Chapter 706

“Well, then you go and work, Aunt Liu will do it for you next time.”

The doctors are very busy, and Aunt Liu dare not delay his precious time.

Bai Ruiqian showed a pity expression, “Only next time, then Aunt Liu…I will leave first.”

“Go, pay attention to safety on the road.” Aunt Liu told him like a mother.

Bai Ruiqian felt warm in his heart and felt very happy. He could always feel a kind of care from his relatives from Aunt Liu.

No one can give this kind of feeling, Bai Zhuocheng can’t, and Han Rongrong can’t.

Bai Ruiqian often thinks, it would be great if he had a mother like Aunt Liu.

Unfortunately, this can only be his delusion.

Seeing Bai Ruiqian leaving behind, Aunt Liu’s eyes stayed for several seconds.

For the first time, she discovered that Bai Ruiqian’s back looked like his ex-husband.

Aunt Liu was shocked and hammered her head.

“What am I thinking about, why this illusion arises, I must be thinking too much.”

Aunt Liu was talking to herself, and she went to the super member’s ward uneasy all the way.

open the door.

“Master, master, I’m cooking, you eat it while it’s hot.”

Aunt Liu put the insulated lunch box on the table and took out the hot meal.

Mu Nanfeng looked at Aunt Liu and thanked, “Aunt Liu, you have worked hard.”

Aunt Liu bowed her head in embarrassment, “Master, what is this, this is what I should do.”

Mu Nanfeng got out of bed and sat down for a meal with Mr. Mu, Mr. Zhong.

Aunt Liu had eaten before coming, and she didn’t have much to do here, so she wanted to go for a stroll and get some breath.

“You eat first, I’ll go out and go around.”

After speaking, she left.

Aunt Liu came to the green area of ​​the hospital and sat alone on the lawn, looking at the blooming flowers and the emerald green lake.

This is the first time she has come to this hospital. It is indeed the most famous hospital in the Imperial Capital. The scenery is very beautiful.

Aunt Liu sat on the lawn for a long time, and then she got up to go back when it was almost time.

As soon as she walked into the hall, she suddenly ran into a middle-aged couple.


Aunt Liu fell to the ground with a pain in her shoulder.

“Where did the cleaning come from? How did you walk recklessly?”

It was Han Rongrong who was not speaking.

Aunt Liu fell to the ground with a disheveled hair, her elbows were all scratched.

Bai Zhuocheng glanced at her low, thinking it was a staff member.

“It’s OK, don’t be familiar with her, let’s go.” Bai Zhuocheng looked at Aunt Liu disgustedly, “Be careful next time you walk.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he took Han Rongrong out of the hospital hall.

Aunt Liu is a good-tempered, and she is not angry about it.

She staggered up, breathed gently and blew the wound on her elbow.

Raise his eyes to look at the back of the two.

Aunt Liu’s heart was shocked.

These two figures are really familiar.

The painful memories of the past emerged before her eyes, and Aunt Liu clutched her heart and panted.

“Auntie, what’s the matter with you? Isn’t it uncomfortable?” A nurse lady found that Aunt Liu’s face was not right, and she came over and asked.

Aunt Liu waved her hand, “I’m fine, I’m fine, thank you.”

“Are you really okay?” the nurse sister asked enthusiastically, “I don’t think your complexion is so good, should I help you go there for a rest?”

Aunt Liu gently refused, “I’m really fine, thank you Miss Nurse, I can go by myself.”

“Well, then, be careful.”

Seeing her insistence, the nurse sister had to go to her own work.

Aunt Liu’s heart convulsed.

When she leaned on the wall and walked to a chair, her legs were soft and she slumped on the chair.

Is she wrong?

Or is it really those two people?


Mu Nanfeng was discharged from the hospital the same day, and Mr. Mu took him back home with him.

The two came to the study.

“Feng’er, do you have something on your mind? If so, tell your grandfather.”

Elder Mu was afraid that he would be suffocated, so he wanted to accompany him to have a heart-to-heart talk.

Mu Nanfeng closed his eyes, “I’m fine, grandpa.”

Seeing that he didn’t want to say, Grandpa Mu had to start the topic, “Feng’er, Grandpa knows about Xingchen, and grandpa has already read the divorce agreement.”

“Grandpa…” Mu Nanfeng’s eyes lit up, surprised and scared.

He didn’t want the old man to worry about the divorce.

“Hey, listen to me first.” Elder Mu knew what he wanted to say.

It is nothing more than self-blame and apology.

He didn’t want to hear the three words sorry from Mu Nanfeng’s mouth anymore, so he interrupted him.

Elder Mu held the crutches in both hands, and said slowly: “What happened? Your Boss Zhong found out, so I also talked to Rui Qian. The child of Xingchen is the offspring of my good friend. He is alive, and I feel very much in my heart. Happy, just…”

He coughed slightly.

“It’s just a divorce. I think this is still a bit wrong. Grandpa knows that you have been under a lot of pressure recently because of this, so let Grandpa help you this time.”

Elder Mu originally wanted Mu Nanfeng to take Xu Yan home by himself.

Now it seems that it is difficult.

So Father Mu decided to go out in person.

Mu Nanfeng was touched, but he didn’t expect that Mr. Mu would be paying attention to these things all the time.

He asked: “How can Grandpa help me?”

He was really gone, and he wanted to see Xu Yan but he couldn’t see it again.

The divorce agreement is really a stumbling block.

Elder Mu said frankly, “I have asked Rui Qian to make an appointment with Ye Xingchen for me.”

“Grandpa is going to see him?” Mu Nanfeng’s emotions are very complicated.

He knew that the old man valued Ye Xingchen, after all, that was Ye Zhishu’s grandson.

“It’s time to see you too.” Old man Mu’s brown misty eyes revealed a complicated sentiment.

He is looking forward to meeting Ye Xingchen.

Elder Mu said again: “This matter, don’t worry about it, just leave it to Grandpa to deal with it.”

“Well, then please Grandpa.”

Mu Nanfeng was grateful.

Elder Mu thought he was very obedient and smiled kindly.


Bai Ruiqian went to Junxiang Mansion and fully conveyed the meaning of Father Mu to Ye Xingchen.

When Ye Xingchen heard that it was the old man who wanted to see him, he did not refuse, but readily agreed.

Bai Ruiqian completed the task and happily came to Tianlan Jinyuan.

Elder Mu was delighted, and he set the address time and let Bai Ruiqian help convey it.

After the facts are settled.

Bai Ruiqian came to Aunt Liu and found that Aunt Liu was unhappy.

“Aunt Liu, what’s the matter with you?”

Aunt Liu recovered, “Oh, nothing happened.”

Since returning from the hospital, she has had nightmares every night.

Bai Ruiqian found out that she had cried, “Aunt Liu, did anyone make you unhappy?

“The thing that didn’t happen was that I remembered some things in the past and felt a little sad.”

Aunt Liu didn’t want to let her emotions affect him, so she quickly took over this topic.

Bai Ruiqian lowered his eyes, he probably already knew why Aunt Liu was crying.

He knew what happened to Aunt Liu.

Bai Ruiqian looked at Aunt Liu distressedly, and silently accompanied her.

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