Chapter 732

The day of the outbreak was early in the morning.

Xu Chenxi realized that she might be tortured to death if she continued like this.

She returned to the imperial capital and came to heaven on earth, where it is closed during the day.

Regardless of the security’s persuasion, Xu Chenxi broke in and found the boss here.

“Help me… Help me find Ye…” Her lips were shaking, “Ye Xingchen…”

When the boss looked at this, he knew what she had committed.

“He’s not there during the day, you come back at night.”

Ye Xingchen had already said hello before, as long as someone came to him, let the boss answer like this.

The boss left after speaking.

Xu Chenxi was stunned in the same place, her whole body trembling, and a decadent and degenerate aura exuded from all over her body.

too painful.

She knew that only Ye Xingchen could save him.

I have to wait for him today anyway.

Xu Chenxi came to a deck and hugged her cold body.

Someone came to drive her away, but she just didn’t want to leave, and violence against her was useless.

In desperation, she was left alone.

In the evening, paradise on earth began to pick up guests, and successive men walked in.

In the center of the dance floor, the enchanting posture of the woman made the men salivate.

Passionate scenes were being staged on several decks. The man embraced the woman and kissed fiercely.

Xu Chenxi shrank in the corner, waiting and waiting.

She dared not let go of her sight.

Finally, Ye Xingchen came.

He walked directly to the box on the third floor, Yan Xi and a few of his men walked beside Xu Yan.

This kind of place is too messy. In order to prevent someone from harassing Xu Yan, they have to arrange several people to protect Xu Yan every time.

Enter the box.

As soon as Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan sat down, Xu Chenxi rushed in from outside.

Everyone stared at Xu Chenxi.

After a long absence, she has lost a lot of weight, and her mental state has also languished.

There were colorful wines on the long table. Xu Chenxi saw the wines and ran over, drinking glass by glass.

She is out of control, she only knows that she wants to ease this pain.

Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan sneered slightly when they looked at her self-willing depravity.

Sure enough, that thing was really useful, but the one who wanted to escape came back obediently.

Xu Chenxi vomited while drinking, and she continued to drink.

Pain made her unable to control herself, she must find that kind of happiness.

For a long while.

“Don’t drink it, it’s useless.” Ye Xingchen’s voice sounded, piercing the eardrum.

Xu Chenxi opened her eyes wide, “Why?”

She remembered that she had experienced the joy of stepping into heaven in these wines before.

She believes that there is always a cup that can bring her that kind of happiness.

Ye Xingchen took out a bag of powder from his pocket.

“What you need is this.”

Xu Chenxi looked at the red powder, her eyes sluggish for a moment.

“what is that?”

Ye Xingchen smiled without saying a word, poured the powder into a glass of wine, and handed it to Xu Chenxi.

Xu Chenxi drank it without even thinking about it, because she was so painful.

She is like a starving dog now, wanting to taste everything when she sees it.

She picked up the glass of wine and drank it sharply.

She softened and lay on the ground, her arms stretched out instinctively.


Xu Chenxi let out a comfortable cry, she seemed to have seen heaven again.

She understood what she was.

Closing her eyes, Xu Chenxi was enjoying this happiness to the full.

The pain disappeared unconsciously.

Once in heaven, there will be no more pain in the body.

This night.

Xu Chenxi finally got a good night’s sleep.

When she opened her eyes again, she was lying in the room on the fourth floor.

After this day, Xu Chenxi never thought of escaping from the imperial capital.

She was obsessed with this feeling.

If she left here, she would die in pain.

Ye Xingchen disappeared for several days, and the pain invaded her again.

Every day she yelled to see Ye Xingchen, but Ye Xingchen did not come, and she did not come for several days.

Xu Chenxi was again surrounded by cold pain, curled up on the bed.

“Help me…help me…”

This pain gradually made her understand that she was addicted to d.

What she needs is that red powder, never wine.

This was the punishment that Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan gave her, and it was also the torture they carefully prepared.

Xu Chenxi had to admit that they won.

She can’t do without that thing anymore.

When she realized this, Xu Chenxi had thought of quitting. She shut herself in the room and forced herself not to think about it.

For several nights, she cried out in pain.

She was covered with sweat, and the corners of her lips were bitten by her teeth.

She told herself, persevere, must persevere.

She must get rid of this stuff, or her life will be ruined.

But in the end, she still failed to get past.

Ye Xingchen didn’t come again after that, and Xu Chenxi could only find the boss in despair.

“Boss, please give me some…”

“Just a little…”

“I can’t take it anymore, I’m so uncomfortable…”

The boss looked at her small appearance and found that she was still pretty good-looking.

“Want?” He took out a bag of fans.

Xu Chenxi stretched out her hand to grab it, “Yes, give it to me, please give it to me…”

The boss stared at her squintingly, “This thing is not cheap, just give it to you, then I am a big loss, am I rich?”

Xu Chenxi touched her pocket, she didn’t have a cent on her body.

She looked eagerly, staring straight at the fan, swallowed her throat, “Boss, I’ll work for you, can I owe you first?”

“Owed? I don’t have this rule here, but…”

The boss put his arms around her waist, “This thing is not necessarily only money can buy.”

He raised his eyebrows, with an obscene look on his face.

Xu Chenxi looked at him and understood what he meant.

She can’t control that much.

“As long as you give me, I promise everything, okay?”

The boss smiled with satisfaction, “Really?”

“Really.” Xu Chenxi was like a kid wandering on the street and begging for food.

The boss hooked her waist, closed the door, and threw her on the bed.

He began to undress and jumped into bed.

“Come on, my little baby~”

Xu Chenxi pushed him, “Wait…”

“What’s the matter? Want to regret it?” The boss looked unhappy suddenly.

Xu Chenxi waved her hand and stared at the bag of powder in his hand.

“You give it to me first, I’m so uncomfortable…”

She felt a spider crawling in her heart, and she was about to eat her heart.

The boss was anxious and forgot.

He opened the fan, “Look at you in a hurry, come to me to feed you.”

Xu Chenxi opened her mouth obediently, and the red powder touched the mucus in her mouth and melted in her mouth.

She swallowed, and after a while, she felt happy again.

That’s how it feels.


“Want to be more comfortable?” The boss looked at her ascended to heaven.

Xu Chenxi nodded dazedly.

What follows is double happiness.

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