The next day.

After breakfast, Bai Jinse is going to work.

As a result, she just went to the entrance to get the key. Mo Sinian held her arm directly: "I'll take you to work!"

Bai Jinse said coldly: "I can drive!"

Mo Sinian's tone is strong: "after going to work, you take my car!"

Bai Jinse frowned: "why?"

She doesn't have any personal freedom!

Mo Sinian looked at her meaningfully: "nothing, unless you want your tires to be in a flat state every day!"

Bai Jinse was stunned, and an idea flashed in her mind. She stared at Mo Si Nian in disbelief: "the tire before me, you put the momentum?"

Mo Si Nian is not at all unnatural, he looks calm: "I just want to tell you, I want to do things, no one can stop, no matter what way!"

Bai Jinse was shocked and complicated, and his brow was wrinkled.

Ink four years Mou son tiny twinkle, stretched out a hand to rub white Jin SE's hair: "so, don't disobey me, understand?"

Bai Jinse was so angry that he thought he was the emperor. Don't disobey him!

The white Jin se is cold face, the air flushes the mouth: "don't understand! I don't want to understand either! "

Mo four years didn't expect her this reaction, his handsome face slightly cold: "Bai Jin se, you said last night, no matter what I mention, you won't refuse me! You can't forget what you said so soon

Bai Jinse breathes. Is he blocking her with her words?

Hehe, he said everything!

Since he wants to give himself such a gift, he should satisfy his wish.

Anyway, there are free drivers, no need for nothing!

She glared at Mo Sinian angrily, opened the door and walked directly to Mo Sinian's car.

Ink four years looking at her angry look, lips can't help rising, angry look so lovely!

He walked over with a smile, opened the door and got on.

Bai Jinse sat on the co pilot, staring at the front with an angry look on his face.

She really didn't expect that Mo Sinian was so overbearing. What's more, she didn't expect that his overbearing temperament was so heinous that he let her go when he said he wanted to send her to work.

She hardly knew what to say!

White Jin se is living sullen, suddenly see Mo Si Nian bully body to come over, the distance of two people instantly close to the pole.

Bai Jinse's subconscious reaction, reaching out to push Mo Si Nian: "what are you doing?"

Hearing her nervous voice, Mo Sinian was funny: "fasten your seat belt! Yes? What do you think of? "

Mo Si Nian's eyes seem to be smiling, as if to say, I know what you are thinking.

Bai Jinse's face turns red. Maybe it's because Mo Si Nian's frequency of kissing her is too high these two days. She naturally wants to be crooked.

Seeing through her inner thoughts, Bai Jinse became angry: "you've seen too many idol dramas. What can I think? Do you want to wear your seat belt or not?"

Ink four years hook lips smile: "you don't worry, immediately department!"

His eyes were gentle and tolerant, which he had never seen before. It seemed that she was making trouble without reason. Bai Jinse was very angry.

Ink shop young clever to help her fasten the seat belt, back to start the car.

The hand that white Jin se clenches loosens, nervous mood is alleviated somewhat.

However, before she calmed down completely, he heard Mo Sinian suddenly ask: "by the way, what did you do in the May Day hotel yesterday?"

The white brocade se Mou son Shan Shan, make effort to let own voice sound to have no emotion fluctuation: "go to catch a traitor!"

Ink four years think of last night in the hotel room that fierce drama, the bottom of my heart a little clear: "help Qi silent?"

When Lin Shen held a meeting yesterday, he also said a few words.

Although he didn't make it clear who it was, but after last night which one, Mo Si Nian almost guessed it.

Bai Jinse nodded and said in a dull voice, "Zeng Wei has been cheating on Yuan Hexin, but he is not willing to cancel his engagement. He said that Qi family has no evidence to prove that he betrayed Qi silent. Qi silent has no way to do it. That's why he made such a bad decision!"

When Mo Sinian heard this, he was in a mixed mood: "this is a matter of Qi's silence. What does it have to do with you? What's more, I heard that you beat people in the coffee shop because of Qi's silence, and were refunded two orders. Yesterday, you were embarrassed by the people in the design department! Do you think it's worth it? "

The words of Mo Si Nian ignited the anger in Bai Jin SE's heart.

After all, there was also Ji Rou's reason for Bai Jinse's beating at that time. If it wasn't for Ji Rou's ambiguous relationship with Mo Sinian, and she happened to be a good friend with Yuan Hexin, she wouldn't have been so angry and had a big fight in the coffee shop.

She turned to stare at Mo Si Nian: "what do you mean by that? Don't you think it's hateful to step on two boats? Do you think I should not help Qi, or do you think Zeng Wei's cheating is justifiable? This kind of thing is nothing to you, and you appreciate it? "Bai Jinse angrily asked again and again, which made Mo Sinian's face not very good-looking: "I didn't say that I appreciate this kind of behavior. Bai Jinse, your mood is a little out of control!"

Bai Jinse's chest fluctuated slightly. She turned her head to look out of the window of the car. Her mood was still a little angry: "sorry, I just brought in too much personal emotion. It's just that I helped Qi silently. It's not worth it or not. It's nothing if the order is not worth it. I don't want to help yuan Hexin, a bad customer, to design it for her!"

Mo Si Nian's eyes flashed and looked at Bai Jin se: "I don't want to ask about Zeng Wei's behavior, and I don't want to evaluate it. After all, he doesn't have much to do with me, but I know very well that you don't like this kind of behavior. After all, what happened between Bai Linlin and Zheng Huaichen is obvious!"

Bai Jinse was stubborn with his own way, to let Zheng Huaichen and Bai Linlin disgraced, which is enough to show that she hated this kind of thing attitude.

Bai Jinse didn't expect Mo Sinian to say that. She turned her head and looked at Mo Sinian in surprise: "what you said is true?"

Mo Sinian said: "otherwise, I don't have to cheat you. Moreover, yesterday, I have arranged to cancel Ji Rou's jewelry endorsement, and Hengrui's jewelry endorsement has replaced other people!"

White Jin SE's surprised stare big eyes: "why?"

She didn't expect that the annual meeting of Mo Si would be so fast!

Taking advantage of the red light, Mo Sinian takes a look at her with an eyebrow. He turns his eyes to the front and continues to drive. His tone is flat. What he says makes Bai Jinse feel like a roller coaster with ups and downs.

He said: "she dares to cancel my wife's order, how can I let her speak for our company's jewelry? She disdains to let my wife design jewelry for her, and I don't need her to speak for our company!"

Mo Si Nian's expression is calm and his posture is calm.

Bai Jinse opens her mouth and looks at Mo Sinian's handsome face in surprise. Her expression is so complicated that she doesn't know what to say.

In her heart, she didn't know what it was like. It was like pouring a cup of strong sulfuric acid into clear water, splashing countless intense water.

He calmly said to her maintenance, as if this is an unimportant thing, but let Bai Jinse in the heart, produced should not have some delusion.

She thought of Mo Sinian's gentle and domineering kiss, that he was more and more protective to himself every day, and that he had just intimately tied his seat belt.

Her heart suddenly panic severe, he is getting better and better for himself, will also have a little love for himself?

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