Chapter 700 Divorce

When Tang Qing woke up, she found no one beside her.

He walked out of the room slowly, and suddenly ran into a figure.

“Ah…” Xu Chenxi called out.

“Are you okay, sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Tang Qing realized that he had hit someone and immediately apologized.

Xu Chenxi touched her shoulder and stared at him for several seconds.

At such a close distance, she saw Tang Qing’s pupils.

It’s a bit brown, and also a bit gray, with a hint of blue.

She saw this pupil color for the first time.

It’s like a starry sky.

Without hearing the other party’s response, Tang Qing felt a little uneasy, “Did I hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine.” Xu Chenxi immediately recovered.

Tang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s fine if it’s all right, it’s fine if it’s all right, by the way, have you seen Beichen? Where has he gone?”

He can tell the position of others by breathing, so at this moment his eyes are looking directly at Xu Chenxi.

Xu Chenxi couldn’t tell at all that he was blind.

She answered truthfully, “He is out.”

Tang Qing nodded slightly, “Well, then I’ll wait for him to come back here, thank you.”

He is a very polite person, and he exudes a gentle, gentle, reserved and noble temperament all the time.

Xu Chenxi had a good impression of him.

Mu Beichen’s warning echoed in his ears, and people couldn’t help but fight a cold war in their hearts.

Xu Chenxi glanced around, confirming that no one was back, and finally decided to talk to Tang Qing.

“Are you a friend of the young master?” She kept her current identity in mind, so she spoke carefully.

“Well, yes.” Tang Qing smiled.

He was inexplicably proud.

Mu Beichen’s friend.

For him, this is an identity he should be proud of for life.

“Where are you from?”

Xu Chenxi was actually more curious about where these beautiful eyes came from.

She had never seen such eyes.

It’s really charming.

This question stumped Tang Qing.

His real home was Gu Zhou. He lived there for more than ten years. Later, when the country fell, he stayed in Xizhou for six years.

Later, he stayed in the imperial capital for another four years.

To ask him where he came from, he really didn’t know how to answer.

He wanted to answer Gu Zhou.

But that country was dead long ago, and he was afraid that he would be laughed at when he said it.

Seeing that he hadn’t spoken for a long time, Xu Chenxi saw that he seemed very embarrassed.

She said warmly: “It’s okay, you don’t want to say it or you don’t need to say it, I just ask casually.”

“Yeah.” Tang Qing nodded, seeing that she hadn’t asked her but was a little more relaxed.

He thought the person in front of him was a maid, so he was happy to answer her.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

Xu Chenxi was curious. From yesterday to now, she didn’t know what this person was called.

Tang Qing smiled, “Tang Qing.”

His real name is too long, so he just said it directly.

Gu Zhou country is gone, and his former name has become a thing of the past.

Tang Qing!

Xu Chenxi’s head roared, and there seemed to be a dark cloud above her head, flashing thunder and lightning.

“You… what do you say your name is?”

Xu Chenxi stumbled without standing still, she was holding on to the wall, her breath a little quick.

“Tang Qing, what’s the matter?” Tang Qing heard that her voice was wrong.

Xu Chenxi couldn’t believe her ears.

She slumped on the ground and saw everything in front of her like an illusion.

The brain hurts, and the ears hurt.

Accompanied by the tingling sensation of tinnitus, she curled up and whispered.

“Tang Qing, you are Tang Qing!”

“Man, you turned out to be a man!”

Xu Chenxi felt that the world had collapsed.

What does it mean?

Is the person Mu Beichen always fond of turned out to be a man?

Do not.

This is impossible!

How is this possible!

Mu Beichen obviously slept with her?

How could he like men.

“You…what’s wrong with you?” Tang Qing heard her surprised and panic voice, knelt down and asked her gently, “Do you know me?”

Hearing this girl’s tone, it seemed that he had heard his name.

Xu Chenxi trembled all over.

She suddenly felt scared and sick.

Mu Beichen actually likes a man, what is this all about?

She raised her eyes to look at Tang Qing, feeling a little weird.

It shouldn’t be, Tang Qing’s eyes, why don’t they seem to have any problems.

“You…your eyes…” Xu Chenxi just wanted to ask.

There was a cold voice above his head.

“What are you doing.”

As soon as Mu Beichen went upstairs, he saw this picture, and he was furious.

“Bei Chen, you are back, she…”

“Tang Qing, you go into the house, and I will come back to you later.”

Mu Beichen’s eyes fixed on Xu Chenxi, as if he wanted to eat people.

Tang Qing was at a loss. He heard that Mu Beichen was angry, so he didn’t dare to talk too much.


Tang Qing turned back to the room.

Mu Beichen grabbed Xu Chenxi’s hair and dragged her to another room.


Xu Chenxi hit the corner of the wall with her head, and she yelled in pain.

Mu Beichen closed the door, walked over and grabbed her neck, angrily reprimanded, “How dare you take my words off your ears? Have you eaten Xiongxin Leopard’s gall?”

He only confessed yesterday that this woman is restless today.

Dare to approach Tang Qing, he wants her life.

“Cough cough cough…” Xu Chenxi struggled with his wrist, “I… I didn’t… listen to me… explain to you…”

Mu Beichen increased his strength, and Xu Chenxi’s face flushed, and all the blood was gone.

She cried out: “I…I just happened to be at the door… met him… I didn’t intentionally… want to get close to him…”

“Please, forgive me this time, I won’t dare anymore…”

Xu Chenxi was almost out of breath, her eyes started to roll.

Mu Beichen let her go.

“You have no chance.”

He turned around, took out a document from the safe, quickly signed it, and then threw it in front of Xu Chenxi.

“Our agreement ends here.”

Xu Chenxi’s eyes widened.

It is the divorce agreement.

This agreement has been kept for a long time, and she signed it a few years ago.

She also signed another agreement at the time.

That agreement is a prenuptial agreement.

Inside, there is a deal between Mu Beichen and her.

“No, please, don’t divorce.”

Xu Chenxi knelt and walked to Mu Beichen’s side and hugged his thigh.

“Chen, please don’t leave me…”

“I was wrong, I don’t dare anymore…”

“I listen to you, I will listen to you obediently in the future…”

“Please, don’t divorce, okay…”

Xu Chenxi trembled with fear. She couldn’t live without Mu Beichen. She loved this man to her bones.

Mu Beichen kicked her away.

“Xu Chenxi, don’t forget what was written in the agreement. Now, it’s time to fulfill the transaction between us.”

“Your cornea, it’s time to hand it over.”

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