Chapter 720 Don’t even want the life of the one who loves him?

After Mu Nanfeng returned to Tianlan Jinyuan, he sent people to check Mu Beichen’s trail.

Hearing that Mu Beichen is now a general of Gu Zhouguo, Mu Nanfeng feels that things are getting more and more difficult.

A general with thousands of troops and horses, it will not be easy to deal with Mu Beichen in the future.

Mu Nanfeng was very anxious every day, as long as he didn’t get rid of the scourge for a day, he couldn’t feel at ease.

Soon, the investigation had results.

Mu Nanfeng not only understood Tang Qing’s identity, but also understood the grievances between Guzhou and Xizhou.

Tang Qing is now the King of Tata in the Guzhou Kingdom, and that small country has restored its former glory.

As for the emotional entanglement between Mu Beichen and Tang Qing, no one knows.

Mu Nanfeng didn’t care about it either.

What he was thinking now was how to get rid of Mu Beichen this beast.

Mu Nanfeng felt that this matter was a bit difficult and could only plan slowly.

He suddenly thought of someone.

Xu Chenxi.

Mu Beichen became a general, so where did Xu Chenxi go?


The date for Yanxi and Lin Ruoli’s marriage has been set.

It was the day of the summer solstice in June.

Xu Yan is still designing wedding dresses. In order to be the most perfect, she has changed it back and forth many times.

Seeing her busy every day, Ye Xingchen reminded her: “Yan Yan, pay attention to rest, your body has not fully recovered yet.”

I was tortured for half a year and rested for half a year.

Xu Yan’s body has not yet reached an optimal state.

Ye Xingchen was really worried about her.

Xu Yan put down his work and walked to Ye Xingchen, “I know, I will pay attention.”

The two sat down, and Ye Xingchen poured her a cup of hot water.

Xu Yan slurped and drank a glass of water instantly.

She put down the cup and sighed, “Finally hope that Big Brother Yanxi gets married, it’s great…”

Ye Xingchen said warmly: “Yanxi is indeed not young anymore, and it’s time to get married.”

Xu Yan looked at him and joked: “Don’t patronize and talk about others, what about you, when will you find me a sister-in-law?”

“It’s early!” Ye Xingchen said lazily.

He hasn’t thought about it yet, and the seventh special zone is the most important.

He is a man who is serious about his career.

Xu Yan pursed her lips, “Brother, I think you should also look for it. I have never seen you talk about a girlfriend when I grow up to this age. Are you too high-minded?”

Ye Xingchen is a very good person. Xu Yan has admired him since she was a child, so she has always listened to him.

Ever since she was a child, she has never seen a girl who has been tempted by the stars in the night.

But a large part of the reason is actually related to the military camp.

There are no female soldiers in the Seventh Special Zone, so those soldiers hardly see women.

Ye Xingchen has been living in a barracks since he was a child, and it is normal that he has not met a girl who is beloved.

Seeing that everyone around him became a family, Xu Yan also began to worry about Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen is five years older than her, and she is now in her early thirties.

Men at this age are the most attractive.

What’s more, Ye Xingchen is so handsome.

Ye Xingchenyun said lightly, “Maybe fate hasn’t arrived yet.”

He looked at Xu Yan and changed the subject.

“Stop talking about me, talk about you.”

“Me?” Xu Yan pointed his finger at herself, thinking that what he said was a bit strange, “What’s wrong with me?”

Ye Xingchen said bluntly, “How do you feel about Mu Nanfeng now?”

Xu Yan looked blank: “How can you feel, it’s the same as before.”

“Don’t you blame him?” Ye Xingchen felt that she was so silly and cute, and so stupid that she was helpless.

“What do you blame him for?” Xu Yan puzzled.

Ye Xingchen’s eyes sank, “As your husband, he didn’t protect you well, shouldn’t he complain?”

Xu Yan was stunned for a moment, and understood what he meant.

Ye Xingchen blamed Mu Nanfeng for this.

She can understand, after all, Ye Xingchen is like a family member to her, and it must be heartache to see her being hurt like that.

“Brother Chen, I don’t blame him, he can’t control this matter.” Xu Yan helped Mu Nanfeng say good things, “He was also deceived.”

Ye Xingchen helplessly: “You girl, do you just love him like that? You don’t even want to love him, you are not stupid.”

Seeing his expression a little angry, Xu Yan stayed beside him, holding his arm coquettishly, “Didn’t I still have you? I won’t die if you are there, I know you will protect me.”

Ye Xingchen took her out of the way, and clicked her eyebrows, “You let me say what is good about you.”

“Hehe…” Xu Yan greeted her with a smile.

She knew that Ye Xingchen would eat this set. When she was angry, she only had to act like a coquettish.

Ye Xingchen asked mischievously, “If I want you to divorce, what will you do?”

“What? Divorced?” Xu Yan was startled by his words.

Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows, “Why? Can’t it? He doesn’t have the ability to protect you, so what else is there for a man like this?”

Xu Yan was afraid that he would come true, and stumbled and said, “Brother Chen, don’t do this. You also know that Nan Feng and I have had a hard time getting to this day, and I can’t live without him.”

Ye Xingchen was a little jealous, “So in your heart, he is more important than my brother?”

“No, it’s not.”

Xu Yan quickly explained, “You are all very important people to me, and I can’t lose any of them, Brother Chen, I have lost my parents, grandparents and grandparents. In my heart, you are my only relative in this world. NS.”

She always couldn’t help crying when she mentioned her family.

Seeing that she was about to cry, Ye Xingchen immediately softened his heart.

“Okay, okay, I was joking with you, I just don’t want to see you hurt.”

Xu Yan raised her red eyes to look at him, and asked seriously, “So, you won’t let us divorce, will you?”

She understands Ye Xingchen, Ye Xingchen is not a joke.

Since the word divorce was mentioned, it shows that Ye Xingchen has thought about it this way.

The eldest brother is like a father, Xu Yan does not want to hurt Ye Xingchen because of Mu Nanfeng.

If Ye Xingchen really wanted her to leave Mu Nanfeng one day, then she would definitely be very painful.

Ye Xingchen replied gently: “If you don’t want to, I won’t force you.”

He knew that Xu Yan loved Mu Nanfeng deeply, even if he was disappointed in Mu Nanfeng, he couldn’t hurt Xu Yan in this way.

He will respect her wishes.

“Thank you, Brother Chen…” Xu Yan’s eyes had a different kind of light, “I know this incident will definitely disappoint you in Nan Feng, but I still hope you can give him a chance.”

In fact, she knew in her heart that Ye Xingchen had been with her day and night for more than 20 years.

She knew what the man was thinking.

There are some things that Ye Xingchen doesn’t need to say, she also understands in her heart.

Hearing Xu Yan saying this, Ye Xingchen felt that she was really grown up, and even knew what he wanted.

He stroked her hair, “Okay, brother will listen to you.”

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