Chapter 699: Be Your Most Loyal Warrior

“Tang Qing, I’m sorry…”

Mu Beichen felt very sad and guilty, and murmured: “If I went to find you earlier, maybe we won’t be separated for so long.”

He was all about revenge on Mu’s family, and he never thought that Tang Qing was also in the imperial capital.

Now that he knows the truth, he really regrets it.

Tang Qing heard his voice hoarse and low, comforting him, “Don’t be like this, don’t we meet now? I heard that Midley is dead, and we don’t have to be afraid of him anymore. I will never again. left.”

Speaking of Midley’s death, this was really news that caught Tang Qing off guard.

He was both excited and full of resentment.

Midley is the person he hates most in his life.

Failing to kill that person personally, Tang Qing felt that it would be hard for him to let go of it all his life.

He only hates himself for being incompetent.

If he were not a flawless person, he would have killed Midley himself.

“Yeah, we don’t have to be afraid of him anymore. That demon finally died.” Mu Beichen felt happy when he thought of Midley’s death.

Tang Qing asked curiously, “By the way, Beichen, do you know how he died?”

“I killed it!” Mu Beichen’s eyes were red.

Tang Qing was stunned, “What?”

“I killed him, Tang Qing, I avenged you.”

“Beichen, you…” Tang Qing was completely stunned, “Why are you so stupid? If you have some shortcomings, wouldn’t I…”

A sinner.

Tang Qing was scared after thinking about it. Midley’s power in Xizhou was unmatched, and Mu Beichen’s doing this was simply taking his life to risk.

“As long as I can kill him, I will not hesitate to kill him,” Mu Beichen said bitterly. The next second, the second became gentle, “Tang Qing, you won’t have to hide in hiding anymore.”

“I assure you that all the days to come will be full of light, and we will never be separated again.”

“I will always guard you and be your most loyal warrior.”

Mu Beichen said sincerely, and his eyes flashed with deep love.

Tang Qing was moved to tears.

“Thank you, Beichen, it is the luck of my life to meet you.”

“With your words, everything I have done is worth it.”

At this moment, Mu Beichen felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

Tang Qing never expected that Mu Beichen had always remembered these things.

In his impression, Mu Beichen was nothing but an ordinary soldier from the ancient state.

How precious it is for a soldier to have this loyalty.

Tang Qing is grateful to Mu Beichen. If Mu Beichen hadn’t saved him back then, maybe he would have been killed by Midley just like his parents.

The two chatted all night in the garden, finishing up what they hadn’t said in the past few years.

Until dawn broke, the two went back to the house to sleep.

Mu Beichen opened the door and saw Xu Chenxi sleeping in his bedroom. He turned his head and went to Tang Qing’s room to sleep with Tang Qing.

Xu Chenxi stayed up all night, and she was a little sad to see Mu Beichen turn around and leave.

He seemed to be repelling her again.

Xu Chenxi didn’t know what she had done wrong, how could she please Mu Beichen?

Obviously they have already had a relationship, why is Mu Beichen still so indifferent to her?

Is she too unattractive?



Mu Beichen came to a hospital and met with his doctor friend.

He has few friends, and this doctor is an exception.

Sitting in the office.

The doctor greeted Mu Beichen in pure Xizhou, “It’s been a long time since I saw you, Mr. Chen.”

“Dr. Edward, today I came here to have an important thing to talk to you.” Mu Beichen is straightforward.

“Please tell me.” The doctor probably guessed what he was calling.

Mu Beichen went straight to the subject: “Regarding the corneal transplant surgery we discussed earlier, I would like to ask what is the success rate of this surgery? It’s better to be more precise.”

Edward pursed his lips and tilted his head for a moment.

“If you have to be precise, the number I can give you is fifty percent.”

Half hope.

Mu Beichen clenched his fists, a little worried.

“So there is still a risk of failure.”

Edward said slowly: “Generally, the success rate of corneal transplant surgery is around 90%. It stands to reason that this kind of surgery actually has very little risk.”

“But…” Edward raised the volume, a melancholy flashed in his eyes.

“You also know that your friend’s condition is actually quite special. He is born blind. It is almost impossible to cure this condition.”

“I have been in the doctor for more than 20 years. I have seen only two successful cases in this situation over the years. This is indeed a big challenge, and it is also a high-risk operation.”

Edward is a world-famous surgeon, and Mu Beichen has known him a few years ago.

For the sake of Tang Qing’s eyes, Mu Beichen has been thinking of ways for so many years.

The general cornea is definitely not good.

If you want to increase the chance of surgery, you can only find the most special, high-quality, and rarest cornea.

Mu Beichen was exhausted for this.

“Fifty percent…” Mu Beichen muttered to himself.

Even if he has worked so hard, there is only a 50% chance.

Edward saw that he was so anxious and kindly comforted him: “50% is already very high. Both of the previous two successful cases are 30%.”

Mu Beichen meditated.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

At this time, he couldn’t retreat, he had no choice but to look at Tang Qing anyway.

He wants to take him to Guzhou and let him see the revival and prosperity of his country.

Even if there is only a 0.1% chance, he will still look for hope without hesitation.

He has found the best quality cornea, and now only needs a transplant.

“When can surgery be done?” Mu Beichen asked calmly.

He was a little excited and a little flustered.

This is a surprise he gave Tang Qing, and I hope Tang Qing will like it.

Edward, “At any time.”

“Then you make arrangements, I will bring people over for you then.”

Mu Beichen made up his mind. He believed in Edward’s strength and also believed that God would favor Tang Qing.

Tang Qing has lost everything. If the naive is really fair, he should be taken care of.

“Okay.” Edward waited for this day and waited a long time.

If he can cure a patient suffering from congenital blindness, then his attainments in the medical field can be improved again.

The two chatted all afternoon and sorted out all the details about the operation.

When leaving, Edward smiled and said to Mu Beichen.

“There are always miracles in this world. I hope your friend is the third lucky one.”

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