Chapter 704 Tang Qing succeeds to the throne

“Don’t forget what I promised you.”


“I’ll take you to see.”

Mu Beichen took Tang Qing’s hand, and the two of them shuttled through the busy market.

In the center of Guzhou, there is a palace, a magnificent and luxurious palace.

The appearance of the palace is white and gray, and it looks very solemn, regular and magnificent.

This is the most famous platinum palace in the last century and the residence of the entire Guzhou royal family. The entire palace building symbolizes the power and majesty of the royal family.

On the green square, there are many statues, each with its own characteristics and lifelike.

Tang Qing stood in front of the main entrance of the palace, looking up at the entire palace.

“Beichen, this… is this my home?”

Tang Qing’s voice trembled with excitement. He had lived here for seventeen years.

Seventeen years, a full seventeen years.

Even if he can’t see it, the grass and trees here have long been carved in his mind.

Although her vision was blurred, Tang Qing believed that all this was not an illusion.

“Yes.” Mu Beichen turned to look at Tang Qing’s eyes.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with shock, as well as moving, excitement, and surprise.

It’s worth it.

It’s all worth it.

Everything Mu Beichen has done over the years is worth it.

Tang Qing wanted to cry because he was moved, but he held it back in time.

Tears will affect his vision, and he can’t cry now.

He turned his eyes and looked at Mu Beichen, the person in front of him was so tall and stalwart.

“Beichen, you built this, right?”

Mu Beichen nodded, “I promised you that I will build a palace for you. I’m sorry to keep you waiting for so long.”

He must thank Lu Zixuan, if it weren’t for that man, maybe he would still not be able to fulfill his wish.

Although he was repeatedly frustrated in the imperial capital, but fortunately, the final result was not too bad.

The goal he most wanted to achieve was finally achieved.

Maybe it’s really free arrangement.

He is not the Mu family, so no matter how hard he tries, he will never get the Mu family’s property.

That money didn’t belong to him, nor should it belong to him.

Mu Beichen had already figured it out, and he didn’t want to argue about anything in the future.

He just wanted to be with Tang Qing forever.

He wants to assist him by Tang Qing’s side.

Everything in the imperial capital, let it go with the wind, he won’t miss it anymore.

Those hatred, let it slowly fade over time.

He doesn’t argue for anything.

Tang Qing couldn’t help but hugged Mu Beichen with emotion, “Thank you, Beichen, thank you so much.”

Building such a palace not only takes time, but also consumes energy and money.

Tang Qing could feel that Mu Beichen had paid a lot for him over the years.

He couldn’t imagine it.

Mu Beichen’s body stiffened, he was caught off guard by the hug, and Tang Qing’s temperature was warming him.

He stretched out his hand slowly and responded with a hug.

“Don’t thank me, this is what I should do, Tang Qing, I can’t let you have no home.”

When he said this, Mu Beichen felt a pain in his heart.

The culprit behind Tang Qing’s homelessness was him.

It was he who burned Tang Qing’s home, so he should help Tang Qing build a new home.

“Hahaha…” A thick and simple voice sounded abruptly.

Mu Beichen and Tang Qing separated naturally, looking at the source of the sound.

A burly man walked towards the two of them.

Suddenly, he knelt down on one knee.

“Welcome back, my king.”

Tang Qing frowned slightly, “General Hermann? Is it General Hermann?”

He recognized the voice.

Herman lowered his head, “Back to the king, it is the end.”

Tang Qing was surprised, “General Hermann, you are still alive.”

He thought Hermann would have died long ago.

Herman replied sincerely, “For the sake of Gu Zhou, I can’t die, and I won’t die.”

“General, please get up soon.” Tang Qing could vaguely see the outline of Hermann’s face and the beard at the corner of his mouth.

Herman got up, “King, the last will have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are welcome to come back.”

“Don’t be like this, general, I’m no longer the prince of Guzhou.” Tang Qing whispered: “The general calls me like this, I can’t bear it.”

Since Herman returned to Guzhou, he sent people to look for Tang Qing’s figure.

After so long, there was no news from his people, but Mu Beichen was the first to send news.

Knowing that Mu Beichen had found Tang Qing, he was looking forward to Tang Qing’s return every day.

Tang Qing is the blood of the royal family, and even the only prince of Guzhou Kingdom.

Only when Tang Qing came back could Gu Zhou return to his former state.

“No, in the end of the general’s heart, you will always be the only king of Guzhou.” Herman bowed his head slightly and saluted respectfully.

Although Guzhou is not big, it has always been a monarchy.

This country cannot be without a monarch.

As a member of the royal family, Tang Qing belongs to him as a monarch.


“His Royal Highness, the country cannot be without a king for a day. For the sake of the people of Guzhou, I will finally implore you to succeed this king.”

Seeing that the two were in a stalemate, Mu Beichen stood up and spoke for Hermann, “General Hermann is right, Tang Qing, this is your country, and the people of this country need you now.”

Tang Qing thought for a moment.

All this happened so suddenly, he was not mentally prepared at all.

He said warmly: “You give me some time.”

Mu Beichen didn’t want to embarrass him either. Tang Qing had just returned, so it was important to rest.

He winked at Hermann, and Hermann said nothing.

Entering the palace, everything is almost the same as ten years ago.

As Tang Qing walked, he felt the plants and trees beside him.

The breeze came, and my heart was warm.

The palace was very big, and Mu Beichen took Tang Qing around for a whole day.

Hermann followed behind them, vaguely discovering something was wrong.

He looked at Tang Qing, “His Royal Highness, can your eyes see it?”

Tang Qing nodded, “Well, Bei Chen helped me heal it.”

Herman’s heart was shocked, “Really?”

Mu Beichen nodded solemnly when he saw that he didn’t believe it.

“it is true.”

Herman was speechless with excitement.

“Mrs…. Very good Your Highness.”

“This is really great.”


Shortly after.

Under the persuasion of Mu Beichen and Hermann, Tang Qing succeeded to the throne.

The people support him very much.

The scene of Guzhou is getting better and better, and the streets and alleys are full of laughter.

Mu Beichen was established as a brave general and became the left general who assisted Tang Qing.

Herman is the right general.

The two of them are Tang Qing’s right-hand man, and they are indispensable.

As for the feelings of Mu Beichen and Tang Qing, the two have always buried this precious feeling in their hearts.

They have always been soul mates.

There is no need for those sweet words, nor any oaths.

Kings and generals are the best identities to accompany each other.

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