Bai Jinse thought carefully and thought to herself. Her heart was sweet and worried.

This kind of mentality of thinking carefully about everything and worrying about gain and loss seems to find the evidence that the other party likes himself from everything in life.

This kind of mood is like the secret love at the beginning of love, sour and sweet.

Mo four years see white Jin se don't speak, can't help but frown and shout: "white Jin se!"

The white Jin se suddenly raised head to see him one eye, again panic don't open an eye, hurriedly lower head.

She thought, he will see through his careful thinking, she can no longer show so calm.

She took a deep breath and said, "what's the matter?"

Mo Si Nian frowned and shook his head: "it's nothing. I just want to tell you who is going to trouble you in the company in the future. You can come to me directly. Don't worry about anything else!"

Bai Jinse nodded and said in a low voice, "well, I know!"

The sour feeling in my heart came up again.

Is he telling himself that he will always protect himself in the company?

Did he do it just because he was his nominal wife, or something else?

It took Bai Jinse a long time to suppress those unrealistic ideas in her heart. She couldn't help laughing bitterly. Love is a thing that makes people worry about gain and loss. It's so contradictory that she doesn't look like herself.

When he got to the company, Bai Jinse got off the car and left in a hurry.

Mo Si Nian helplessly pinches his eyebrows and looks at Bai Jin SE's back. He looks sentimentally attached and gentle.

Baijinse is like a cloud in the sky, far and near.

Her attitude towards herself was even more unpredictable, which made him feel helpless but unable to stop.

This kind of taste is wonderful and bitter. I don't know if other people are the same as him.

Bai Jinse went to the design department and found that Qi silently came earlier than her.

Bai Jinse was speechless: "why did you come so early? I didn't know that I thought you were an employee of our company!"

Qi silently excitedly pulls Bai Jinse: "I have something good to tell you!"

Bai Jinse glanced at her: "your engagement with Zeng Wei has been cancelled?"

Qi blinked in silence, grinning brightly: "you are really anticipating!"

She didn't fall asleep all night. She was waiting to share her joy with Bai Jinse!

White Jin se looked at her one eye, this still use to anticipate a matter like God, and the lice on the head of Shang, clearly!

She got up and went to the tea room to pour water.

Qi silently, like a little Valet, excitedly followed her: "speaking up, I can successfully cancel my engagement, thanks to you, if it wasn't for you last night..."

Bai Jinse immediately turned to look at her: "stop, don't talk to me about last night!"

"What happened last night? Didn't you get me the evidence? Is there anything else? "

Bai Jinse's expression is somewhat unnatural. Referring to last night, she almost subconsciously thought of the ambiguous atmosphere and the hot temperature in the wardrobe at that time.

Her face was a little red, and Qi silently worried: "Jinse, what's the matter with you? My face is so red, I don't think it's a fever! "

She says, stretch out a hand to want to probe white Jin SE's forehead.

White Jin se quickly dodges, tone some flustered: "nothing, you don't try, I'm just a little hot!"

Qi silently more puzzled: "hot? Air conditioning temperature is so low, you are still hot

Bai Jinse was embarrassed and speechless: "you shut up, are you still busy?"

Between her and Qi, it was as if she had been close to each other, and then she became friends at first sight. In this way, she could get along naturally without any discomfort.

Friendship between women, to the fierce, just like love, no trace to find, found that person has occupied a place in her heart.

Qi quietly shriveled mouth, also poured a glass of water for himself, sitting next to Bai Jinse: "it's no big deal, just want to tell you, my customized jewelry, you can design, good or bad I like, as long as you design it!"

Bai Jinse looks at her like an idiot and doesn't speak.

Qi silently spent money, she naturally won't let Qi's money float.

Qi silently didn't care about Bai Jinse's eyes, and continued: "of course, I came here today mainly to share with you the joy of canceling my engagement. By the way, my elder brother took the hand. Yuanhexin was banned and asked her to be a demon in the future!"

Bai Jinse took a sip of coffee: "when looking for a man in the future, bring your brain and polish your eyes. Don't look for Zeng Wei's dregs again!"

Qi silent suddenly ambiguous smile: "you mean, let me look for ink four years that kind of?"

When Bai Jinse heard this, he looked a little flustered. He looked around and found that there was no one around. Then he lowered his voice and said, "don't talk nonsense! Don't talk about my relationship with him in the company, and we are not what you think! "Qi silently shrunk his mouth: "well, if you don't say it, don't say it! Don't worry, I have a good mouth! "

White Jin se looked at her one eye, ha ha a smile: "that I still really didn't see out!"

Qi silently squeezed her eyes and grinned: "this kind of thing can't be seen by naked eyes. You have to observe it carefully in the future!"

Bai Jinse shook his head: "don't be poor. I'm going to work. Go home quickly!"

Qi is a young lady with no job. Her daily task is to go shopping, watch some fashion shows, attend some dinner parties and so on.

Bai Jinse plans to get up and go to work. Qi silently grabs her arm: "by the way, Jinse, don't you have a friend who also works in Hengrui? When I have time, I'll invite you to have dinner together. Let's get to know each other! "

Bai Jinse thought of Lin Xi, pursed her lips and said, "look at the time!"

Qi nodded silently.

Bai Jinse went back to work in the design department.

As soon as she entered the design department, she heard that Ling Ruoyan had been punished for what happened yesterday.

She frowned and turned on the computer. She found that Ling Ruoyan was criticized by the whole company. In ten years, she was not qualified to participate in the century jewelry competition, and deducted the year-end bonus!

The company's criticism and deduction of year-end bonus are nothing.

But for a jewelry designer, not qualified to participate in the century jewelry competition is equivalent to blocking her qualification to go to the world jewelry fashion circle. Ling Ruoyan is afraid to be angry!

Sure enough, just after reading the notice of criticism on the computer, Bai Jinse saw Ling Ruoyan staring at herself, just like a poisonous snake spitting a snake letter at her.

Bai Jinse frowned and lowered her head to draw the design.

Ling Ruoyan stands up, the chair bumps into the desk next to her, making a loud voice, like venting her dissatisfaction.

Lingruoyan a walk, shangyunxi quickly followed up.

In other words, Qi silently came out of the tea room and went to the bathroom.

After she went to the toilet, she was just about to open the compartment when she heard a familiar voice.

Her hand froze.

"Bitch! I'm so angry. Bai Jinse's eyes. Why does she think she's so arrogant? It's not because of Lin Shen's protection. She lost two orders. Now she has the face to laugh at me! Why does the company treat me like this, why does it! "

As soon as Ling Ruoyan enters the bathroom, she yells at her angrily to vent her anger.

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