At the thought of this, Xiao Anya only felt that her heart was depressed. She had not been so confused for a long time.

At the moment, she really couldn't find a better way. She glanced at xiaopinger and said, "about raising children, wait. You should contact my private lawyer first. I have something to tell him!"

As for the child, she still has to find Yue chulin to discuss it. She must find a proper person to raise it.

Thinking, she couldn't help looking at Xiao Ping'er. Is she a niece who can properly take care of the child?

In short, now that the child has not yet been born, there is room for discussion. Let's settle the compensation Xiao pinger wants first!

Xiao Ping'er had long guessed that she could not get custody of her cousin today. Anyway, she was not worried. Yue chusen didn't say that he didn't want to take care of the child, because seeing the child, he would think of the good things Xiao Anya and his wife had done to his daughter.

Therefore, in the end, Xiao Anya and her husband had only the Xiao family to rely on. Therefore, Xiao Anya didn't promise now, and Xiao pinger didn't care.

She hung up and got up to contact Xiao Anya's personal lawyer.

Soon, Xiao Anya's private lawyer came. Xiao Anya didn't know what he said to him. The young lawyer who looked smart and dressed in a suit came out and took Xiao pinger to transfer the ownership of the house.

When the house was transferred, the other party asked Xiao pinger for her personal information. After the transfer, the lawyer handed Xiao pinger a bank card.

As soon as xiaopinger got her bank card, a text message sounded on her mobile phone. She glanced at it and found that the account had been transferred into 10million yuan.

When xiaopinger saw the news, she shook her hand with her mobile phone.

After seeing the smart lawyer solve the house and transfer, he left directly.

Xiao Ping'er immediately looked at the house address given by the other party and went straight to her new home.

After she went there, she took the key to open the door and saw a two-story loft apartment of more than 100 square meters. She felt spacious and comfortable living alone. Xiao pinger had an indescribable feeling in her heart that she had her own house in Shencheng.

Besides, her bank card still has 10 million yuan!

Looking at the bank card in her hand, xiaopinger couldn't help flashing an excited light in her eyes.

The apartment has been hard decorated. As long as you buy some soft furniture, you can move in directly.

Xiao Ping'er feels that she is now a little rich woman. She doesn't see the money for furniture.

She immediately decided to go shopping this afternoon, buy furniture by the way, and move in tomorrow.

With two bank cards in her pocket, Xiao pinger went straight to the largest shopping mall nearby.

She inquired before she came here. It's very big here. There are two floors for furniture and fashion. It's very suitable for her shopping now. She will want to buy a lot of things.

However, before shopping, she still solved the problem of eating by herself.

The shopping mall here is very large. The whole fifth floor is full of restaurants.

Xiaopinger realized that she was a rich man now. She found a restaurant that looked more upscale and walked in.

At the same time, Mo Hanyan was impatient waiting for lunch at the window of the restaurant. She ran outside all morning this morning and couldn't find a suitable house.

You know, when she was at school, she lived in the dormitory all the time and didn't feel any bad.

However, since her safety was threatened and she was taken to the island by Mo Yi, she lived in a small Western-style building arranged by Mo Yi, which was still close to the sea. This time, she came back and lived in the villa of Mo Sinian's family.

With such accommodation experience, she seems to have forgotten how to change from extravagance to frugality. How can she appreciate those shabby little houses now!

However, the house price in Shencheng is not cheap, and she doesn't dare to buy a house directly. In this case, her money will be limited. In case she can't find a suitable job, where will she get money for her other expenses!

Although Mo Yi is rich and gives her a lot, they are not lovers, and Mo Yi can't spend money for her all the time.

Moreover, even so, she is becoming more and more extravagant, and has already asked Mo Yi to borrow money several times. Otherwise, she must not have any money left on her now.

At the thought of this, Mo Hanyan could not help but frown. She had to ask Mo Yi to borrow money. At the thought of this, she shook her head immediately and had to pay attention. After all, her goal now is mo Sinian. If Mo Sinian knew that she would treat Mo Yi as an ATM, it would be bad.

But for now, she still has to find a place to live.

Mo Hanyan even thought that if he didn't want to, he would just find a place to live for a while. After all, Mo Sinian told her to move out. No matter what, she had to show a bit of backbone. Otherwise, Mo Sinian's impression of himself would not be better.

Mo Hanyan thought a lot at random for a while.

She made up her mind and lowered her request in the afternoon to find a suitable house to live in.

Mo Hanyan hurriedly finished his meal and went to check out.

When she passed by, she happened to see a rustic girl checking out.

Of course, this was not the most surprising thing for her. What surprised her was that the girl took a limited edition black diamond card.

She has heard of this kind of card. Mo Yi told her that the highest level of this card is the black gold card, and the annual cost must be more than 200 million before applying.

As for the black diamond card, it is 50 million.

This native girl must have an unusual identity if she can take out this card.

Sure enough, the front desk, who was supposed to check out, was very lazy. As soon as he saw the card that the native girl took out, he immediately became respectful.

Mo Hanyan looked at TU Niu in front of him and settled the account with the black diamond card. Then he turned and walked out.

Seeing that the other party knew the card password, Mo Hanyan felt very hot. She hurried out after paying the bill and saw Tu Niu enter the elevator.

When Mo Hanyan ran to the elevator, he saw that the other party had already gone upstairs, but the elevator stopped at the seventh floor.

Mo Hanyan knew that the seventh floor was selling fashion. She didn't know what was coming to her mind. She immediately pressed the elevator next to her to go up to the seventh floor.

Mo Hanyan is in Shencheng. She is not familiar with her place. She ponders in the elevator. If she can make friends with the local girl just now, she may have unexpected gains!

After all, those who can get the black diamond card can be regarded as the small rich in Shencheng.

Mo Hanyan chases upstairs, but the Tu Niu disappears. Mo Hanyan can only look for someone aimlessly on the seventh floor.

In other words, Xiao Ping'er didn't know at the moment that she was being watched by Mo Hanyan.

After all, she is now reluctant to use her 10 million yuan. Instead, she uses the card that Xiao Anya gave her before she was caught because she has checked the card that Xiao Anya gave her, and there are more than five million.

Before Xiao pinger checked, she really didn't expect to have so much money. However, after checking, she naturally thought that she would spend all the money on Xiao Anya's card first and then use her own money.

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