Zifeier’s status in the Iron Wolf Tribe seems to be very high. She received an outsider, and the old people of the clan even agreed with nodded. A large and small family of 100 people in the clan surrounded them, like watching the newly married young daughter-in-law. Generally, Ye Qinghan unfathomable mystery.

The parrot proudly holds its head, attracting a lot of Little Brat’s pursuit, but as proud as it is, they will not fling them.

Zifeier’s family only has 3 people, a middle-aged peasant woman, very amiable, not at all because Ye Qinghan is a foreigner and hostile, and also added 2 side dishes deliberately, watching the purple iron wolf saliva, it seems that this family has been Not particularly good.

Ye Qinghan simply ate a bit. These meals are not at all much energy. I want to spend my own hell-style training. It seems that I need to add food to these two children.

“Eat more, when you will be hungry.” Ye Qinghan smiled. I would stay here anyway for half a month. It is called rainy day to play with children. Idle and idle, it is a good choice to tune them. .

It’s already night, Star River embellishment, moonlight like water, pouring into this small tribe, just like daylight, visibility is very high.

After eating and drinking, Zi Feier and Zi Tie Wolf were very excited, and they wanted to see what secrets Ye Qinghan could teach them.

Three people came to the Martial Practice Stage in the tribe. Ye Qinghan sat on the Imperial Tutor chair and said to the purple concubine and the purple iron wolf, “A person chooses an iron stone, runs along the Martial Practice Stage with the stone, and tries his best. But 3 don’t force it. “

“Ah?” Zifeier was surprised. What kind of practice is this? Ordinary Martial Master teachers will do this, how can a strong practitioner like Ye Qinghan teach decent secrets.

“Eh? Run, 30 laps by yourself!” Ye Qinghan breathed cold, his words filled with will.

The sisters and brothers were shocked by the momentum, turned around and picked up a stone, respectively 500 jin and 100 pounds. They felt very relaxed, but they hadn’t raised their legs yet, Ye Qinghan whispered, “the law of gravity, ten times the gravity.”



Zi Fei’er and Zi Tie Wolf almost fell to the ground, their legs were as heavy as lead, let alone run, it was difficult to walk.

Ye Qinghan slightly smiled, lightly saying, “It looks like I have to give you something … Divine Bird, chasing them after the fire, and you don’t blame you if you are burned to death.”

The parrot was laughed lowly, yellowed, “Get orders.”


The parrot spewed a fire at random, the temperature was extremely high, and the terrible temperature could be felt far away. The purple concubine felt the danger, and immediately stepped forward and ran forward.

The purple iron wolf turned his head and watched the parrot pressing hard, and he couldn’t help but stunned, dropped the stone and rushed out.

“A blessing of 100 times gravity!” Ye Qinghan whispered again, the purple iron wolf sank, and his speed dropped again.

The parrot followed at a moderate pace, and whoever fell behind slammed the fire, and the purple iron wolf’s ass was directly burned into a big hole. It was red and more painful than the iron plate.

“You can give up, and don’t practice in the future.” Ye Qinghan sat on the Imperial Tutor chair, closed his eyes and recuperated, and seemed to be resting.

Zi Fei’er was pretty good. She had suffered a lot like Ye Qinghan’s childhood. In addition, the cultivation base has arrived at Empyrian Realm. At this moment, she is running hard with her teeth, and the energy essence within the body is quickly consumed.

The purple iron wolf was embarrassed. After all, it was too small, 100 times gravity, and although it did not hold stones, it was not easy to run.

One lap, two laps …

At the fifth stratum, the purple iron wolf almost collapsed. This is simply hell. Most people can’t stand it. He can carry the fifth stratum, and his will is pretty good.

Zi Feier has already passed the purple iron wolf for a while, watching the younger brother want to give up, can’t help but said lowly, “Aren’t you going to cultivate? Is this going to be abandoned? Are you still willing to set up a volunteer? I remind you, This method from the predecessors is really effective. I feel my strength is increasing, and it is rapidly increasing! “

After Zi Feier said, she continued to run, her energy dried up. With her will, she continued desperately until the eighth lap. Her True Yuan was quickly repairing, and the Spirit Qi of all around rushed here frantically, proactively toward her within. the body got out.

Ye Qinghan certainly won’t let them practice so crazy, this will only consume their basic roots, which is good for future cultivation base not at all, so in the Martial Practice Stage all around, a huge Gathering Spirit Array is laid out, counting 100 blocks high Grade Spirit Crystals pile up, and Spiritual Qi is intense.

After 2 hours, Zi Feier took the lead to complete the task. True Yuan was pure and at least beyond the previous 3 grades, and her battle strength increased several times. She was extremely excited and respectfully stood in front of Ye Qinghan and said, “Senior, my task is completed. Now. “

“Take a clean wooden bucket and bring it over with water.” Ye Qinghan had no eyes opened, calmly instructed.

Purple Concubine without the slightest hesitation’s departure.

“Fire Crow, give me a drop of blood essence.” Ye Qinghan summoned the Fire Crow Crown Prince. On bloodline energy, Fire Crow is the worst. It is best for this pair of younger brothers and sisters, such as the eagle condor and the pit viper. Their drop of blood essence is actuarially diluted. Many times, the vitality of Purple Concubine and Purple Iron Wolf will be wiped out instantly.

