Chapter 721

Inside a damp and cramped rental house.

Xu Chenxi curled up in the corner, holding his head in both hands, feeling very depressed.

She returned to this ghost place, the imperial capital she hated.

Without the cornea, she can’t do anything now.

Xu Chenxi’s lips were dry enough to peel, and her face turned pale.

She reached out to touch the cold floor and slowly touched a water bottle.

She opened the bottle cap and drank wildly with her head up.


Throwing the bottle abruptly, his emotions exploded in an instant, and Xu Chenxi yelled like crazy.


“why treat me like this……”

“Mu Beichen, I hate you so much…”

Loving that man wholeheartedly, but ended up in this end.

Xu Chenxi was not reconciled, really not reconciled.

How much she once loved Beichen, how much she hates that man now.

Leaning on the wall to get up, Xu Chenxi touched the things he could rely on with her hands.

She touched a cabinet with a box on it.

Opening the lid and touching it carefully, she could feel that there were banknotes inside.

This is the money Mu Beichen gave her.

Not much, just enough to maintain a normal life.

Xu Chenxi touched the banknotes, and a self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.


How can she use the money as a blind man?

The world was dark, and her most basic self-care ability was lost.

Xu Chenxi staggered all the way to the sofa and fell down.

She was lying on the sofa, trying to open her eyes.

Can’t see, can’t see anything.

She has completely become a useless person.

Maybe she will die in this small rental house in the near future.

Her body will become cold and stiff until it stinks and rots.

Until then, perhaps no one has discovered her existence.

She will be forgotten by this world and become a pile of dead bones.

When Xu Chenxi thought of that picture, she felt that she was really miserable.

Why did you live like this?

“Bang bang bang—”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Xu Chenxi trembled with fright.

“Who?” She was vigilant and shrank in the corner of the sofa with a pillow.

A high-pitched voice came.

“It’s me, landlord, beauty, it’s time to pay the rent this month.”

Xu Chenxi slowly relaxed when she heard that it was the landlord.

“Oh, well, wait for me.”

Xu Chenxi got up from the sofa, came to the cabinet, counted a handful of banknotes in her hand, and put the box in the cabinet.

Although she is blind, she is still careful in her work.

Stumbled all the way to the door, Xu Chenxi touched the doorknob and opened the door for the landlord.

The landlord is a middle-aged woman, and Xu Chenxi is quite relieved. If it were a man, she might be molested.

Opening the door, Xu Chenxi tried to pretend to be normal and handed the money in her hand to the landlord, “This is the rent for the next six months. You count it and I will make up if it is missing.”

The landlord took the money and glanced at the man behind him.

The two exchanged their eyes for a moment.

The landlord understood what he meant, and immediately found an excuse to enter the house.

“Money is all right, beauty, I heard the tenant downstairs say that your kitchen is leaking. Can I go in and take a look?”

“Water leaking?” Xu Chenxi frowned. She thought the kitchen was quite normal.

When the landlord saw that she didn’t agree immediately, he emphasized it again, “Yes, yes, they live downstairs as a young couple. They have complained to me several times. No, I brought a maintenance worker over today, or check Good inspection.”

Xu Chenxi couldn’t say anything after hearing this.

She hadn’t gotten used to the life of a blind person, so she didn’t hear that there was another person next to her.

In order to prevent the landlord from discovering that she is blind, she can only pretend to see the maintenance worker.

“Well then, come in.”

Xu Chenxi invited the landlord into the house and walked directly to the sofa to sit down.

In case of walking around, you might bump into something again, exposing flaws.

She sat on the sofa blankly, the maintenance worker and the landlord walked into the kitchen, and Xu Chenxi could vaguely hear the sound of the water tap.

After a while, the landlord came out.

Xu Chenxi hurriedly asked, “How is it? Is it really leaking?”

She longed for the landlord to leave quickly.

The landlord sat across from her, but didn’t mean to leave, “It’s really leaking. The master is already repairing it.”

Xu Chenxi asked, “How long will it take?”

The landlord replied with a smile, “It doesn’t take much time, about half an hour.”

Xu Chenxi nodded, panicking.

She chatted with the landlord without a word, and the whole person was in a tight state.

After half an hour.

The master came out of the kitchen and the landlord got up.

“If it’s fixed, let’s go first.”

Xu Chenxi got up and wanted to give it away. The landlord quickly said again: “Sit down, don’t give it away.”

“Okay, go slowly.” Xu Chenxi sat down on the sofa honestly.

Hearing a “bang”, the door closed.

Only then did she completely relax her vigilance.

“Huh~” Xu Chenxi let out a long sigh of relief.

The landlord shouldn’t notice her anomaly, right?

If you find it, you should ask.

She comforted herself, she probably didn’t find it.

Xu Chenxi got up slowly again, touched the air, and walked to the cabinet.

Open the cabinet and take out the box.

Xu Chenxi’s brain is running at high speed, and she wants to use the money to heal her eyes.

If you want to heal your eyes, you have to go to the hospital.

She urgently needs a mobile phone to dial the hospital number.

No cellphone, as if she had touched a landline before.

She couldn’t remember where she was, anyway, thank you for touching it accidentally.

Xu Chenxi put the box on the coffee table and looked for the landline everywhere.

She leaned on the wall and fumbled everywhere.

From the living room to the bedroom, she dare not let go of every corner.


Suddenly, her knee hit the corner of the bed, and she fell to the ground in pain.

Xu Chenxi hugged her knees, her expression twitching.

This kind of pain can only be experienced by bumping into it.

It took her a long time to get over.

When I got up again, I found it extremely difficult.

In desperation, she had no choice but to crawl. The bedroom space was relatively small and it was easier to find things.

She crawled and touched.

On the way, I was knocked on my head several times, and I was full of bags.

Xu Chenxi first searched on the bedside table, and then endured the severe pain, tossing around in the closet.


She was tired and sweaty, sitting on the ground with her back leaning against the bed.

After resting for a while, she continued looking.

She rummaged through this room, but she didn’t find it in a daze.

Xu Chenxi thought for a while, and suddenly bent down, ready to look under the bed.

She crawled on the ground, crawling under the bed like a maggot, touching everywhere.

“Kang Dang–”

When she touched something with her finger, Xu Chenxi was overjoyed.

She crawled forward and found the landline as expected.

Climbing out with the landline in his arms, Xu Chenxi was ready to get up with his hands on the ground.


Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in the fingers.

The pain of crushing.

Someone is stepping on her hand with his foot.

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