At this point, Bai Jinse's tone was faint, Continue: "Of course, Moyi's idea is also correct. However, Mo Hanyan is not very pleasant. In addition, when Moyi finds a job for Mo Hanyan, she will naturally find the corresponding major of her university. That can only be the work of jewelry design. Therefore, the last thing to help arrange the work can only fall on us, and we can't refuse Moyi. After all, Moyi doesn't know that Mo Hanyan was at our home with us We don't get along very well. It's just that those are not big things. Don't Mo Hanyan tell Mo Yi, do we have a good intention to say it? Forget it. I'm finished. I'll see if I have a suitable job and arrange one for her. Anyway, don't help Mo Yi's face! "

Mo Sinian thought for a while and said, "Jin se, otherwise, don't arrange for her. Find an acquaintance in the jewelry circle and put her in!"

Bai Jinshe looked at Mo Si Nian helplessly, Shake your head: "We've both seen Mo Hanyan. She's not safe at first sight. If there's any big mistake in introducing her to a friend, we'll have to pay for it. In addition, if we ask someone else to help us find a job, we'll still owe a favor. In the final analysis, it's still not cost-effective. We'd better stare at her under our own noses. If she does anything bad, tell Mo Yi directly and dismiss him. I see, Mo Yi He is also a reasonable person, but he doesn't seem to know the real Mo Hanyan very well, so he asked us to help him! "

Mo Sinian nodded: "You're right. Although Mo Yi let Mo Hanyan live on the island, all the secrets on the island were hidden from Mo Hanyan. In addition, Mo Yi was busy and often went out on missions. It was estimated that his time with Mo Hanyan was limited. Mo Hanyan helped him. He remembered this friendship. Therefore, he had always been good to Mo Hanyan, but it was difficult to really understand a person for a short time. I estimated that 80% of his time with Mo Hanyan was In this case, of course, there is another possibility, that is, Mo Hanyan pretends well in front of him, but will not deliberately hide his ambition and restlessness in front of others! "

Hearing Mo Sinian's analysis, Bai Jinse couldn't help picking his eyebrows and said with a smile, "in Mo Yi's opinion, maybe Mo Hanyan is still a pitiful little white flower design!"

Mo Sinian saw that Bai Jinse's mood didn't seem to be affected too much. He couldn't help but hook his lips: "it's estimated that it is. In addition to Mo Hanyan's kindness to him, it's estimated that people can't see clearly if they use him all their lives!"

Bai Jinshe pursed her lips: "well, let's not talk about her anymore. I hope she can pretend to be a white flower all her life in front of the ink! But if I arrange work for her, I won't be polite if she violates my principle!"

Mo Sinian couldn't help pointing at the tip of her small nose: "that's right. Don't take her to heart. Have a rest early!"

At the same time, xiaopinger's new home.

Xiaopinger came down from upstairs and saw Mo Hanyan sitting leisurely on the sofa, watching a variety show.

Xiaopinger walked over and asked, "Han Yan, how are you looking for a job?"

When mohanyan came in, she said she was looking for a job. These days, she found that mohanyan had been staying at home, as if she had no intention of going out to find a job.

Although, she doesn't mind. After all, Mo Hanyan is friends with herself. She lets Mo Hanyan live in for free. Therefore, she won't consider whether Mo Hanyan has rent. She only cares about Mo Hanyan if she asks.

Upon hearing this, Mo Hanyan looked up at her and said, "what? Are you interested in my work?"

Xiao pinger was stunned and shook her head: "Hanyan, I don't mean that. I just care about you. Besides, I'll see how you find a job. Maybe I can give some advice and go out to find a job!"

After Mo Hanyan's transformation in the past two days, all her old clothes have been thrown away. Compared with her childish and rustic dress, she is now dressed young Beautiful, she is still learning make-up, the whole person can be said to be a big change.

All this is attributed to Mo Hanyan. Almost subconsciously, she wants to imitate Mo Hanyan's life and make herself more calm and confident. She doesn't want to be the native girl who was pointed out before.

When mohanyan heard her words, he raised his eyebrows: "do you want to go out to work?"

After three days of understanding, she probably knew that Xiao pinger didn't have much money, but she came from the countryside. However, her aunt was rich. The black diamond card Mo Hanyan held in her hand was her aunt's.

However, Xiao Pinger is unlucky. Her aunt seems to have committed a crime and has been in prison recently. Therefore, Xiao pinger's aunt gave her black diamond card to keep her basic expenses.

Moreover, according to Mo Hanyan's words, Xiao pinger learned that in addition to the black diamond card, there was also a part of the money given by her aunt. Xiao Ping hesitated about how much money it was.

In this respect, Mo Hanyan didn't go to the bottom. After all, she can't directly show her interest in how much money Xiao pinger has. Even if Xiao Pinger is stupid, she may think more.

However, Mo Hanyan doesn't know how much Xiao pinger has. However, the apartment they live in now is under Xiao pinger's name. Moreover, the apartment should be very valuable and paid in full. The double-layer loft with more than 100 square meters has low-key and luxurious decoration. The bedrooms, cloakrooms and toilets are fully equipped. Living here is actually as good as living in a small villa.

Mo Hanyan was very satisfied with the house. Moreover, Xiao pinger also said that she could live in the house as long as she wanted. She didn't have to worry about rent at all.

Although it's not as good to get xiaopinger's background as you think, Mo Hanyan feels that he can benefit from having such a little basic assets.

After all, xiaopinger helped her solve the housing problem for free, which not only did not reduce her quality of life, but also kept her proud in front of Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse.

Mo Hanyan is quite satisfied with this.

However, what she didn't understand was that Xiao pinger wanted to go out to work even though she had a full house and Cary had money, which really surprised her.

Xiaopinger looked at Mo Hanyan and was a little surprised. She was a little embarrassed: "well, I don't think it's a good idea that I've been living on empty land. If you can find a suitable job, I also want to see if I have the opportunity to go out to work. I want to exercise!"

Hearing this, Mo Hanyan smiled and didn't speak. According to her, Xiao pinger had just finished high school and didn't go to college. She had wasted several years in her hometown before. This time she came to Shencheng for the first time!

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