Chapter 712 Heaven

When I opened my eyes, it was white.

Xu Yan woke up faintly and found herself lying on a white cloud.

As if lying in a marshmallow.

She stood up slowly and found herself floating in the air at the moment.

Fear, helpless, excited…

Xu Yan walked on the clouds and found that these clouds could support her whole body.

It’s amazing.

Like a child, she hopped up and down on the clouds.

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance.

“Yan Yan, you are playful again.”

Xu Yan raised her eyes, and two loving smiles appeared in front of her.

“Dad, mom?”

Xu Yan was completely stunned, rubbing her astringent eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, it was still the same scene.

There are even two more people.


Xu Yan couldn’t believe her eyes.

She actually saw her family.

Wait, is she dead?

Xu Yan lowered her eyes and found that her body was covered with scars and a dagger was still stuck in her chest.

Her heart fell to the ground instantly.


Xu Yan was frightened, her chest was still bleeding, and the blood stained her clothes.

Terrible, terrible.

There was nowhere to put Xu Yan’s hands in an instant, and she was about to cry.

He raised his eyes and looked at the smiling family.

Grandpa waved to her, “Yan Yan, come here and let Grandpa take a look.”

Xu Yan’s eyes were hot, she hadn’t seen her family for too long, so she couldn’t care about anything else at the moment.

When she walked to the family, she looked at her relatives up close.

“Grandparents, Mom and Dad, I miss you so much…”

“Hey, we miss you too.” The corners of the two elderly people’s mouths couldn’t stop rising when they saw their lovely granddaughter.

“Yan Yan, you have lost weight.” Xu’s father’s voice was full of love and distress.

Xu Yan burst into tears and hugged her family.

“I’m sorry, grandparents, mom and dad, I’m sorry you…”

When she thought of the car accident, her emotions could not help but be on the verge of collapse.

“Silly boy, why are you crying.”

Xu Yan choked up: “It’s all to save me, you are all to save me…just…”

In the car accident that year, her family used their lives to protect her in their arms, so she was lucky to survive.

The thought of her family’s death made her heartache.

She knew that this must be heaven.

Xu Yan never dreamed that one day she would meet her family in heaven.

“Good boy, don’t blame yourself, we are fine here, you don’t have to worry about us.”

“My parents and grandparents will always guard you. Although we are not by your side, we have never left.”

Xu Yan was crying and trembling all over, she withdrew from the embrace of her family.

“Dad, mom, am I dead?”

She looked at her bloody body, recalling the moment when she fainted.

At that moment, she was lying in Ye Xingchen’s arms.

Is it her illusion?

“You’re not dead!”

“I’m not dead? Then why can I see you?”

Xu Yan firmly thought that she was dead. If she hadn’t died, how could she have come here.

Looking at the injuries on my body, how could I not die if I was so wounded.

She didn’t believe that she had such a big life.

“Because you always care about us, my silly granddaughter.”

Xu Yan was puzzled, “So this is a dream?”

Everyone smiled and nodded.

“Well, yes, it’s a dream.”

Xu Yan felt that this was too real, and she still had a dagger stuck in her chest.

This is exactly what she was like before she was alive.

“But I…” Xu Yan held the hilt of the dagger, “I’m hurt like this.”

“Mom and dad, grandparents, I think I really seem to be dying, I was out of breath at that time.”

She remembered that Mu Beichen inserted a dagger into her chest and flooded her with water.

She is very weak, very weak.

She even had hallucinations and saw the dead Ye Xingchen before she died.

“My child, there are so many people who love you, you will not die, and the gods will bless you.”

“So I was rescued?” Xu Yan was a little surprised when she understood what her family said.


“Who is it? Who saved me?”

Xu Yan could feel that this was not a dream, she had really seen her family.

After her death, her family did not go to hell, but came to heaven.

The family did not answer her directly, but looked at her lovingly.

Xu Yan tried hard to recall, she was not sure.

But she felt that it must be Mu Nanfeng.

“Is it Nan Feng? Did he save me?”

Xu Yan asked excitedly.

She knows that everything in front of her is real. Although she can’t explain this phenomenon, she knows that she is standing in front of her at this moment, who is the family she is thinking of.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew.

Xu Yan’s family is slowly backing away, seemingly out of control.

“Child, we should go.”

Xu Yan trembled when she heard the words, and stretched out her hand in a panic, trying to keep her family.

“No, no, Mom and Dad… don’t leave…”

“I haven’t taken a good look at you yet, will you stay with me for a while?”

“Yan Yan, go back, someone is waiting for you, remember, we will always love you.”

“no, do not want……”

Xu Yan knelt on the cloud floor, crying bitterly.

She still has a lot to say, and there are still many things she hasn’t told her family.

After finally meeting them, she wanted to stay with them a little longer.

Have to hug them more.


“no, do not want……”

Xu Yan opened her eyes in a panic, her body trembling.

“Yan’er, you are awake.”

Mu Nanfeng got up excitedly, his eyes were dull.

“Nan Feng?”

Xu Yan turned her eyes and looked at him in a daze.

Is she suspecting it is an illusion?

Mu Nanfeng hugged Xu Yan, “Yan’er, you finally woke up.”

“Great, you finally woke up.”

Mu Nanfeng hugged her petite body tightly, for fear that when she let go, everything would be a dream.

He felt the temperature of her body.

It’s hot, warm.

Xu Yanyun was in the mist, she was stupid and couldn’t tell whether this was a dream or reality?

“Nan Feng, where is this? Why am I here?”

Looking at the strange room, Xu Yan was very strange to everything here.

“Nan Feng, am I dead?”

Xu Yan still thought that she was dead.

She even thought that Mu Nanfeng in front of her was what she saw in her dream.

Mu Nanfeng knew that she had just regained consciousness, and his head must have been dumbfounded, and responded gently, “Fool, you are not dead, how could you die.”

“I won’t let you die, never, Yan’er, I will definitely protect you twice in the future, and I won’t put you in any danger anymore.”

Xu Yan was lying in his arms, the feeling of being held by him was so reassuring.

“So, you saved me?”

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