Not to mention that xiaopinger, who has graduated from high school, is a college student. Now she goes out to catch a large number of people. Does she really think it is easy to find a job? She is really naive.

However, in view of the relationship between the two good friends, Mo Hanyan didn't say anything directly. She said lightly: "I don't care about my work, because I have asked someone to help me find a job. I'll just wait. As for you... If you're looking for a job, I suggest you ask your relatives in Shencheng to see if they have any suitable job referrals. After all, it's hard to find a good job now!"

Xiaopinger didn't expect that Mo Hanyan sent someone to look for a job. No wonder she hasn't gone out these days.

She thought about what mohanyan had said to herself, and felt a little embarrassed: "my diploma is much worse than yours. You were asked to find it. I think... I'd better forget it!"

Xiao pinger soon gave up the idea of going out to work after learning from Mo Hanyan.

After all, in her opinion, the more than 10 million yuan in her hands is enough to make her rich all her life. If she doesn't go to work, it shouldn't be so important to her. She just needs to save some money!

Mo Hanyan knew nothing about Xiao pinger's ideas. However, seeing that the other party had been sitting next to her and seemed not to be going away, she casually asked, "do you also like watching variety shows?"

Xiao Ping'er shook her head. "It's OK!"

When she was in her hometown, what she liked most was romantic dramas, which she didn't like to watch. Therefore, she didn't understand at all where this good-looking point was. Mo Hanyan couldn't see it.

Xiao Ping'er gave up work and thought of another worry.

She sat beside Mo Hanyan and couldn't help looking at her one eye after another. Mo Hanyan frowned: "Ping'er, what have you been watching me do?"

Xiao Ping'er thought that Mo Hanyan didn't pay attention. She would hear her ask directly. On the contrary, she was a little embarrassed!

She blushed and said, "did you notice that I looked at you?"

Mo Hanyan couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I'm not a dead man. You see it so clearly. How can I not be aware of it? Tell me, what do you want to say when you keep staring at me?"

Hearing Mo Hanyan's words, Xiao Ping'er's face turned red like a persimmon before she started to say anything. Mo Hanyan could not help frowning. The Tu Niu was really interesting. She didn't speak, so she was ashamed. What's the big deal!

Seeing that Mo Hanyan stopped watching TV, Xiao pinger stared at herself. She blushed and moved her lips. It took a long time to ask shyly, "Hanyan, do you think the people I like will like me?"

To tell the truth, Xiao pinger was hit by many things when she first came to Shencheng.

When she saw Chaojing at the first sight in Haiwan village, she was very rare. As a result, when she came to Shencheng, she knew that Chaojing's identity was nothing but a dream to her.

Moreover, it seems that Mo Xi is not the kind of woman who relies on men as she thinks. She is Yue chusen's daughter.

Who is Yue chusen? But her uncle's brother, she still remembers that her aunt once said that the brother of my uncle is in charge of most of the family property of the Yue family. Just imagine, in my opinion, my uncle's family is very rich. How rich can the Yue chusen family be!

Xiao Ping'er was a bit stupid, but she didn't have to think about this problem. When she learned that Mo Xi was a good match for Chao Jing, she was hit hard at that time.

In addition, when she arrived in Shencheng, she found that her self righteous beauty and family were in fact vulnerable to attack. When others saw her appearance and dress, they only mocked and ridiculed her. Her self-confidence was shattered, and she dared not say that she liked other people's scenery any more.

However, in the past two days, Xiao Ping'er watched her change under Mo Hanyan's transformation. She found her lost self-confidence little by little.

In fact, she is not ugly after changing her dressing style, dressing up and putting on makeup.

Originally, she is not ugly. She looks like her aunt Xiao Anya. Xiao Anya, a rural girl, looks good when she can marry into a rich family.

Therefore, after Xiao pinger dressed up, she found that she didn't have to feel inferior. She liked Chaojing. She hasn't confessed yet. How can she easily shrink back!

Besides Moxi and Chaojing, it is said that Moxi's children are not Chaojing's. under such circumstances, she feels more competitive.

Therefore, she would unconsciously ask Mo Hanyan such a question.

Mo Hanyan looked at her subtly: "do you have someone you like?"

Mo Hanyan didn't even guess that there was someone she liked. She thought that Xiao Ping'er had never seen anything in the world before. It was estimated that the person she liked was a young man fishing in the countryside.

She heard from Xiao pinger that many people in her family live by fishing.

Hearing her words, xiaopinger nodded shyly, completely unaware of the slight disdain in Mo Hanyan's heart.

Mo Hanyan saw her nod and smiled at her: "what do you like? Where is your home?"

In fact, she just gossips casually and doesn't take the person Xiao pinger likes seriously at all.

As a result, Xiao Ping'er was confused when she heard her question. She shook her head in a daze and was embarrassed: "well... I don't know what he does. As for his family... It doesn't seem to be in Shencheng either. It's said that it's from other places, especially powerful!"

Mo Hanyan couldn't help laughing. He also had money and power. I'm afraid she hasn't seen what real money and power are like.

She hooked her lips and said, "why don't you know anything? You don't know anything. How can you like to deal with it?"

Xiao pinger couldn't help shaking her head. Her face flushed: "no, i... I know his name!"

Mo Hanyan didn't take this seriously at all: "what's the use of knowing a name! Falling in love doesn't just look at a name!"

With that, seeing that the variety show had become an advertisement, she couldn't help changing the stage and casually asked, "what's his name?"

Xiaopinger, no matter how dull she is, can see that Mo Hanyan is not serious about her feelings. Moreover, she has a slightly disapproving attitude.

However, Mo Hanyan regains confidence in himself and helps him a lot. She can't say what Mo Hanyan is wrong, so she can only answer her question: "his name is Chaojing!"

Mo Hanyan really didn't take xiaopinger's emotional problems seriously. However, when she heard Chaojing's name, her hand pressing the remote control suddenly froze.

She turned stiffly, and her expression became slightly surprised: "what did you just say?"

Xiaopinger was puzzled. She suddenly changed her face. She could only repeat: "I said, the person I like is Chaojing!"

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