Little Jin Wu He parrot said goodbye, tears streaming down.

Ye Qinghan waited to climb Tieshan, and the Imperial court walked.

At this time, the hostility from fatalism was strong again, allowing Ye Qinghan to be sure that Nangong Po Wu was in Eastern Wilderness. As long as he reached the territory of Human Race, he would definitely find him.

Abandoned city, this is the largest city of Eastern Wilderness, there are many powerful tribes all around the city, inheritance is long, and even some tribes can be traced back to the ancient times and the ancient times.

A tribe, even if inheritance is tens of thousands of years, is a terrifying clan, with pure blood, because they generally do not associate with foreign races.

The Eastern Wilderness tribe has at least a dozen hundred thousand years or more of tribes. Most of their Totems are Golden Crow, and some of them are powerful ominous beasts such as wolves and tigers. They use these wild beasts as their Guardian God. .

Heavenly Wolf Tribe, this tribe is not at all with the Sky Wolf tribe of the 10000 Holy Family. It is the most powerful tribe of this thousand thousand li, but in the Eastern Wilderness territory, it can only be regarded as a middle tribe, even if In this way, Heavenly Wolf Tribe is like a super-class powerful force. It is a little worse than Dao Realm Holy Land in Peak, but it is slightly better than today ’s fighters Dao Realm and other places. A lot.

The wolf, the guardian of this tribe, Totem, the wolf flag flutters.

On the periphery of the tribe, dozens of children are practicing martial arts and are physically strong and very strong. They pursue group operations, cooperate with each other, and are very united.

Ye Qinghan has now collected all three ominous beasts within the body, and walks towards this tribe with a parrot.

“Little iron wolf, you went home for dinner.”

A 15-16 years old delicate and pretty girl dressed in animal skin and carrying a long bow. Her slender legs were half-wrapped in animal skin, straight like two long spears, with thin white arms, but terrifying. Explosive power, carrying a huge beast, young, is a good hunter.

“Hehe, elder sister, I can already burst 1,000 jin strength, and when I have 10000 pounds of force, I can go hunting with you!” Iron wolf is just a 7-8 year old child, but has real seam The strength is worthy of the tribe that uses the wolf as the Totem.

“It’s okay, practice well, elder sister can handle it, dad is gone, mother is too busy at home, you don’t think about martial arts hunting all day, you need to help mother more, you know?” But she has an inexplicable taste of maturity. She is the elder sister of Purple Iron Wolf. The purple concubine is a girl in a small branch of Heavenly Wolf Tribe. It is also the youngest hunter in this dozen dozen li because of her father. Falling while hunting, she had to fight the family alone.

From her childhood experience, she has shaped her thunderbolt temperament, mature and stable mind, keen insight, super fast reaction speed, and her ability to foresee danger in advance, allowing her to hunt for food from the age of ten to support her family.

Ye Qinghan actually found her long ago, and followed her all the time, so she walked out of the forest. She wanted to use her to leave the forest and walk towards the tribe. Suddenly, Zi Feier dropped the prey in her hand to protect the iron wolf. They started to build arrows, and they turned like lightning. They turned and fired at Ye Qinghan.


The arrowhead hole penetrated the void, and it had at least 10000 pounds of force. It pulled out a flame and directly killed Ye Qinghan. The burst of energy was blown, and the Immortal Sect clothing was rolled.

Zi Fei’er thought that she was followed by ominous beast, and then she suddenly started to set up arrows. She did not expect to turn around, but she found that the other party was a young man like Fengshen, but the arrow had left the bowstring and was directly out of her control. “Hurry up …”

But her arrow was too fast. As fast as lightning, Ye Qinghan was stunned and raised her head again. The arrow had approached her throat.


Ye Qinghan put up two fingers, clamped the long arrow, vigorously twirled his hair, and green silk rose back.

Zi Fei’er and Zi Tie Wolf’s eyes were widened, never seen such a master of exaggeration, with two fingers, they can instantly grip the galloping iron arrow.

Ye Qinghan slightly smiled, apologizing, “I’m sorry to scare you, I just lost my way in the forest and followed you out, nothing malicious.”

“Ah?” Zifeier was shocked, whispered, “No wonder I always feel that someone is staring at me. It turned out to be a senior like you, no wonder I couldn’t find it.”

Ye Qinghan wondered that the little girl in front of her was Empyrian Realm, and she could find that she was following her. Is this a woman’s Sixth Sense? He obviously would not believe such an absurd reason.

“This brat really strong Spiritual Consciousness …” Parrot said in surprise.

Ye Qinghan slightly nodded, there are many extraordinary natural talents in this world. It is normal to have one or two strange creatures. You can encounter the Qinxian red demon body, the golden bloodline and Emperor Dragon Sky, and the strange physique. It’s normal.

“Excuse me, in what direction is the largest city nearby?” Ye Qinghan tried to keep a smile, for fear of causing hostility between the two children.

“Of course, the biggest city is Linlin City, but unfortunately far, I haven’t been there.” Purple Iron Wolf replied with regret.

“Can you tell me in which direction?” Ye Qinghan asked immediately.

“Continue to go east. Your foot strength of the predecessors is expected to arrive in half a month, but depending on the weather, I advise you not to hurry, it will be dangerous to continue,” Zi Feier reminded kindly.

