Chapter 731

In an instant, the crowd gathered in the middle of the road. Some kind people called 120, and the ambulance rushed to the scene.

The vehicle involved in the accident has escaped, causing quite a stir in the surrounding area, and some students are terrified.

The middle-aged couple in the restaurant turned their eyes to the road unconsciously. The two of them were frightened, not knowing why their hearts were sorely painful.

“I gonna go see.”

Father Wen always felt a sudden pain in his heart, and wanted to walk over and take a look.

But before he could walk out a few steps, the ambulance had left.

Only a pool of blood remained in the middle of the road.

Father Wen had no choice but to stop, thinking that he was too sensitive, and their daughter died in a car accident.

He wiped his tears, then turned back to the restaurant to continue his business.

The crowd dispersed, and vehicles washed the blood on the scene.

The road was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

at this time.

A black Bentley parked not far away.

The window of the driver’s seat was rolled up, and the atmosphere inside the car was a little gloomy.

Ye Xingchen’s thin lips raised slightly, “It’s pretty ruthless to start, as expected of Xu Chenxi.”

Xu Yan’s mood is very complicated now.

They deliberately arranged Xu Chenxi in that hospital, and deliberately let her meet Wen Zimei.

Wen Ziyi harmed Xiao Mo. Xu Yan actually wanted to hold the injustice for Xiao Mo, and wanted to use Xu Chenxi’s hand to deal with Wen Ziyi.

After all, back then, Xu Chenxi had certain responsibilities for jumping into Haiwen Ziwei.

She wanted to watch them kill each other.

But she didn’t expect that Xu Chenxi would be so ruthless and drove to death Wen Zimei who was going home.

Regarding the vicious human heart, no one in the world can match Xu Chenxi.

Oh, no, except for Mu Beichen.

“Yanxi, let’s go.” Ye Xingchen’s eyes were calm as water.

He liked this ending very much.

He had long been uncomfortable with Wen Ziyi, and it would be nice to die.

That woman not only seduce Mu Nanfeng, but also wanted to kill Xu Yan’s child, so he never thought of keeping such a vicious person.

Now Xu Chenxi helped him kill another person, he was really happy.

The car starts and moves forward.

Yanxi looked in the rearview mirror, “Xingchen, are we going to get Xu Chenxi back?”

“No, she will come to me by herself.”

Xu Chenxi’s escape was originally his plan. Since he dared to let her go, it meant he had absolute confidence.

Yanxi heard the words and understood what he meant, so she didn’t say much.


On the other side, Xu Chenxi drove the hitting car onto a rugged mountain.

She whispered while turning the steering wheel.

“Hurry up, hurry up…”

She must not be caught by the police. She was sweating panicked after hearing the sirens behind her.

“I can’t be caught, absolutely can’t…”

Xu Chenxi stepped on the accelerator to the end, trying to escape.

Since she has decided to kill Wen Ziyi, it means that she has planned in advance.

The license plate number of this car is fake. As long as she successfully escapes, no one can find her.


The sound of the accelerator filled her ears, Xu Chenxi felt that the speed was not enough, and she wished the car would fly directly.

All the way up the mountain, the police car was chasing very tightly.

When passing a small hill, Xu Chenxi picked up a remote control in the passenger seat.

She pressed the black button.


Several trees fell down, isolating the subsequent vehicles.

Xu Chenxi kept walking forward and finally reached the top of the mountain.

There is a cliff at the end of the mountain, and there is a turbulent sea under the cliff.

Drive the car to the edge of the cliff.

She released the accelerator, pulled on the handbrake, and quickly got out of the car, all in one go.

She came to the rear of the car, pushed the car with both hands, exhausted all her strength, and pushed the car into the sea.

Only a “bang” sound was heard, and a huge splash of water rolled up.

Xu Chenxi took off her gloves and clapped her hands.

That’s it.

She turned around, walked into a wood, and started running towards a secret trail.

Running ran, came to another mountain.

Xu Chenxi found the clothes prepared in advance in a pavilion.

She changed her outfit again and burned all the clothes just now.

At this point, she successfully escaped.


Xu Chenxi got a ticket that day and went to another city.

She came to Qingcheng.

This is a small six-tier city and a relatively quiet city. Xu Chenxi decided to start a new life here.

She rented a house and got a job.

She thought that if she stayed away from the imperial capital, she could stay away from the past.

Living in a hut of more than ten square meters, Xu Chenxi often feels that everything in the past is like a dream.

She planned for half her life, but in the end she got nothing.

She didn’t want to plan anymore, returning to the Imperial Capital would only lose her life.

On this day, Xu Chenxi got off work, bought vegetables and returned home, and made a simple dinner.

Sitting at the table alone, watching TV, she suddenly realized that such days are actually very good.

After eating, she lay on the sofa, and she was stuck in the sofa.

She watched the variety show and smiled.

Night fell.

I don’t know if the night wind is too cold, or the temperature in the room has dropped, Xu Chenxi suddenly felt very cold.

She was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt.

But it doesn’t seem to be useful.

She curled up, shaking instinctively.

There was a cold breath rushing into her body.

She is so painful, so uncomfortable.

She thought that forbearance would pass, but the pain became more and more intense.

Later, she felt as if there were tens of thousands of ants gnawing on her internal organs.

It’s painful.

She bit the quilt and trembled all over.

“Ah… it hurts… it hurts…”

Xu Chenxi felt that she was dying, and she seemed to be longing for something in her heart.

What can save her?

She wanted to break her head, but couldn’t figure it out.

This night, she fell asleep in pain.

The next day, she went to work again as usual, and she thought that the pain would no longer be there.

But it worsened at night.

On the third day, she couldn’t stand it directly, and she was so painful that she couldn’t sleep.

Xu Chenxi gradually seemed to understand something.

Since her eyes were healed, she has not seen the overnight stars again.

With Ye Xingchen’s character, how could she easily let go of her.

I think of the days when I was drunk before, and I was forced to drink alcohol every day.

The feeling of the soul ascending to heaven seemed to be the antidote she was looking for.

Is she obsessed with wine?

Xu Chenxi thought about it this way. After that, she would buy some wine and go home every day, and she would buy it drunk by herself at night.

At first, she would fall asleep because she was drunk, and she would recover a little more.

In the next few days, she found that alcohol could not relieve her pain at all.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her face was very pale, and she was obviously thinner.

“Cold, so cold…”

“Who can help me……”

Xu Chenxi shrank into a ball while lying on the bed, her body shivering and shivering.

She opened her mouth as if she was thirsting for something.

What can solve her pain?

What exactly is her body longing for?

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