Fire Crow did not dare to hesitate, and directly forced a drop of blood essence to Ye Qinghan. The blood was golden-yellow, rounded and full of energy.

Zifeier quickly brought a bucket of water and stood respectfully beside Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan put the blood essence in the bucket, stir it with True Yuan, and said, “Drink a bowl and continue running with the stones, this time for 60 laps, it will be completed within an hour.”

Zi Feier felt that the essence in that drop of blood was very powerful, and it was definitely a baby. Without a drink of a bowl of the slightest hesitation, the power of terror filled the four limbs and 4 skeletons, and the fleshhy body became several times more powerful. Waiting for her to pour.


Zi Feier picked up Iron Stone and rushed frantically, more than twice as fast as before.

The screams continued on the Martial Practice Stage. The parrot deliberately accelerated the speed. The chasing purple iron wolf howled and screamed. The speed became faster and faster, and he couldn’t bear it.

“Wu wu wu …… senior, let the bird slow down … Aiya ……”

The scream of the purple iron wolf was really tearful, but it aroused the interest of the parrot to abuse him. Instead of slowing down, it was accelerating. At this moment, the purple iron wolf understood what hell-style training is, and it will go down anytime, anywhere. Hell.

After much difficulty, the purple iron wolf completed the task and collapsed to lie on the ground, but the parrot chased it directly and sprayed it with ordinary fire, directly igniting the purple iron wolf’s butt, he jumped 3 feet directly high.

“You broken bird, I’ve run 30 laps …” The purple iron wolf roared angrily.

“Drink half a bowl and continue running.” Ye Qinghan breathed cold, staring at the purple iron wolf scolded.

The purple iron wolf was very afraid of Ye Qinghan’s eyes. It was too cold and ruthless, full of cruelty and will. He shot the fire on the bottom, limped to the wooden barrel, and drank half a bowl of blood essence diluted water. The power suddenly climbed. Several times, I feel like I can punch 2000 Jin with one punch! Not even the pain in the buttocks.

“An hour, 60 laps, one slow breath, a penalty of 60 laps.” Ye Qinghan closed his eyes again, and the villain in the Sea of ​​Consciousness was trying hard to practice without any slack.

Running and running, the purple iron wolf broke through directly and reached the Blood Ignition Realm realm. Both the fleshhy body and True Yuan were enhanced a lot. At this moment, the purple iron wolf was excited and felt the benefits. There is no need for a parrot to chase, but the parrot has accelerated. Every time the purple iron wolf runs fast, it can always push the new limit.

The parrot was addicted to the lesson, and together with the purple concubine, the purple concubine was forced to freak out, the limit kept breaking, the small realm kept breaking, and rushed towards the Life Palace Realm.

All night, after completing the task, I drank a bowl of diluted water of blood essence. The parrot forcibly drove the purple iron wolf to the Burning Peak and went straight to the cave. The purple concubine rushed to the Life Palace Realm First Step.

At this moment, it was dark before dawn, and the two people progressed very fast, but their legs were numb, their walking was shaking, and they could no longer maintain it. Ye Qinghan felt almost the same, and said, “Divide the last water. , Go back to rest, after dawn, I hope you guys will come to the Martial Practice Stage before me. “

After Ye Qinghan spoke, he turned and walked towards the room the tribe had arranged for him.

The sisters and brothers were pale, Zi Feier never thought that his limit turned out to be this way. Although she was excited but exhausted, she could not recover after drinking a bowl of water with Fire Crow blood essence. She just wanted to fall to the ground. go to bed.

“Tsk tsk tsk, you are too weak, you ca n’t stand this little bitterness, how can you become a talent?” The parrot is boosted shamelessly, tsk tsk taunted.

The purple iron wolf glared at the parrot, and always felt that this guy was intentional, and he only burned his butt, and at one point, the injury and the injury, and now he dare not sit, the kind of painful pain made him cry.

Zi Fei’er’s fighting spirit was inspired. She is also a tribal flower with a radius of a few hundred miles, and her strength is younger generation number one powerhouse. How can a bird look down on it? Suddenly looking up, there is still room to go to her own. hospital.

I have to say that this move of the parrot was very useful. Even the purple iron wolf was irritated and limped to his room with a wooden bucket.

At home, Zifeier could no longer disguise, fell asleep on the bed, and the purple iron wolf weeped directly, lying down, not lying down …

On the 2nd day, Zi Feier got up early, washed up, felt strong and strong, and strengthened her strength by dozens of times. Her strength was enough to shoot beyond 1000 meters. At this moment, Ye Qinghan’s hell training is no longer Dare to doubt, forcibly dragged the purple iron wolf up to the Martial Practice Stage, and found that someone was practicing on the Martial Practice Stage, and Ye Qinghan was walking towards the Martial Practice Stage with a parrot.

“Good morning, Senior!” Zi Feier and Zi Tie Wolf said in unison.

“Run 100 laps first, an hour, and after that I will take you to hunt.” Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

One hour, 100 laps, this is quite fast. The two turned without the slightest hesitation and rushed to the Martial Practice Stage. They ran, and the parrot flew directly to the purple concubine’s shoulder under the gesture of Ye Qinghan. She could hardly move, but still had to grit her teeth to move.

The purple iron wolf exhales one mouthful of impure air, rushing madly forward, fearing that the parrot would lie to itself.

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