Chapter 701 Corneal Transplantation Surgery

Xu Chenxi lay on the ground, tears raining down.

“no, do not want……”

“I don’t want to be blind, Chen, please don’t do this to me…”

She regretted it.

At the beginning, in order to marry Mu Beichen, she resolutely signed the agreement and sacrificed her precious cornea.

For so many years, he has always thought that Mu Beichen would not use her eyes with a fluke.

But she was wrong.

Mu Beichen would save her back then because of her eyes.

Her cornea is the point.

“Oh, this can’t be yours,” Mu Beichen looked down at her condescendingly.

He bypassed her, walked out, and directly locked the door.

“No, don’t!” Xu Chenxi shuddered when she heard the sound of the lock cylinder twisting.

She climbed to the door and slapped it vigorously.

“Chen, please let me out, I won’t dare anymore…uuuuu…”

Mu Beichen came to another room.

Tang Qing stood on the balcony to blow the air, and suddenly turned around when he heard the sound of the door, “coming.”

Mu Beichen walked to his side and asked, “It’s so windy outside, isn’t it cold for you to stand here?”

“It’s not cold, it’s cool!” Tang Qing sat on a chair on the balcony.

Mu Beichen sat beside him, “Come with me to the hospital tomorrow!”

Tang Qing’s expression changed slightly, and she worried about his body when she heard that she was going to the hospital, “What’s the matter, does the wound on your back hurt again?”

“Yeah!” Mu Beichen responded softly.

“Okay, I’ll accompany you.” Tang Qing agreed without thinking.


The next day, the hospital.

Mu Beichen brought Tang Qing to the hall and said gently: “I have made an appointment for a full-body examination. Let’s do it together later.”

“Okay.” Tang Qing didn’t refuse, thinking it was just a normal body check.

When Mu Beichen came to the surgical office, seeing Edward, the two winked at each other, and both sides understood what the other meant.

Edward brought the two to the operating room, when Xu Chenxi was already lying on the operating bed.

“Come, lie down!” Edward took Tang Qing to another operating bed.

After a while, he will directly take Xu Chenxi’s cornea for transplantation. The entire operation only takes about two hours.

Tang Qing lay down, he still didn’t know that what was waiting for him was a transplant operation.

Mu Beichen’s heart was gripped.

Edward turned to look at him, motioned him to go outside and wait.

Mu Beichen was reluctant. He looked at Tang Qing on the operating bed and couldn’t help but want to look at him more.

The other medical staff walked in, and Mu Beichen knew that he could not stay here, so he retired.

The light on the door came on, a little dazzling.

Mu Beichen stood outside the door of the operating room, wandering back and forth anxiously.

“Please, it must be successful…it must be successful…”

Two hours later, the door of the operating room opened.

Tang Qing was pushed out by medical staff, still in a coma.

Edward walked out and took off his mask.

“How is it?” Mu Beichen stepped forward and asked worriedly, “Is the operation successful?”

Edward smiled slightly, “It’s quite successful, the next step is to wait for the result.”

“How long will you have to wait?” Mu Beichen asked.

Edward replied, “Two or three days, let’s go through the hospitalization procedures first, so that I can know the first time if there are special circumstances.”

“Okay, I’ll go through the hospitalization procedures immediately.”

Mu Beichen rushed to the hall non-stop.

After completing the hospitalization procedures, Tang Qing was sent to the membership ward.

Xu Chenxi was sent to the most common ward.


When Tang Qing woke up, she had a headache.

He felt a piece of gauze as thin as a cicada’s wings over his eyes.

“Wake up, hey, don’t move!”

As soon as Mu Beichen walked into the room, he saw Tang Qing touching the piece of gauze.

“Bei Chen, what is this?”

Tang Qing felt a bit astringent in her eyes, so she didn’t dare to open her eyes.

Mu Beichen sat beside him and said, “You have just had an operation, don’t open your eyes.”

“What? Surgery?” Tang Qing was stunned by these words like a bolt from the blue.

“Sorry, I lied to you. Today I brought you to the hospital for corneal transplant surgery.”

There is actually a reason why Mu Beichen didn’t tell Tang Qing.

If you tell Tang Qing the truth, Tang Qing will definitely refuse the operation.

Tang Qing has always cared about her own shortcomings and never dared to trouble others.

Especially Mu Beichen.

Tang Qing was completely stunned when he heard the words of corneal transplantation.

“Beichen, you… why are you…”

“Why do you want to do this, you know it’s impossible to cure my eyes.”

Tang Qing blamed herself very much.

He has been a burden since he was born. He already owed Mu Beichen too much, and he didn’t want Mu Beichen to worry about him all day because of his eyes.

Mu Beichen shook his hand, “No, it will be cured, you believe me.”

He will not give up.

“Bei Chen, don’t be like this. I am congenital blindness, not an acquired cause. Don’t do such stupid things in the future.” Tang Qing was full of guilt, “Who owns the cornea? It’s been transplanted to me, what about that person?”

Mu Beichen didn’t want him to have concerns, so he lied casually, “Don’t worry, the owner of this cornea is dead.”

Hearing this, Tang Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

“That’s good, that’s good.”

Mu Beichen patted his hand, “Okay, the operation has been completed, so don’t think about it anymore, just lie down and take a good rest.”

Tang Qing looked complicated, “Promise me, don’t do this again in the future, this is the only time.”

He knew that he would never see the light in his life, so he didn’t want to trouble anyone anymore.

“Okay, listen to you.” Mu Beichen responded gently to him.

He needs to recover well after the operation. At this time, he doesn’t want to make Tang Qing unhappy.

Three days later.

Edward came to the ward and helped Tang Qing remove the shading gauze.

Tang Qing sat upright and did not dare to move.

He closed his eyes, very nervous.

I don’t know why, he would expect it, expecting to see a ray of light.

The light shone on his face, irritating his eyes, and Tang Qing’s eyelids moved unconsciously.

Edward asked, “How do you feel? Are there any discomforts?”

Tang Qing replied, “A little bit.”

Edward was even more nervous than Tang Qing, “Come on, try to open your eyes slowly.”

Tang Qing’s hand gripped the bed sheet tensely, her breathing became unstable.

Mu Beichen on the side was also nervous and did not dare to take a breath, his eyes kept falling on Tang Qing’s body.

Tang Qing’s eyelids trembled slightly, and he tried to open his eyes little by little.

Edward reached out to his face and waved back and forth.

“Did you see anything?”

Tang Qing’s eyes hurt, it was the kind of dry pain. He squinted slightly, feeling as if a hand was shaking in front of him.

But it is very vague.

Tang Qing looked uncertain, “It seems that a hand is moving.”

Hearing this, Edward showed a happy expression.

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