Zong and the others, and at the moment disdainful sarcasm.


At this moment, there are only 20 years left to execute Liu Zong, which means that 80 years have passed since Liu Zong was arrested.

Chuda led more than a dozen masters. These are the backbone of the Sage land. Ancestor Realm 7th. The rest are half-ancestors. They reached the secondary forces of the Northern Section of the Mad Kingdom and directly occupied the most. The powerful territory, suppressing Ancestor Realm, began to recruit soldiers, prepare to fight the mad house, and let Ye Qinghan take the initiative to compromise.

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