Chapter 711-A Thousand Thousand Paper Cranes

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Xingchen felt that this was also a good way.

Mu Nanfeng can speak with Xu Yan every day, and he can also observe Mu Nanfeng’s performance up close.

“Okay, then you stay.”

Ye Xingchen agreed after careful consideration.

Mu Nanfeng didn’t expect that he would agree, so he couldn’t believe it.

“Really, really? Are you really willing to let me stay?”

Ye Xingchen refused to let him see Xu Yan before, but now he is so easy to talk. This is really different.

“Why not?” Ye Xingchen’s tone seemed as it should be. “Aren’t you trying to prove it? Then prove it to me.”

“But…” Ye Xingchen turned around and said, “Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Yan Yan may be in a coma for several years. If you can’t hold it on the way, then you will consciously get out of it, and you are still getting divorced. Sign the agreement.”

He wanted to see how much Mu Nanfeng loved Xu Yan, and how long he could hold on.

If there was a trace of slack, he would never believe this man again.

Mu Nanfeng vowed, “Don’t talk about a few years, I won’t leave her even for the rest of my life.”

Even if Xu Yan was in a coma for a lifetime, he would not leave her because of it.

There is only her in his heart, and she will always be the only one.

For Xu Yan, he is willing to do everything.

“Xingchen, I will definitely take good care of her and let her wake up early.” Mu Nanfeng promised sincerely.

“I hope you can do it!” Ye Xingchen is actually selfish in keeping him.

The person Xu Yan loves is Mu Nanfeng. If Mu Nanfeng can accompany her, perhaps one day she will be awakened.

As long as it is the people Xu Yan cares about, Ye Xingchen hopes that they can be with Xu Yan.


Mu Nanfeng stayed in Junxiang Mansion in this way, and Mr. Mu woke up the next day.

Xu Yan was unconscious, and Mr. Mu was unwilling to go back because of her concern.

No one thought that Xu Yan was hurt so badly. After seeing Xu Yan’s injury, they could no longer leave at ease.

So Mr. Mu also stayed.

Mu Nanfeng would accompany Xu Yan every day, telling Xu Yan the past stories.

From the first time they met, he said a little bit every day, and sometimes said that he was crying.

Time passed bit by bit.

Half a month, one month, two months…

Xu Yan was still in a coma, with no change.

Mu Nanfeng didn’t feel tired either.

Except at night, he was by Xu Yan’s side almost every moment.

In order to make Xu Yan wake up earlier, Mu Nanfeng also began to learn to make a thousand paper cranes.

I heard that as long as you fold a thousand paper cranes, you can ask the gods for a wish.

The gods will definitely help you achieve it.

For this reason, Mu Nanfeng specially asked Lin Ruoli to teach him how to fold.

Men’s hands are inherently stupid.

When Mu Nanfeng first started learning, the process was very difficult.

Looking at his awkward posture and bewildered fingers, is it a little moving?

Such sincerity is indeed commendable.

It took Mu Nanfeng three days to learn how to fold. At first, Lin Ruoli wanted to help him fold, but he refused.

He said that only by himself can he show his sincerity in front of the gods.

Other people’s discounts are useless.

Lin Ruoli heard the words and felt that what he said was right, so she didn’t insist on it.

Therefore, Mu Nanfeng began to fold every day.

He was by Xu Yan’s side, and while talking to Xu Yan about the past, he worked hard at the same time.

Every Thousand Paper Crane is filled with his pious sincerity.

He hoped that the gods could really see it.

Mu Nanfeng folds from day to night and from night to day.

Some people think this method is stupid, but Mu Nanfeng doesn’t think it.

As long as Xu Yan can go early, he is willing to try no matter how stupid it is.

Mu Nanfeng turned red when he folded his hands, and his skin was broken, and he refused to give up.

That night, Ye Xingchen looked at the bedroom where Mu Nanfeng lived through the gap in the door.

He saw Mu Nanfeng sitting in the carpet style, still folding a thousand paper cranes.

Ye Xingchen was very absorbed. At this moment, he saw Mu Nanfeng’s sincerity.

At the same time, the shield he erected in his heart was also disintegrating little by little.

He saw Mu Nanfeng’s love.

This kind of love reminded him of the young and dedicated boy when he was young.

Mu Nanfeng has loved Xu Yan since he was fifteen, and has never changed.

Ye Xingchen always believed that, except for Xu Yan’s family, Mu Nanfeng was the most loved person in the world.

That’s why he gave Xu Yan to this man with confidence.

Although he had been disappointed with Mu Nanfeng, he knew that Mu Nanfeng’s feelings for Xu Yan could not be matched by anyone.

Mu Nanfeng was dedicated and infatuated, and gave all his tenderness to Xu Yan.

Ye Xingchen thought from the bottom of his heart that he was a good man.

But a good man does not mean a good husband.

As Xu Yan’s husband, Mu Nanfeng did a lot of things but lacked.

As the head of the family, he didn’t handle the conflicts of the family well, let alone the foreigner who had been with the Mu’s surname for more than 20 years.

Mu Beichen’s existence has always been a threat.

If Mu Nanfeng got rid of that person earlier, none of this would happen.

Xu Yan’s first child will never die.

Seeing Mu Nanfeng concentrating on folding a thousand paper cranes, Ye Xingchen’s heart began to mess up again.

His feelings for Mu Nanfeng are very complicated now.

He wanted to believe him, but reason told him he couldn’t forgive him so easily.

Xu Yan has suffered too much.

Ye Xingchen couldn’t calm his heart when he thought of those hurts.


May 20th.

This is a good day, but it is also a sad day.

Today, Mu Nanfeng finally folded a thousand paper cranes.

He put the paper cranes into the fine jar, and made a sincere wish to the paper cranes.

He has only one wish, hope Xu Yan can wake up soon.

After making a wish, Mu Nanfeng put the jar on the cupboard next to the bed.

The light on the jar flickered, as if calling Xu Yan.

Guarding Xu Yan’s side, Mu Nanfeng stroked her cheek.

Fortunately, it’s not so cold anymore, and Xu Yan’s vitality is recovering little by little.

After a long period of recuperation, the scars on Xu Yan’s body have disappeared, and the wounds on her chest are slowly healing.

Mu Nanfeng leaned over slightly, and gently kissed her on the forehead.

He held her hand and called her gently.

“Yan’er, wake up, I’m waiting for you.”

“Grandpa is waiting for you, and your brother Chen is also waiting for you…”

“You must wake up quickly…”

At the same time, Ye Xingchen came to a temple in the county seat.

The temple is called Hanshan Temple.

Located on a snow-capped mountain, the journey along the way is winding and bumpy, full of danger everywhere.

I heard that this temple is very spiritual, Ye Xingchen came here not far away.

He climbed all the way to the peak of the snow mountain, and his whole person was severely hypoxic.

Entering the temple, Ye Xingchen knelt on the mat and prayed devoutly.

I hope Xu Yan can wake up sooner.

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