Chapter 703: I Won’t Love You Anymore

“Really? Heh…what qualifications do you have to tell me your sincerity?” Mu Beichen’s face raised a sarcasm.

“A broken shoe worn by someone else wants to get my love from Mu Beichen?” He sneered and said, “Don’t be naive, in my eyes you are just a rubbish, a broken shoe, and a dirty, undesirable smell. rag.”

Although he usually speaks badly, he has never said Xu Chenxi like this.

Today, he simply said what was in his heart so that this bitch would completely give up.

Xu Chenxi’s heart was cut like a knife, “It turns out that you always look at me like this.”

It turned out that she was so unbearable in his eyes.

After all, she was naive.

She thought that as long as she was obedient enough, as long as she stayed by his side steadfastly, one day he would always see her.

Wrong, she was wrong.

She shouldn’t fall in love with him.

“It’s okay!” Xu Chenxi pursed her pale lips, her expression twitching, “It’s all because of me, I admit it.”

After so many years, he can’t get his sincerity. What can she hope for?

No more love, she doesn’t want to love anymore.

She has only fallen in love with such a person in her life, but this person loves a man.

She can’t fight, and can’t fight.

If the other party is a woman, maybe she will fight, but Mu Beichen likes a man.

Xu Chenxi closed her eyes in despair.

“Mu Beichen, I won’t love you anymore.”

Losing a pair of eyes, her heart was completely dead.

There was no wave in Mu Beichen’s eyes, he didn’t care about her love.

Now that Xu Chenxi gave up, he would be able to completely get rid of this troublesome woman in the future.

“Study for a couple, I will arrange someone to send you back to the imperial capital.”

As soon as the voice fell, he left.


The moment the door closed, Xu Chenxi’s emotions finally broke out.

She clutched her clothes and wept bitterly.

Tears and nose dripped on the pillow, Xu Chenxi cried ugly, and it was really painful.


everything is over.

There is no future between her and Mu Beichen.


“The Breaking Wave is about to sail, please passengers speed up boarding…”

At the Huaihe Ferry in Xizhou, someone shouted with a loudspeaker.

“Tang Qing, take me tight…”

The crowd at the ferry gate was crowded, and Mu Beichen was afraid that Tang Qing would be lost, so he kept pulling him tightly.

Tang Qing did not dare to let go, for fear that he would be squeezed away when he let go.

The two got on the boat with difficulty and came to a double room.

Sitting down, Mu Beichen handed Tang Qing a cup of hot water.

Tang Qing took it and drank gruntingly.

“Why are there so many people on this ship? Are they all going to Guzhou?”

Mu Beichen nodded, “Well, this ship is heading for Guzhou.”

Tang Qing wondered, “Why? Gu Zhou has obviously perished, why are so many people going there?”

Guzhou ceased to exist ten years ago. So many people are scrambling to go there. Is there anything attractive there?

Tang Qing thought to herself, but she was a little curious.

Mu Beichen sold Guanzi, “You’ll know when you wait.”

“Okay.” Tang Qing didn’t ask much.

Mu Beichen opened a box and took out a bottle of eye drops from the box.

“Come on, I’ll give eye drops.”

Tang Qing obediently raised her head and opened her eyes wide.

Drops of water dripped on the eyeballs, and the cold feeling continued to flow into his heart.

Tang Qing blinked.

Mu Beichen squatted down, went to see him, and asked concerned, “Have you felt better in the past two days?”

Tang Qing looked at the person in front of him, his sight was still blurred.

He shook his head, “Still very vague.”

Mu Beichen was not in a hurry: “It doesn’t matter, we take it slowly, and one day we will recover.”

“Well, no hurry.” A gentle smile appeared on Tang Qing’s face, “I can see it sooner or later anyway.”

Tang Qing turned her head and looked at the blue outside through the window, “It should be here in about an hour.”

He remembered that there was only a river between Guzhou and Xizhou, and they could arrive soon.

Mu Beichen got up and sat beside him, watching the sea with him. “Actually, it will not take an hour, very soon.”

Tang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, “I really look forward to it. I have finally returned home after ten years.”

The tragic state of the country’s destruction in the past has lingering fears when he thinks of it.

Although he had never seen the war with his own eyes, he actually felt it.

His parents and sister died in the majestic palace.

Everywhere he walked was bloody.

After he was saved, the palace was also set on fire.

His home, his country, was completely destroyed overnight.

The subjugation of Gu Zhou’s country is his eternal pain.


Half an hour later, Tang Qing set foot on the land of Guzhou Country.

He walked on the streets and alleys, and he saw many people vaguely.

Some people are building houses and some people are selling things. It is very lively.

“Bei Chen, what is going on? Why are there so many people here?”

It should be a ruin here.

A carriage passed by, and Mu Beichen subconsciously pulled Tang Qing into the road.

The streets were full of smoke and fire, and Tang Qing was very moved by this flourishing scene.

Mu Beichen slowly said: “The reason why everyone didn’t dare to come before was because they were afraid of Midley’s forces. Now that Midley is dead, those who fled out will naturally come back.”

Tang Qing sighed with emotion.

It is the people who suffer the most from the war.

In order to save their lives, the people of Guzhou country had to leave their country.

Midley has always been arrogant, and will not allow anyone to set foot on the ruined ancient continent.

In recent years, the people of Guzhou have lived in dire straits in other places.

Seeing the people coming back, Tang Qing was really moved.

He seemed to see the future of his country.

Tang Qing asked: “So, can Gu Zhou country return to its former state again?”

Mu Beichen turned his eyes to look at him, and said meaningfully: “When you come back, it can return to the way it was before.”

“Me?” Tang Qing tilted her head.

Mu Beichen smiled slightly, “Did you forget, you are the prince of this country.”

Tang Qing lowered her head when she heard the words.

“I have not been anymore. Gu Zhou is not the old one, and I am not the same as before.”

The status of that noble prince, let’s leave it to memory.

“No, you are.” Mu Beichen saw the loneliness and humbleness in his eyes, and felt a little distressed to comfort him, “In my eyes, you will always be the same you used to be.”

The prince he saw at first sight.

Tang Qing smiled bitterly, “My home has been burned to ashes, and I can’t go back to the past.”

He has been an ordinary person for ten years, and that identity has become an unattainable dream.

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