
A loud scream rang through the mountains and rivers, and the emotions of all the people in the Kuangfu territory were mobilized. The Kuangzong gave them a sense of belonging, and they did not want the Kuangfu to collapse and become a slave of others! Kuangfu has led countless sects to become rich and become equal, and no force can give them such treatment!

Protect Kuangzong!

This is the belief of all mad house situations. Even if you can’t participate in the war, you must at least stabilize the defense formation, with more people and more strength, and more strength, the hope of Kuangzong victory will be one point!

In addition to the 30000 Iron Dragon Army, more than 3000 Inner Sect people, there are hundreds of experts who are hunting thousand. They are all masters from the mad sect. They came from all directions. Almost 1000000 people!

One person with a divide force will be able to bring this area to death, even more how they are a divorce force at all costs!

Defence Formation as stable as Mount Tai!


Yin Yin Yin ——————

Qin Qu was killed, Ye Huang stood up and turned into the most terrifying blade, which made people invincible and blasted directly in the enemy’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Cold Iron and Liumang were defeated by Ye Huang and Medusa. Liumang was partly petrified, and the battle strength was weakened. Finally, Shige hit a head from a brick on the back. Divine on the spot Physique bursts and Godhead is forcibly suppressed by Medusa!

Only Cold Iron, Medusa, Ye Huang and Shi Ge teamed up. It only took a moment and another expert was lost!

With many people and strong power, coupled with cohesion, Kuangfu has hardly lost anyone, and even if it is hit hard, it will not threaten life! And the 2 or so people in the God Organization have been killed by now!

The man in the Kuangfu vacated his hand, and more people hit one. Yao Zilong roared, and was hurt, very desperate. The 2 people brought in could crush the Kuangfu into slag, but it failed. Maybe the whole army is gone!

“Ye Qinghan, you are waiting for a full-scale war with the God Organization …”


Yao Zilong shouted, and now wants to threaten Ye Qinghan, but was struck by Asura Dazu on the chest, and then almost cut off his Divine Weapon! Fall straight back and crash into the distance.

xiu’s € ‘€ € € € €

A sword glow splits the sky. The sword’s will is enough to command Kendo. A sword spawns 3 swords. They are swept across Yao Zilong’s head, back and waist. Sword energy with irreversible will suppress Yao Zilong’s fleety body .

Heavenly Dao Human Sovereign sword no stronghold one cannot overcome in Emperor Longtian’s hands, directly tearing Yao Zilong’s defense, the godhead rushed out, and just wanted to escape, but he was kicked upside down by an upside-down gold hook, and directly kicked to Asura’s position.

Yao Zilong defeated!

Asura shrugged his shoulders. He managed to defeat Yao Zilong before he had time to kill him. Instead, he was killed by the Little Brat of Dilong Tian, ​​but he was not interested in competing with Dilong Tian and forcibly detained Yao Zilong. Godhead, kill his soul on the spot!

At this moment, Nie Tian and the others broke out and actually caught Xue Chong alive. There were too many powerhouses and there was nothing to say about Snow Crush. After all, Yang Ru and Dragon Race Eldest Prince were under siege, and there were many masters of the crazy Inner Sect. Even if his battle strength is stronger, it is a defeat!

“I surrender, as long as you don’t kill, let you mention the conditions!” Xue Chong was chopped on the chest by Nie Tian’s axe, nearly died on the spot, hit the ground, and coughed up blood, knowing that there was no chance, he surrendered.

The crowd swarmed up and imprisoned Snow.

At this moment, only Aojian was still struggling. At a glance, dozens of mad masters gathered around, his fingertips were trembling, and he didn’t know what to do.

“He is an internal member of the God Organization, but he is not an outsider. This person cannot stay!” Xie Nianxue is covered in blood, and he has his own and a proud sword. It can be seen that Ao Jian’s strength is really strong.

When Ao Jian heard it, knowing that there was no hope of surrender, he could not help but threaten angrily, “What you have done today has angered the organization, and even angered the God of Heaven Academy, I don’t want to live if I die!”

“As long as you kill all of you and destroy the corpse, God Organization and Academy of Heaven have to eat this dumb loss!” Ye Qinghan groaned, wielding the Shifangyin fiercely and smashed it, directly hitting Aojian’s chest.


Ao Jian coughs up blood, and Godhead is almost smashed, and he does not resist at all. At this time, resistance is also death, and resistance is also death. It is just a matter of time that’s all. If you do n’t resist, there may be a chance.

The proud sword simply inserted the sword on the ground, glaring at everyone, as if to say, I have abandoned the sword. If you are heroes, you can’t shoot again!

Ye Qinghan sneered, lightly saying, “I only talk about winning and losing, and life and death. I never consider myself a hero. Winning him may be useful.”

Inner Sect rushed out dozens of people to forcibly suppress Aojian, sealed his godhead, and tied it up.

This night passed, the God Organization did not save Lin Yi, but instead planted 2 powerful beings, killed 9 people tragically, and captured 2 people alive. As for Han Yi, at this moment I do not know.

Xiao Jia crawled out of the ground, and Divine Physique was almost crushed by the Shifang Seal. At this moment, sweating, he looked at the mess outside the Kuangfu.

“Where did you drag Han Yan?” Si Kongcheng Jun curiously asked.

“Under the ground, it should be about 1000 meters deep.” Xiao Jia chuckled, this time it can be considered a success. If Han Xun participated in the battle, Kuangzong may not win.

A powerhouse at the level of a governor can control the battle. Even more how is a great instructor of the Academy!

Ye Qinghan clung to Iron Fist and said that the killing intent had already occurred to this Han Yan, and said lowly, “Drag him up again!”


At this moment, Han Qiu was lying on the ground, desperately struggling, but the density here was too high to be pressed by Shifang. Even if it could be broken, it would not break the 1000 meters high ground!

His body was sore, and he had no strength to use it. He could only lie on the dark ground, waiting for someone to dig him out.

I don’t know how long he lay down, Xiao Jia appeared, and dragged him up again. He just took the lead and wanted to hurt his hands, but he saw a group of experts surrounded him.


Ye Qinghan hit his face with a punch, and his power is so vast, he can smash a median god with his fleshhy body alone.

Han Yan had time to speak in the future, and his head was hit with a fist.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ……

Han Zheng only felt that he had Venus in two eyes, and his head didn’t listen to himself, yet he didn’t get up yet. Ye Qinghan punched another hand and hit his chest.


Han Yan curled up, spit out a blood essence, and was convulsed by a blow from Ye Qinghan. She was lying on the floor and convulsing, bloodshot all over her, as if stabbed by a knife.

A lot of Destruction Aura was poured into its without the body, and Han Yan felt the advent of death.

“Don’t kill … kill me …” Han Yun was terrified and mourned. Even if he went to Divine Kingdom, the god academy of aloof and remote, all the salamanders had to saluted and said hello, where would they die.

“Perfect you, then kill you!”

Ye Qinghan was full of blue tendons, dragon’s blood was boiling, incarnation of Canglong, and one punch hit Han Di’s Divine Physique directly, dragging his godhead out, and then throwing Han Di to Star-studded Rattan.

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