Chapter 710 You Are My Life

Mu Nanfeng returned to the room.

At this moment, it belongs to him and Xu Yan.

Finding that the cup was not properly covered, Mu Nanfeng carefully pulled the quilt back.

He looked at Xu Yan dimly with tears.

“Yan’er, I miss you so much, I have been thinking of you every day for the past six months…”

“You must miss me too?”

Mu Nanfeng held Xu Yan’s hand firmly.

Her hands were so cold that it was so cold in his heart that he wanted to warm her up.

Mu Nanfeng’s eyes were full of sadness: “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, blame me, blame me, I shouldn’t trust Lu Zixuan that much.”

“If I can find the problem earlier, maybe things won’t develop into what it is today.”

“Being imprisoned in such a dark place for half a year, you must have suffered a lot.”

“Yan’er, are you disappointed in me? Are you also blaming me?”

“Blame I didn’t save you earlier, I went to see Lu Zixuan that day, I blamed you for the way you are now.”

Mu Nanfeng’s voice became hoarse as he spoke.

He was talking to Xu Yan, and he was also talking to his stupid self.

“Yan’er, blame me, you’d better hit me hard and scold me.”

“You must be angry with me. It’s best to never forgive me and let me spend the rest of my life to pay for my mistakes.”

“I said I would protect you well, but I didn’t do it. I am an untrustworthy man. A talent like me should lie here.”

“Yan’er, my Yan’er, you must wake up.”

Mu Nanfeng’s emotions gradually collapsed, he buried his face, and the broken hair fell on his forehead, covering his tear-stained face.

His broad shoulders were trembling, and he whispered and collapsed: “What would I do without you.”

“Yan’er, I love you. I can’t live without you. You are the person I have loved since I was young. You are my life…”

“Yan’er, if you have something to do, then I will definitely not live…”

“Did you hear it? You must wake up, you must wake up…”

Mu Nanfeng cried heartily. This was the first time he cried so much.

In front of Xu Yan, in front of life and death.

He doesn’t want any image anymore, and he doesn’t care about any man who has tears and doesn’t flick it lightly.

He only wanted Xu Yan to wake up.

On this day, Mu Nanfeng cried bitterly in the room for a whole day. It was not the first time he realized what fear was.

But it was the first time he saw Xu Yan like this.

Her face was so pale and her body was so cold, Mu Nanfeng was afraid that she would leave her at any time.

It’s the kind of eternal departure.

As night fell, heavy rain began to fall in the sky.

Ye Xingchen and the military doctor came to the room, preparing to infuse Xu Yan with nutrient solution.

Mu Nanfeng saw someone coming and wiped his tears, his eye sockets were red and swollen.

Ye Xingchen looked at Mu Nanfeng with low eyes, their eyes met.

Time freezes for a few seconds.

Mu Nanfeng felt ashamed to see Ye Xingchen, avoiding his gaze with guilt.

Seeing him like this, Ye Xingchen suddenly felt that he was quite embarrassed.

“Yan Yan should rest.”

At this time, Ye Xingchen didn’t want anyone to disturb Xu Yan.

Although Xu Yan was in a coma, her body still needed quiet space.

Don’t let people disturb her all the time. This will keep Xu Yan in a noisy environment, which is not conducive to her resting.

After Mu Nanfeng heard this, he knew that he should leave.

He looked at Xu Yan reluctantly, his hand unwilling to let go.

After a soft kiss on the back of Xu Yan’s hand, Mu Nanfeng slowly got up.

“Let’s go, go out and chat.” Ye Xingchen was urging him.

After leaving the room, Ye Xingchen and Mu Nanfeng went for a walk by the lake.

The two did not speak for a long time.

“You have seen Yan Yan’s situation, so don’t you have anything to say?

Ye Xingchen took the lead in asking, but I don’t know how he feels now.

Mu Nanfeng closed his eyes, “I’m sorry to her, and to her family who died, as well as you.”

“It’s good to know.” Ye Xingchen said very rudely, “So how are you going to make up for it?”

Mu Nanfeng was very humble and asked, “How do you want me to make up? As long as you say, I will do it.”

“I’m asking you, why are you asking me the other way around?” Ye Xingchen thought he was really interesting.

Only then did Mu Nanfeng realize that he had misunderstood.

He thought Ye Xingchen wanted to punish him, so he chose to say that.

Mu Nanfeng said dumbly: “I know you won’t believe me anymore. You saved Yan’er’s life. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid she would have died in Xizhou now.”

“It was my responsibility for not being a good husband, and I was the one who killed her.”

“In the future, I will treat her twice as good, and I won’t let similar things happen again.”

“Xingchen, I hope you believe me again, I will definitely not hurt her again.”

Mu Nanfeng said sincerely, he really didn’t have any defense this time.

Lu Zixuan has been his friend for many years, and he never dreamed that one day Lu Zixuan would betray him and join Mu Beichen.

He once firmly believed that Lu Zixuan would definitely not betray him.

But he was wrong.

He also hates that person now, and can’t wait to cramp him and skin him.

“What’s the use of just talking?” Ye Xingchen looked at him coldly, “You have said this for countless times, but in the end you didn’t do it.”

Having known each other for so many years, Ye Xingchen has always felt that Mu Nanfeng is a reliable man, but this man has let him down again and again.

He really didn’t know how to believe him.

“I’m sorry, it was my fault.” Mu Nanfeng lowered his head and said sincerely: “I assure you, this is the last time.”

If he can’t do a good job, then he will consciously punish himself when the time comes.

Ye Xingchen looked at him, “Mu Nanfeng, should I trust you? Can I still trust you?”

Mu Nanfeng raised his eyes and met his dark blue eyes, “If you can, I hope you can give me another chance.”

Ye Xingchen bit the meat in his mouth with his teeth, and his expression was somewhat elusive.

“Opportunities are not given by others, but by yourself.”

He would not forgive Mu Nanfeng so quickly, after all, this time the matter was too serious.

Once he relaxed easily, Mu Nanfeng would think that his bottom line was easy to touch.

Ye Xingchen could not give Mu Nanfeng such a chance.

When Mu Nanfeng heard the words, he knew the meaning of Ye Xingchen’s words.

He took the initiative to request: “Xingchen, you let me stay by Yan’er, and let me prove to you that I will love her twice as much this time.”

Xu Yan was hurt so badly that he couldn’t leave her for half a step. He couldn’t wait to be by her side for twenty-four hours.

Ye Xingchen thought he was quite smart, so he would ask to stay in this way.

So, should he stay?

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