Chapter 709 Mu Nanfeng finally sees Xu Yan

The morning light is faint, cicadas and birds sing.

The gentle sunshine bathes the land, giving people a fresh feeling of revival of all things.

County Xiangfu.

Elder Mu and Mu Nanfeng were sitting in the living room, and they were waiting for Ye Xingchen.

“Feng’er, the stars are coming soon, you have to tell him well.”

Elder Mu told Mu Nanfeng, for fear that the two would be anxious when they met.

Mu Nanfeng replied softly: “I know that Grandpa, he can let me see Yan’er, I am very grateful.”

Finally, he was about to meet the person whom he had been worried about for a long time, and Mu Nanfeng was nervous and frightened.

He was afraid of seeing Xu Yan who was unconscious, and even more afraid of seeing Xu Yan who was bruised and bruised.

While talking, footsteps came downstairs.

Looking up, Ye Xingchen is here.

Mu Nanfeng got up hurriedly, “Stars…”

Ye Xingchen glanced at him, and found that Mu Nanfeng’s face became haggard a lot.

It seems that Mu Nanfeng is not having a good time during this period.

Ye Xingchen said coldly: “Come!”

“Xingchen, thank you for letting me see Yan’er, thank you so much…”

Mu Nanfeng is sincerely grateful.

Ye Xingchen did not respond to him, but turned to look at Mr. Mu, “Grandpa Mu, come with me.”

He ignored Mu Nanfeng as if he was a transparent person.

“Good, good.” The old man Mu followed closely behind him when he heard the words. Still not forgetting to call Mu Nanfeng,

“Feng’er, let’s go.”

Mu Nanfeng followed, walking heavy every step.

The tighter it is from Xu Yan’s room, the more painful and unbearable his heart is.

Ye Xingchen took the two to the door of a room and ordered the servants guarding the door.

“Open the door.”


The moment the door opened, Mu Nanfeng saw the person lying on the bed through the gap.

Mr. Mu panicked, “Yan Yan…”

He rushed to the big bed and looked down at Xu Yan, who was unconscious.

“Yan Yan, Grandpa came to see you.”

Mu Nanfeng’s heart suffered a severe sudden pain, and he walked to Xu Yan’s side step by step.

“Yan’er…” Sad tears flowed from his deep eyes, and the tears slowly rolled down his handsome face.

“My Yan’er, I’m sorry for you.”

Mu Nanfeng sat down and couldn’t help stroking her cheek with well-knotted fingers.

Ye Xingchen stood aside, looking at the two of them.

He paid particular attention to Mu Nanfeng’s expression, and wanted to observe how sad the other party was.

Is that kind of sadness more than him? Still less than him?

Elder Mu was in tears, “Yan Yan, Grandpa I’m sorry, but Grandpa didn’t protect you, Grandpa… Damn it…”

He was sorry to the Xu family under Jiuquan.

I’m even more sorry to my friend Xu Zhuocheng.

There were tears in Mu Nanfeng’s eyes. He tightly held Xu Yan’s hand, put her hand on his face, and felt her cold temperature.

“Yan’er, you must wake up quickly, we are all waiting for you to go home…”

His voice choked, “When you wake up, you can beat and scold me any way you want, and you can punish me whatever you want. I just ask you to be good…”

Suddenly, a military doctor walked in, and he was a little dumbfounded.

Looking at Ye Xingchen, the military doctor asked, “What is this… situation?”

“It’s okay, you go change the dressing.” Ye Xingchen knew that he was here to help Xu Yan change the dressing.

The military doctor carried the medicine box, “Okay.”

When he walked to the bed, Mr. Mu and Mu Nanfeng saw the doctor immediately, consciously got up and stood aside.

Elder Mu couldn’t breathe in his chest, his old body was trembling, his wrinkled hands wiped his tears, he really hadn’t cried like this in a long time.

The last time I was so sad was when the Xu family had a car accident.

Mu Nanfeng was supporting the old man, and his heart was also suffering greatly.

The military doctor stepped on the switch under the bed with his right face stepping on the medicine box.

The pillow part slowly rises, so that Xu Yan’s body is in the most comfortable state.

The military doctor looked at the white gauze on Xu Yan’s chest.

Fortunately, it hasn’t become blood gauze.

It shows that the blood has stopped.

Mu Nanfeng’s pupils contracted, and that position deeply hurt his heart.

He remembers that position. Xu Yan was severely wounded when Xu Yan had a knife to save him.

Mu Nanfeng suddenly had a cardiac arrest.

The military doctor removed the gauze, and a bloody wound was exposed in front of everyone.

When Mr. Mu saw it, he almost fainted.

It turned out that Xu Yan was hurt so badly.

He sank, and one fell into a chair without standing still.

“Yan Yan…”

Elder Mu was holding his chest, and he felt bitter and hateful in his heart.

He hated himself for failing to protect Xu Yan, and hated the cruel little beast even more.

How could Mu Beichen manage to kill Xu Yan’s child? Isn’t it enough? He even wanted to kill Xu Yan.

Elder Mu’s eyes were red, and he had a desire to kill.

If Mu Beichen stood in front of him now, he would definitely kill the beast without hesitation.

Mu Nanfeng stunned blankly, how he hoped that the person lying on the bed was himself.

Let him help Xu Yan endure this pain.

The military doctor opened the medicine box, took out the prepared gauze with medicine, and applied it to Xu Yan’s wound.

Xu Yan’s body is getting better now, but his consciousness is still in a coma.

In this regard, there is no other way for military doctors.

After changing the gauze, the military doctor left with the medicine box and greeted Ye Xingchen before leaving.

After the military doctor left, Mr. Mu and Mu Nanfeng returned to Xu Yan’s side.

“Yan Yan, I’m sorry…”

Elder Mu really didn’t know what to say at the moment.

Mu Nanfeng stood by the bed, his heart cut like a knife.

They looked at the scars on Xu Yan’s body. Although they had faded a lot, they could still see that Xu Yan’s limbs were all traces of chains tied up.

The two cried together beside the hospital bed, which made Ye Xingchen’s expression complicated.

He closed the door and gave them space to be alone with Xu Yan.

Ye Xingchen came to the living room balcony, smoking a cigarette.

He is now more complicated inside.

Seeing Mu Nanfeng crying for Xu Yan, his heart softened bit by bit.

Xu Yan had been in a coma for too long, and she didn’t know when she would wake up.

Ye Xingchen is anxious every day.

“Quickly, call the military doctor over…”

Suddenly, there was an anxious sound in the room, Ye Xingchen pinched out the cigarette butt, quickly dropped the cigarette in his hand and hurried back to the room.

Open the door and take a look.

The old man fainted.

The military doctor was called back shortly after he left the door.

The physical examination he had given to Mr. Mu turned out to have fainted because of excessive sadness.

For Mu Nanfeng, this was a double blow.

The two most important people in his life have now fainted.

His heart was broken.

Ye Xingchen arranged for the old man to rest in another room.

For a moment, Mu Nanfeng didn’t know who he should be with.

Seeing him embarrassed, Ye Xingchen had to ask.

“Go with Yan Yan, the old man has me here.”

This sentence made Mu Nanfeng burst into tears.


Ye Xingchen didn’t want to engage in sensationalism with him, and said impatiently: “Okay, go now,”

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