Chapter 714 Don’t be like this, I feel bad

Mu Nanfeng didn’t expect Lu Zixuan to be so despicable that he would actually lure Xu Yan to the bait in this way.

It’s shameless and nasty.

Why is that man so disgusting?

Seeing that his hands were all purple, Xu Yan took his hand with concern, “Don’t be like this, I feel distressed.”

She said this not to increase his guilt, but to let him clearly understand what kind of person Lu Zixuan was.

Mu Nanfeng half-hanged his head, he couldn’t calm down at all now.

He was thinking that if he hadn’t sent Lu Zixuan at that time, maybe everything would not have become what it is today.

“Nan Feng, Lu Zixuan…” Xu Yan’s gaze was curiosity, “How is he now? Have you not contacted him?”

She slept for half a year this time, and many things must have changed a lot.

What she cares most now is the relationship between Mu Nanfeng and Lu Zixuan.

“No contact, he harmed you like this, how could I still have contact with him.”

Mu Nanfeng was anxious that that person would die, and never bother him again.

Xu Yan asked again: “In other words, he won’t come to you again in the future?”

Mu Nanfeng was silent for a moment.

Thinking of waking up at sea, Lu Zixuan completely disappeared at that time.

As for him, his memory was also extremely confused, and he didn’t know where Lu Zixuan had gone.

But he thought that Lu Zixuan should have no face to look for him after such a thing happened.

“No, it probably won’t. If he dares to come again, I will kill him personally.”

Mu Nanfeng now only hated Lu Zixuan, the kind of hatred deep into his bones.

This kind of hatred is no less than hating Mu Beichen.

Xu Yan relaxed, “That’s good.”

She really didn’t want to see that disgusting thing again.


The door was suddenly pushed open.

Xu Yan saw the old man, Yanxi, and Lin Ruoli.

“Yan Yan, you…you woke up…”

“Sister Yan…”

Several people stood at the door blankly, looking at Xu Yan who was awake in disbelief.

Xu Yan smiled at them, “So everyone is here.”

Xu Yan was very happy when she saw the person she cared about when she woke up.

“Grandpa, Ruoli, Brother Yanxi…”

There were tears in the clear eyes, and Xu Yan’s emotions were very excited.

Lin Ruoli rushed up from the other side of the bed and hugged Xu Yan with tears in her eyes, “Sister Yan, you finally woke up. Finally, do you know that I am about to worry about you.”

Xu Yan was surrounded by her embrace, and a warm current surged in her heart, “Hey, don’t cry, am I okay now? It’s you, it’s been hard for you to run the company by yourself during this period of time.”

She was taken away defenselessly, and there was no time to take care of the company’s affairs. If she wanted to come, Lin Ruoli must be very tired during this time.

“It’s not hard, as long as you are good, I don’t have to do anything hard.” Lin Ruoli cried in disintegration.

Waiting for so long, waiting for so long.

She finally woke up Xu Yanpan.

Yanxi looked at Lin Ruoli crying so hard, her heart ached.

He knew that this girl really regarded Xu Yan as a relative.

Elder Mu sat down, his eyes fell on Xu Yan, his eyes were red.

He did not speak, but looked at Xu Yan lovingly with a stick.

Xu Yan turned her eyes to look at the sad face of Mr. Mu, she found that Mr. Mu had more white hair.

“Grandpa, I worry about you.”

Xu Yan felt very embarrassed. Elder Mu was getting older, and she didn’t want the old man to be worried about her all day long.

There was a slight smile on the old face of Mr. Mu, and he shook his head at Xu Yan, indicating that he was okay.

Seeing this smile, Xu Yan gently gave him a smile.

There were tears in their eyes.

After a few minutes, everyone’s emotions gradually calmed down. Everyone sat next to Xu Yan, all caring about Xu Yan’s body.

Xu Yan didn’t want everyone to worry, and said that it was all right.

Suddenly, Xu Yan found a delicate and beautiful jar on the cupboard beside the bed.

“what is this?”

Xu Yan took the jar and saw that there were many paper cranes inside, which were colorful and beautiful.

Yanxi said: “This is a thousand paper cranes that Nanfeng specially folded for you.”

Upon hearing this, Xu Yan looked at Mu Nanfeng in surprise, feeling indescribable.

She remembered that she once said to Mu Nanfeng that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you can ask the gods for a wish, and the gods will definitely help you realize it.

Xu Yan’s eyes were hot.

She knew that it was not accidental that she woke up, it must be a god who saw Mu Nanfeng’s sincerity.

Mu Nanfeng awakened her.

Xu Yan held the jar, hugged Mu Nanfeng and whispered in his ear.


Mu Nanfeng patted her on the back lightly. He felt that there was no need to tell this little thing. These were all things he should do.

“It’s fine when you wake up.” Mu Nanfeng felt that everything he did was worthwhile.


There was a hungry voice in his stomach. Lin Ruoli heard the voice and knew that Xu Yan must be hungry.

“Sister Yan, what do you want to eat, let me cook it for you.”

Mu Nanfeng sniffed, “Let me go.”

Seeing that both of them wanted to go, Xu Yan smiled and said, “Let Nan Feng go.”

She knew that Mu Nanfeng was guilty in her heart. Maybe Mu Nanfeng would be better off by asking Mu Nanfeng to do something for her.

Lin Ruoli didn’t argue, “Well, then I will stay here to chat with Sister Yan with you.”


Xu Yan petted her head.

Mu Nanfeng stood up suddenly and went to the kitchen.

He knows exactly what Xu Yan likes to eat, so he just started to play around.

Soon, lunch will be ready.

A group of people sat in the restaurant and saw the rich and delicious dishes on the table. Everyone praised Mu Nanfeng’s cooking skills.

No one thought that Mu Nanfeng would still cook.

Xu Yan hasn’t eaten for a long time, and relies on nutrient solution to replenish energy every day. Today, she ate three bowls of rice directly.

After lunch, the doctor came to help Xu Yan check the injury. The wound has healed. After that, he only needs to go to the hospital to get rid of the scar.

There is still something in Yanxi’s army, and Wish has an important meeting this afternoon, so Lin Ruoli and Yanxi took the lead to leave temporarily.

Xu Yan just woke up, her body was still a little tired, so she was going to sleep for an afternoon.

Mu Nanfeng lay beside her, resting Xu Yan with his arm.

With this sleep, Xu Yan slept very peacefully.

In the western mountains at sunset, the purple-red sunset smudges the entire sky, giving people a sense of dream.

When Xu Yan woke up, she recovered a lot.

Suddenly she found that the people around her were gone, so she looked for Mu Nanfeng everywhere.

Suddenly, Mu Nanfeng walked in from outside.

“Nan Feng, where have you been?”

When Xu Yan woke up, she didn’t see her a little flustered, almost thinking that everything today was a dream again.

“Go out for a while.” Mu Nanfeng walked to her and asked concerned: “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah.” Xu Yan nodded lightly, her voice with a lovely laziness.

“Nan Feng, I want to go for a walk.”


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