Over the mad house, the divine glow shines for 9 days, which is equivalent to dozens of house powerhouses fighting, thrilling, and disappearing without notice!

House owners, there are so few planes, plus younger generation’s top powerhouse, there will never be more than 10000 people! This is the median plane, with countless creatures, the number of median sacrifice is 100 100000000, the number of lower sacrifice is not known much, and the mad government gathered such a large number of housekeepers in a night!

Dozens of masters of the Inner Sect were imprisoned by ten parties, and the Iron Dragon Army quietly appeared under the leadership of the Army. 1000 meters of War Zone imprisoned.

Because of the raid, Asura Dazun beheaded and killed 2 people, dragged one by, Han Han was dragged to the ground by Xiaojia, and Kuangzong even had the upper hand at this moment! Otherwise it would be terrible today, with countless deaths and injuries!

Ye Qinghan exudes terrifying dragon power, 7 feet of madness constantly distributes divine glow, Chaos Divine Source infinitely blesses Ye Qinghan’s divine force, 6 gods are mobilized at the same time, and Ye Qinghan’s warfare has reached an unprecedented level.

“Canglong goes to sea!”

hua hua Wow ——————

Ye Qinghan smashed the ground with one foot and waved a violent slash to the old mansion owner. It was unstoppable. Behind him, a huge dragon appeared, accompanied by the impact of Ye Qinghan and pressed against his opponent.


The Canglong shouted, and the blade glow cut through time and space and appeared in front of the opponent.

The opponent is the older generation ’s battle strength, the cultivation base is quite exaggerated, and it seems to raise his hand gently. In fact, Heaven and Earth Law are mobilized, Five Elements is chaotic, and the divide force converges into a big hand covering the sky. Smashed into Ye Qinghan.


The huge 5-finger fingerprints shattered the void and slammed into the 7-foot weight of Ye Qinghan. The tearing sound broke through everyone’s eardrums and rushed for 9 days. The defensive grand formation was difficult to stop!

蹭蹭 蹭 ——————

Ye Qinghan’s instantaneous explosive power exceeded ten times as usual, and he couldn’t resist the attack of the old master of the house. He suddenly regressed continuously, step by step, the ground slammed, and flew up to 100 meters. It almost hit the defensive grand formation of Inner Sect on!


Ye Qinghan roared, and his dragon’s blood burned and turned into a divine force pouring out. The divine force in the godhead was consumed Thoroughly in an instant. The divine source of the chaotic Divine Source began to pour out. attack.

“The light of rice grains dare to fight for the bright moon!” The corner of the mouth of the Old Palace Master is raised, revealing a touch of disdain. The Old Palace Master is the Old Palace Master, no matter how younger generation is, it can only be compared with ordinary government owners on the terms of equal terms. This kind of super-level existence, suppressing evil thoughts is not a problem!


The old man broke out again, the divine force blessed as much as 80%, the great hand seal became more solid, and the fiercely pressure was on Ye Qinghan.

Ka-cha ……

The crisp sound of broken bones pierced the eardrums of everyone, Ye Qinghan’s fleshhy body was distorted, the dragon’s blood veins and the Five Elements body burst out at the same time, divide glow ten thousand zhang.

“Haoyue can also be covered by rays of light by dark clouds!”

Ye Qinghan yelled, gradually stabilized his body, stared at the old man in the air, felt the opponent’s murderous intention, his brain was running madly, and it was impossible to block the existence of such an Old Palace Master with hard resistance alone.

The left hand gradually got rid of the craziness, and summoned the ten square seal, and began to draw thedivine force from the chaotic Divine Source in the craziness. However, the divine force consumed by the ten square seal is too large, and the divine he can call from it Force was sucked away madly, and could not trigger the Shifang Seal at all!

“Time! I need a breath of time!” Ye Qinghan growled, Shifangyin could not be triggered, it is a matter of time before he loses!

At this moment, Lu Zhantian suddenly rushed in from the outside, pierced through the void, and inserted behind the Old Palace Master.


Behind the Old Palace Master, three haloes were fired, which blocked the battle of Land Warrior, but instead caused the land warrior to fly!

Unwilling to reconcile, Marine Battle Sky stood up again, mobilizing all the divine forces to converge on this blow.


Behind the Old Palace Master, two 2-color haloes were formed, which directly broke the lance in the hands of Lu Zhantian, who smashed the blood into the distance.

2 gods! The old man in front of him actually has 2 gods, no wonder he has so many divide force!

Ye Qinghan pupils shrank, the sun was shining, and the Divine Source was directly pulled out, giving up the mad defense, and instantly extracting the vast strength of Primal Chaos, which triggered the ten-square seal!

Without the mad resistance, the old man murderous intention suddenly appeared, and he waved the great hand seal to collapse the void, falling from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, photographed the sky above Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan’s facial muscles have been changed into shape by vigor, and the breath of death is shrouded. At this moment, only the night and day can’t erupt, and the formidable power of the ten square seals can’t erupt instantly. Ye Qinghan will die!

Ye Qinghan is just gambling, betting he can mobilize Shifangyin in an instant!


The Shifangyin was really mobilized. Ye Qinghan drained all the divine force remaining in the six gods, poured it into the Shifangyin, and pushed it with both palms.

“Shifangfang! Inverse 9 days!”


The Shifangyin recoiled for 9 days, fiercely hit the great hand seal, and the higher breath was poured into the Old Palace Master’s within the body through the divine force.


“No! This is the upper Divine Item …”

The Old Palace Master screamed, his arms burst, his powdered bones were broken, his remains fiercely hit the sky, but he was stopped by the Iron Dragon’s defense Formation.


The dignified Old Palace Master was turned by Shifang Yinzhen’s dizziness, and then smashed on the defense Formula. The Defense Formula could not withstand the impact of the Shifangyin and the Old Palace Master fleshy body, and it broke down directly. The horrible impact rushed unscrupulously to all directions.

“Fight! Stop me!”

Lu Zhantian yelled and rushed out to block the aftermath. The aftermath was too horrible. Once it was unstoppable, let alone the innocent creatures on the periphery, even the 30000 remaining Iron Dragon Army would be wiped out!

No one in the Iron Dragon Army was afraid of death. At this moment, all the dive force was poured out, just to block the aftermath. Formation suddenly shone to the sky, and a huge ball of light appeared over the mad house.


More than 1000 disciples of Kuangzong outer sect rushed out, and desperately had to pour themselves into the formation of the divide force within the body.

But Formation on the verge of collapse, it will collapse at any time!


The Mansion House suddenly rushed out of 1000 silhouettes, followed by nearly 10000 people, all of them real saints. They were ordinary residents, and there were also people from the Great Sect. They all rushed to the War Zone and divine their forces. Immerse in the Formula and help the mad sect resist!

This is the cohesion of the mad house. There are more and more people coming from the periphery. Divine force Formation is becoming more and more stable. Ye Qinghan can use the ten-square seal unscrupulously, and the Old Palace Master that he played is losing.

“Universe Shifang listen to my order! Repression!”

Ye Qinghan is like killing the gods in 9 days, and even defense is not needed. Use Shifang Seal to rotate at a high speed. Shifang Strength of Heaven and Earth is under control. Blessing Shifang Seal, fiercely hit the Old Palace Master!

Although the Old Palace Master is powerful, it cannot yet mention on equal terms with the higher Divine Item!


The Shifangyin was directly buckled on the forehead of the Old Palace Master. His head was immediately smashed, and the goddess was suppressed under the Shifangyin. No matter how two gods struggled, they could not break the restraint of the Shifangyin!

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