Chapter 722 Mu Nanfeng Captures Xu Chenxi

“Who? Who is it?”

Xu Chenxi panicked immediately, why would there be anyone in her room?

A cold voice sounded.

“It turned out to be really blind, I thought it was pretending.”

Xu Chenxi trembled all over.

This voice?

“Mu… Mu Nanfeng?”

She wouldn’t have heard it wrong, Xu Chenxi’s whole heart was like falling into an ice cellar, her whole body standing upright with goose bumps all over her.

Mu Nanfeng looked down at her condescendingly, with a sarcasm in her voice, “The ears are quite sharp, so I can tell that it is me.”

He carefully observed Xu Chenxi’s eyes, and he was strange in his heart.

Why did this man suddenly go blind?

Did Mu Beichen do it?

Xu Chenxi’s finger was about to be stepped on and she lay on the ground shivering.

When did Mu Nanfeng come in? Why is he here?

Think carefully.

Is it the landlord? That maintenance worker is Mu Nanfeng?

“You…you and the landlord, you two have teamed up to lie to me!”

Xu Chenxi was so smart once in a while, she felt wrong no matter how she thought about it.

Mu Nanfeng sneered, “So what?”

How could he find such an interesting thing if he didn’t do this.

Xu Chenxi was really blind, which was really interesting.

“Mu Nanfeng, you…” Xu Chenxi asked scaredly: “What do you want to do?”

Mu Nanfeng asked coldly, “Have you forgotten those things you did before? Do you think you will be safe forever by marrying Mu Beichen?”

He will never forget how Xu Chenxi hurt Xu Yan.

Xu Yan never killed Xu Chenxi, but that didn’t mean they would let this bitch go.

Xu Chenxi was confident, “Does what I did has anything to do with you? Are you qualified to question me? What kind of thing are you?”

That was the grievance between her and Xu Yan, and no one else had the right to intervene.

Mu Nanfeng was too concerned about it.

“Oh, very good, you’d better be so spineless all the time.”

Mu Nanfeng’s feet pressed hard.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and Xu Chenxi’s finger was broken.

“Ah…” Xu Chenxi yelled in pain.

She gritted her teeth, “Mu Nanfeng, you bastard, you…you are not good…”


With cold sweat on her forehead, Xu Chenxi couldn’t bear the pain of her severed finger and fainted.

Seeing her fainted, Mu Nanfeng loosened his feet, picked up the landline on the ground, looked cold, and threw the landline directly on the ground.


The landline was broken into a pile of parts slag.

Back in the living room, Mu Nanfeng opened the door, and several people in black appeared at the door.

“Mr. Mu…” The people in black bowed respectfully to him.

Mu Nanfeng ordered, “You guys, bring me to Heishui District, you guys, search all the rooms.”


Several people in black came to the bedroom and dragged Xu Chenxi away.

The others began to search the room, crackling sounds filled the room.

The landlord walked to the door timidly, and happened to encounter the scene of Xu Chenxi being taken away.

She was a little scared when she saw this scene for the first time.

The landlord walked into the house tremblingly, and was very distressed when he saw his house in a mess.

“Well, this boss, you see that you also took this person away and made the house like this, isn’t it too…”

These people really spoiled her furniture, and now she is worried about the renovation cost.

Mu Nanfeng understood what she meant, and saw a box on the coffee table with money inside.

Passing the box to the landlord, Mu Nanfeng asked coldly, “Is it enough?”

When the landlord saw the money, he suddenly smiled and nodded and bowed.

“Enough, enough, thank you boss.”

Mu Nanfeng gave her a cold look.

The landlord trembled, “Well, you guys are busy first, I won’t bother you.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she hurried away with the money, for fear that Mu Nanfeng would regret it.

The landlord ran all the way downstairs, panting and patted his chest.

Phew, it’s really scary.

She came to collect rent happily today, but she didn’t expect to meet such a group of people.

Mu Nanfeng asked her to cooperate and help them take Xu Chenxi away.

She looked at so many people at each other and had no choice but to agree.

Fortunately, there is no danger.

Mu Nanfeng didn’t seem to be a bad person either. Not only did he not hurt her, but he also gave her so much money.

Holding the box in his arms, the landlord returned home happily.

Rental house.

“Mr Mu, found this.”

A man in black walked over with a crushed piece of paper.

Mu Nanfeng took it over and took a look.

divorse agreement?

Mu Beichen and Xu Chenxi got divorced?


Tianlan Jinyuan.

Xu Yan somehow wanted to go home especially today, so Ye Xingchen brought her here.

Seeing Mr. Mu, the three of them sat down and chatted for a while.

Ye Xingchen suddenly said, “Grandpa Mu, take me to the back garden to have a look.”

The last time Elder Mu said that the tombstones of the people who stayed overnight were here, and Ye Xingchen came here today to pay homage to his “relatives.”

Elder Mu got up with the walking stick, “Okay, let’s go.”

Xu Yan heard a little bit of pain in the back garden, and then got up, “I’ll go too.”

The three came to the back garden.

In the lush bamboo forest, one after another tombstones come into view.

There were tears in Xu Yan’s eyes, and she walked to the tombstone, “Mom and dad, grandparents, I’m coming to see you.”

Xu Yan knelt down and knocked his head several times in front of the tombstone.

Ye Xingchen stood behind her with a complicated look in his eyes.

After that, Xu Yan came to the tombstone of the Ye family and knelt down again.

“Grandpa Ye, Uncle Ye, I have good news. Brother Chen is here to visit you.”

A line of tears suddenly shed on Xu Yan’s cheek, and her clear eyes were full of guilt.

Ye Zhishu and Ye Nanxiao failed to live over thirty because of her family.

The Ye Family died for the Xu Family for generations. This is something Xu Yan will never forget in her life.

Ye Xingchen looked at these tombstones without saying a word.

Xu Yan got up and looked back and saw tears in Ye Xingchen’s eyes.

She didn’t know what to say for a moment.

After the old man put the incense on him, he walked to Xu Yan and said meaningfully: “Yan Yan, go there with Grandpa for a walk.”


Xu Yan was very sensible. She knew that Elder Mu wanted Ye Xingchen to talk to his family alone.

The two left the bamboo forest.

Ye Xingchen knelt on his knees, looking at the tombstone of the Ye family, tears finally flowed.


This sentence, he said to the Ye family.

Ye Xingchen had always known that it was not the Ye family. Although Ye Mu had raised him for several years, he had always been raised in an orphanage until then.

Everyone thought he was young and didn’t remember those things.

In fact, he always remembered.

He just pretended not to remember.

Ye Xingchen turned his eyes and looked at the tombstone of the Xu family with a sad look in his eyes.


Sorry to the Xu family, it contains too much.

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