Xiao pinger didn't even know that Xiao Anya's card is a symbol of identity. The annual consumption must be at least RMB 50 million to apply.

She didn't know anything. She foolishly took the card to pay the bill. As a result, Mo Hanyan saw her.

Xiaopinger walked outside the fashion shop on the seventh floor for a while before she summoned up her courage and entered one of them.

To tell the truth, when she saw those dazzling clothes, she even felt that she was not worthy of them.

However, when she came, she also had money. If she didn't buy some for herself, would she be wearing the clothes she is wearing now?

Xiao Ping'er is not stupid either. She realized before that when she entered the mall, others looked at her with strange eyes, which seemed to have an unspeakable contempt.

Because of this, Xiao pinger felt more and more determined that she had to buy more good clothes to avoid being looked down upon by those who looked down upon others.

Xiaopinger went into the shop and looked at the gorgeous clothes. A flicker of longing flashed across her eyes. She couldn't help coming forward and reached out to touch them.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, xiaopinger turned to look at another more beautiful one nearby, and felt it involuntarily.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from behind.

Xiao Ping'er's hands became stiff. She suddenly turned around. Before she could react, the clothes in her hands were accidentally brought down by her.

Before Xiao pinger had time to speak, she saw the well-dressed clothing salesman's calm face in front of her. She looked arrogant and spoke with great contempt: "what do you touch? Can you afford it? Our clothes were all dirty by your touch, and the silk fabrics of the skirt you brought down were all scratched out. What can you do?"

Xiao Ping'er looked at the other party in a daze. She felt inferior in her heart. She was not confident enough and said, "well... Can I buy it?"

This clothing sale was originally to see a native girl from Xiao Ping'er come in. It didn't seem like a clothes buyer at all. Seeing her touch and touch, she didn't go anywhere. She came here specifically to find trouble. Hearing Xiao Ping'er's words, her tone was naturally not good.

She looked at xiaopinger sarcastically: "buy? Do you know who can afford this kind of clothes? Do you know the price of this dress in our family?"

Xiao Ping'er had also worn expensive clothes before, which were bought by her aunt and father. Hearing this, she could not help wringing her eyebrows: "I think you can buy them for thousands of dollars!"

Hearing her words, the clothing salesman's eyes became disdainful and disgusted: "sure enough, we are ignorant. There are no clothes of this brand with skirts lower than 10000. The tag price of the one you made is 19999. Do you think you can afford it?"

Hearing the price, xiaopinger was relieved. It wasn't too expensive. Anyway, she wasn't unable to afford it. She was planning to buy it with good will.

As a result, before she could speak, she heard a cold voice: "at least you Suya are a small brand. This is the quality of clothing sales?"

Hearing this, xiaopinger and the clothing salesman turned to look at it at the same time.

Seeing a girl like a fairy in front of her, xiaopinger couldn't help opening her eyes. She was so beautiful!

Although not as beautiful as Mo Xi, this girl is one of the few beauties she saw up close after she came to Shencheng.

Moreover, the other party's temperament looks warm and soft, like water, with a little pure and cold feeling. Xiao pinger feels that she can't even pretend to have such a temperament.

Before Xiao Ping'er could say anything, she heard the salesperson nearby saying, "Miss, what do you mean by that?"

Mo Han, smoke and hum: "What do I mean? Don't you know? I saw all your cynical behavior just now. Isn't it a dress worth 20000 yuan? As for being so aggressive? What's more, the customer is God. Shouldn't it be remembered by your salespeople all the time? But did you do it? I tell you, we bought this dress, but your service attitude is wrong. Find it now When your manager comes here, he has to tell my friend something! "

In other words, when Mo Hanyan first came over, she saw Xiao Ping'er being blamed. Her mind immediately came to life when she thought of the black gold card that the other party had taken out before. Therefore, this scene came into being.

Hearing this, Xiao Ping'er couldn't help but open her eyes. Even the salesperson nearby couldn't help looking at Mo Hanyan and Xiao Ping'er. She couldn't imagine that they were friends.

Mo Hanyan was not happy when he saw that she did not speak. "Why? Just now, when the dog looked down on people, he was very talkative. This will make you call the person in charge. You are mute? I tell you, if this matter is not resolved today, I will directly call the Consumer Association to complain about your store. You can do it yourself!"

When the salesman saw that Mo Hanyan didn't seem to be lying, the cold sweat on his forehead immediately flowed down.

She gritted her teeth and quickly showed her weakness: "Miss, I apologize to you and your friends. It was just me that was wrong. It was me that looked down on others. Can you stop arguing with me?"

Although Xiao Ping'er took off her clothes just now, her attitude can be found in the monitoring once the trouble starts. At that time, it will not be so easy to be private.

People are consumers, but the store manager won't take care of them. However, her job is certainly out of control.

Thinking of this, she bent lower.

Xiao Ping'er didn't expect such a reversal. The person who looked at her with disgust and disdain before would have to kowtow to herself. Her mood was a little complicated and subtle.

Mo Hanyan looked at Xiao pinger: "do you like this dress?"

Xiao Ping'er pursed her lips: "it's OK. This kind of cloth looks very good!"

Mo Han nodded clearly: "well, let her call the shopkeeper over and apologize to you first. As for the clothes, we bought them! How about it?"

Xiaopinger quickly nodded and said, "yes, I have money. I can buy this dress!"

Looking at Xiao pinger's rustic and silly appearance, Mo Hanyan turned his eyes and nodded. Then he looked at the cold-blooded salesperson nearby: "if you don't call the shopkeeper, I can only find someone to call in person!"

When it came to this, the salesperson found that there was no way to improve it. The other party didn't intend to let her go at all.

It's also strange that her eyes are not good. She thinks that this kind of native girl can't afford the clothes in their shop. Otherwise, how could this happen!

However, before the salesperson had time to call the store manager, some colleagues who did not deal with her already called the store manager.

The store manager came over, looked at Mo Hanyan with a smile, and asked the whole story.

Mo Hanyan said coldly, "we can buy clothes. However, this matter must be explained. Anyone who goes shopping will not feel good if he is pointed at by the nose and humiliated and can't afford to buy anything. Do you understand this kind of personal insult? If I poke this matter out and expand the influence, do you think your brand will be affected?"

After all, in recent years, too many such things have happened. The so-called "a mouse shit spoils a pot of soup", but so it is.

Many large companies and brands may suffer from a small incident that may affect their brand reputation, resulting in a sharp drop in their share prices. What's more, they are such a small brand. If things get big, it will certainly be bad for them.

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