Chapter 705 Mu Nanfeng Enters the Hospital

The imperial capital, Tianlan Jinyuan.

Mu Nanfeng had locked himself in the room for a while.

He doesn’t get out of the door every day, and the second door doesn’t move, his whole person is depressed and decadent a lot.

“Boom boom boom——”

Elder Mu walked to the door of his room and called him gently through the door.

“Feng’er, open the door to Grandpa.”

After waiting for a long while, there was no movement inside.

Elder Mu’s eye sockets deepened, and he seemed to perceive something wrong.

A sense of unease surged in my heart.

Elder Mu yelled anxiously, “A Zhong, quickly ask someone to open the door…”

Uncle Zhong heard the sound and hurriedly went to find a few powerful servants.

A servant warmly reminded, “Master, stand further and be careful of hurting you.”

Elder Mu stepped aside, Uncle Zhong held his arm, and the two of them looked panic.


The deafening sound, like an earthquake, made people tremble.

Suddenly, the room exudes a strange smell.

Mr. Mu hurriedly walked into the room.

In the eyes, it was a mess, and there was a figure lying on the ground.

Mu Nanfeng’s face was pale, and the beard at the corner of his mouth grew longer, giving him a sense of vicissitudes.

“Ah, Feng’er, you…” Father Mu’s heart sank suddenly, and he ran to Mu Nanfeng and hugged his body.

“Quickly, call an ambulance!”

Uncle Zhong was terrified. He had never seen such a weak Mu Nanfeng.

Dial the number of the ambulance immediately, and the ambulance quickly arrived at Tianlan Jinyuan.

Mu Nanfeng was sent to an ambulance, and Mr. Mu’s father Zhong Bo rushed to Huaren Hospital together.

Bai Ruiqian happened to be resting, and he hurried over after receiving a call from the old man.

“Grandpa, Uncle Zhong.” Bai Ruiqian frowned when he saw the bloodless man on the hospital bed.

“Rui Qian, take a look at Feng’er.” Elder Mu was almost crying, “He…he…”

“Grandpa, don’t worry, there will be nothing wrong with him with me.” Bai Ruiqian vowed.

He bent down, opened Mu Nanfeng’s eyelids, and then opened Mu Nanfeng’s mouth again, shining it with a light, and then measuring Mu Nanfeng’s heartbeat.

“How many days has he not eaten?” Bai Ruiqian asked gently.

Elder Mu looked sad: “For several days, he doesn’t eat every time he is sent in, Rui Qian, will he be okay with Feng’er?”

Bai Ruiqian got up and said, “It’s nothing serious, but the blood sugar is a little low. I will give him some glucose and he will wake up later.”

“Okay, that’s good, it scares me to death.”

Father Mu’s heart fell halfway, he was really afraid of Mu Nanfeng’s shortcomings.

Bai Ruiqian ordered the nurse, and soon Mu Nanfeng was given glucose.

Sitting by the hospital bed, Bai Ruiqian looked at Mu Nanfeng’s haggard face.

He sighed softly.

Mu Nanfeng can’t eat well recently, and doesn’t talk to people every day. This is because of a suffocation.

Elder Mu also sat down and held Mu Nanfeng’s hand tightly with red eyes.

After staying in the ward for a while, Mr. Mu told Uncle Zhong.

“A Zhong, you are guarding Feng’er here, I want to go out and say a few words to Rui Qian alone.”

“Yes, sir.”

The two came to Bai Ruiqian’s office and locked the door, not wanting to be disturbed.

Bai Ruiqian helped the old man to sit down, “Grandpa, what do you want to talk to me about?”

Mr. Mu is straightforward, “Rui Qian, I have something to ask you.”

“Grandpa, you are serious.” Bai Ruiqian was a little flattered, “What are you being polite to me? Just tell me if you have anything to do.”

“Ruiqian…” Elder Mu was so touched that he couldn’t tell, he said bluntly, “I would like to ask you to make an appointment with Ye Xingchen for me.”

He didn’t want to see Ye Xingchen in a day or two, but he was always looking for a suitable opportunity.

“You want to see the stars?” Bai Ruiqian was surprised and curiously asked, “Why?”

Suddenly, Bai Ruiqian seemed to have some premonition and asked, “Is it because of the divorce?”

“Not exactly.” Elder Mu does not deny that there is this reason, but more reasons are actually because, “My grandfather and Ye Xingchen were born and dying brothers. That child was the one I watched and grew up with. I just want to see him.”

When Ye Xingchen was a baby, he still held the baby with his own hands.

Now that he learned that Ye Xingchen was not dead, he was definitely going to see him no matter what.

Bai Ruiqian nodded slightly, “Maybe it’s good for you to go and chat with him. There are some misunderstandings between him and Nan Feng. Go and talk to him, maybe he can still listen to it.”

He also worries about this every day.

It’s not that Bai Ruiqian didn’t try to explain it, but it’s a pity that Ye Xingchen was angry and couldn’t hear it at all.

Mu Nanfeng was completely pitted by Lu Zixuan.

Moreover, Mu Nanfeng also desperately returned to the imperial capital.

No one knows the suffering he experienced until now.

Bai Ruiqian really felt wronged for Mu Nanfeng, but he didn’t know what else he could do.

Elder Mu also knew these truths, so he wanted to see Ye Xingchen even more.

This misunderstanding cannot be allowed to persist.

“I hope he can understand Nan Feng’s difficulties.”

Looking at Bai Ruiqian, Elder Mu continued: “Please help me to make an appointment with him first, and tell him directly that I want to see him.”

Bai Ruiqian agreed, “Okay, leave this to me.”

The two left the office and returned to the ward.

Pushing open the door, facing a pair of loose eyes.

“Feng’er, you are awake!”

Mu Nanfeng sat on the hospital bed and looked at the two who walked in, and said guiltily, “Grandpa, I’m sorry, I worry you again.”

He turned his eyes to Bai Ruiqian again, “Trouble you again.”

Bai Ruiqian smiled and said it was all right.

Elder Mu patted his hand, not wanting Mu Nanfeng to blame himself, “It’s fine if you are fine, grandpa knows you didn’t mean it.”

Mu Nanfeng didn’t mean to skip meals, but because he was too concerned about Xu Yan, he couldn’t eat.

“You talk first, I have something to do, so I won’t accompany you for now.” Bai Ruiqian was relieved when he saw that he woke up, so he was ready to leave.

Elder Mu raised his eyes and glanced at Bai Ruiqian, and there was a brief exchange of eyes between the two.

“Go,” Mr. Mu said meaningfully.

Bai Ruiqian bowed to everyone, and then left.

When he walked to the gate of the hospital, Bai Ruiqian happened to meet Aunt Liu.

He stepped forward to say hello, “Aunt Liu, why are you here?”

Aunt Liu smiled softly: “I’m here to deliver meals to the young master.”

Bai Ruiqian lowered his eyes and curled his lips.

“Wow Auntie Liu, you are partial. You don’t cook so many delicious things for the young master for me.”

Aunt Liu quickly explained, “Good boy, how could Aunt Liu have forgotten you? There is also a copy of you in it.”

Bai Ruiqian smiled immediately: “I knew Aunt Liu was the best to me, but Aunt Liu…”

He scratched his head in embarrassment, “I have something important now, I’m afraid I can’t eat it anymore.”

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