“Why?” Ye Qinghan curiously asked.

“My Iron Wolf tribe has a huge mountain range 300 li to the east. It is occupied by a group of robbers, called Dong Yunzhai. There are countless masters there who make a living from robbery. I heard that the most powerhouse is a great pseudo-emperor. The villagers always kill first and then snatch … “Zi Feier whispered.

“Fuck, is the puppet emperor going to be a bandit, isn’t he a bit bent?” Parrot said silently.

Ye Qinghan is also quite speechless. Even in the Dao Realm Holy Land, the pseudo emperor can also be an Elder Fang or even an Supreme Elder. He is a bandit in Eastern Wilderness. How strong is the Eastern Wilderness continent? No wonder those powerhouses in Diyu are unwilling to come here. The relationship is a bandit’s den.

“Is there any other way I can walk through?” Ye Qinghan frowned, apparently didn’t want to work with the false emperor. The God Martial Emperor was sometimes useful, sometimes he fell asleep, when the time comes to be lethargic, then it was called Tiantian. It should n’t be that the earth is not working. It is even more impossible to count on the Dao Haitian Jing. This guy is sulking, and he does n’t give cultivation, but also hope that it will help?

“No, this mountain range is full of bandits. If our tribe wants to go into the city, they will have to hand in a lot of Spirit Crystal and heavenly materials earthly treasures,” they said, shrugging and replied.

Ye Qinghan smiled bitterly. It seemed that he had to be mixed into the Iron Wolf Tribe and followed the army into the city.

“How long will your Iron Wolf Tribe enter the city next time?” Ye Qinghan asked softly.

“We enter the city once every six months, and there is still half a month before we next enter the city.” Zi Fei’er hesitated for a moment, still informed the specific time, and did not want to offend such a powerful existence.

Half a month, not too long, Ye Qinghan thought about it for a while, and then said, “I wonder if your tribe can stay for a few days? When the time comes to enter the city together, I would like to pay Spirit Crystal in return.”

“No, my Iron Wolf tribe never accepts outsiders. In fact, the entire Heavenly Wolf Tribe will not accept outsiders. This is an unwritten rule.” Purple Concubine without the slightest hesitation rejected Ye Qinghan’s request.

The purple iron wolf turned with big eyes, pulling Zifeier’s clothes, and whispering, “elder sister, he is very powerful, leave him and let him teach me mystery!”

“No, don’t make trouble, do you want to be beaten?” Zi Feier scolded in a low voice.

“Elder sister … we do n’t have Spirit Crystal, please powerhouse to teach us in the tribe, now the powerhouse is ready, you are not willing …” The purple iron wolf is very dissatisfied, the iron wolf tribe is just a small branch of Heavenly Wolf Tribe, weak and very weak The most powerhouse, but the big Martial Venerable, would like to ask an Immortal Realm to come and teach the discipline that none of the Spirit Crystal pays money. There is a ready-made one now, but do n’t, is n’t it a wasteless of natural resources?

“What do you know? The tribe doesn’t allow outsiders to enter the village. You don’t know it, but you’re still fooling around, be careful the tribe Great Grandpa spanks you again.” Zi Feier whispered intimidated.

Although the voice is small, Ye Qinghan’s ears are not concealed, but he did not speak. Now I want to mix in the Iron Wolf tribe. Naturally I want to follow the city into the future, or wait until the day I enter the city, the Iron Wolf tribe will inevitably Will not agree with him to go along.

“You see that Big Brother has been smiling, so handsome, it must be a good person, the old man believes you so much, can’t you say 2 good words! This is a major event related to my future development, if it can really succeed after cultivating it , Our Iron Wolf Tribe need not have worked so hard! “

The purple iron wolf begged hard, it seemed that he really wanted to practice mystery.

“Elder sister, have you forgotten? The iron tiger tribe next door bullied us no one a few days ago. Their small tribe has Immortal Realm, but we don’t have it. Do you bear it …”

Zi Fei’er’s face changed slightly, hesitating for a moment, looking at Ye Qinghan, still dare not take risks, Ye Qinghan is too powerful, once the bad guy, the clan’s old relatives cannot be his opponent.

“If Fellow Daoist agrees, I will be happy to teach your younger brother and promise to train him to a large Martial Venerable realm within 5 days, as long as he can bear it.” Ye Qinghan’s mouth is raised, if the purple iron wolf really He can carry his hell-style training, let alone go to Martial Venerable in half a month, or to Immortal Realm, but he can bear his hell-style training, there are not many people in this world.

“Seniors take this seriously?” Zi Feier was shocked and practiced to the big Martial Venerable for half a month. Couldn’t it alarm the Heavenly Wolf Tribe and take the initiative to pick up the iron wolf and go to Heavenly Wolf Tribe to practice?

“In truth, you can also participate in training, as long as you can bear it, the big Martial Venerable realm is actually very simple.” Ye Qinghan smiled and assured.

“Isn’t the senior really bad for our village?” Zifeier asked cautiously.

“Hahaha, if I want to be detrimental to you, I don’t need to mingle with the tribe. Now I can wipe out this small tribe instantly. This seat just wants to find a person in the city by means of it.” Ye Qinghan said confidently.

Purple concubine is lightly nodded, Ye Qinghan is true, 2 fingers can instantly help her iron arrow, and the clan can’t do it.

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