Chapter 713

Putting his little head on Mu Nanfeng’s shoulders, Xu Yan’s arms were around his waist.

Mu Nanfeng was stunned, patronizing with excitement almost forgot Xu Yan’s wound.

He let go of her gently and looked at her affectionately.

“Sorry Yan’er, I was a step late, I didn’t save you.”

The deep eyes are full of self-blame.

“It’s not you? Who is that?” Xu Yan thought about it carefully, except for Mu Nanfeng who would save him, it should be Yanxi.

“Could it be that Brother Yanxi?”

Mu Nanfeng found that her white neck was full of messy hair, and he slowly arranged the hair behind her earlobe.

“You will see him.”

Xu Yanliu frowned slightly, listening to the meaning of the words, it seemed that it was not Yanxi?

Who is that?


There was a sudden pain in her chest, and Xu Yan screamed while clutching her chest.

Mu Nanfeng’s face changed suddenly, “What’s wrong? Is the wound hurt?”

“A little bit.” Xu Yangang woke up, still a little stiff and numb.

“Come on, lie down quickly.” Mu Nanfeng helped her to lie down, afraid that she would be uncomfortable sitting like this.

Xu Yan lay down obediently, she raised Jingjing’s big eyes and looked at Mu Nanfeng’s handsome face.

She stretched out her slender hand and touched his face.

Hot and smooth.

Not a dream.

She is really not dead.

“Nan Feng, how long have I slept?”

Xu Yan’s brain was dizzy, and she couldn’t tell what time it was now.

Looking out the window, the sun is warm outside and the entire sky is blue.

It’s beautiful.

“More than half a year!” Mu Nanfeng’s eyes hide complex sentiment.

It’s guilt, it’s helpless, it’s distressed.

Xu Yan was surprised, “So long?”

After being tortured by Mu Beichen for half a year, she is now in a coma for half a year.

One year’s time, just passed away quietly.

Xu Yan sighed deeply, time really flies quickly.

This year is so short, but it is also so long.

Every day in Xizhou is like a year for her.

Mu Nanfeng stroked her head, “You are hurt too badly. The doctor said, you might be in a coma for several years, but fortunately you woke up.”

There were tears in his eyes, “Yan’er, thank you for not letting me wait that long.”

Xu Yan touched her chest. Indeed, this time she was hurt badly.

The physical and mental torture that lasted for half a year, the shackles that had been imprisoned on her body, were so cold and desperate.

After walking through hell, Xu Yan really felt the ugliness of human nature.

Mu Beichen and Lu Zixuan are both dark and ugly demons.

“Has he done anything to you?” Xu Yan’s tone was cold.

“Huh?” Mu Nanfeng was short.

Xu Yan said, “Lu Zixuan.”

Mu Nanfeng’s eyes darkened a little. He didn’t want to mention that person, but she hadn’t said something clearly to Xu Yan.

So he still has to explain, and he also has other questions.

Mu Nanfeng said slowly: “He lied to me and kept finding excuses to trap me in Lanzhou. When I wanted to return to the imperial capital, he blocked it in every possible way. Then I realized something was wrong. Later… Escaped back.”

Regarding the encounter at sea, he chose to omit it.

After all, he didn’t want Xu Yan to worry about him.

Mu Nanfeng shook Xu Yan’s hand and apologized very guiltily, “Yan’er, I’m sorry, I didn’t find the problem earlier. I finally know why you hate Lu Zixuan so much. I blame him for trusting him so much that I let you. Suffered so much.”

Xu Yan’s brows wrinkled into the word Sichuan.


She noticed the word.

Mu Nanfeng escaped back, so Lu Zixuan must have done a lot of bad things to Mu Nanfeng.

Xu Yan comforted him understandingly.

“Don’t blame yourself so much, none of us thought that he would get along with Mu Beichen, Nan Feng, as long as you are well, it’s nothing for me to suffer.”

Mu Nanfeng was the driving force that supported her survival in this life.

As long as Mu Nanfeng is good, she is good.

During the days when she was locked up in hell, she worried about Mu Nanfeng every day.

Fortunately, fortunately, he was fine, and fortunately, he came back safe and sound.

Seeing that she didn’t blame herself, Mu Nanfeng felt more guilty.

Why can his face be so good?

“Yan’er, I wish you blamed me, so I might feel better in my heart.”

Xu Yan in turn held his hand tightly and smiled, “I don’t blame you, I know you called me many times, but unfortunately, every time I couldn’t speak to you personally.”

She can only watch and listen from the side.

Seeing Mu Beichen calling Mu Nanfeng’s name in her tone, listening to Mu Nanfeng say that she missed her.

At that time, she was really distressed and really desperate.

“I know.” Mu Nanfeng blamed himself even more when he mentioned the incident. “I know that Mu Beichen answered those calls, but I found out it was too late, it was really too late.”

“Yan’er, I lost you for half a year, and I will never be able to forgive myself.”

Xu Yan made him feel terribly uncomfortable, and it was hard for everyone to let go of what happened this time.

She said softly: “Nan Feng, don’t be like this, haven’t I come back alive now? Let’s forget this bad memory, okay?”

How could Mu Nanfeng forget it.

Xu Yan almost died.

He choked, “Yan’er, can you not always be so kind, hit me and scold me, let me be punished as I deserve it.”

Xu Yan felt very distressed when he saw him like this for the first time.

How could she be willing to beat him, in fact, she owed him more after all.

Feeling a drop of moist warm liquid on the back of his hand, Xu Yan raised his eyes to see that Mu Nanfeng was crying.

She gently stretched out her hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

“Nan Feng, don’t cry…”

Mu Nanfeng was immersed in grief and couldn’t help himself.

“Yan’er, tell me what happened when you went to me that time? What did Lu Zixuan do to you?”

Xu Yan was taken to Xizhou for no reason, and Lu Zixuan’s conspiracy must be indispensable.

“Can I borrow my mobile phone?” Xu Yan felt that this was a bit complicated, so it was better to show Mu Nanfeng the evidence directly.

She had to let Mu Nanfeng know how disgusting Lu Zixuan was.

Mu Nanfeng handed her the phone immediately.

Xu Yan logged in to her WeChat and found the pictures she had previously collected.

She handed it to Mu Nanfeng to see.

Mu Nanfeng instantly changed his expression when he saw the picture.

“This, when was this taken?”

Xu Yan replied, “On the day you went to send Lu Zixuan off, he sent me this picture that day. When I was angry, I hurried to find you, but when I arrived, you were not there at all, and I, I was also stunned by his incense.”


She said again: “After that, when I woke up again, I was already locked up by Mu Beichen.”

“Damn it.” Mu Nanfeng punched the cabinet next to him, his fingers flushed.

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