Zheng Huaichen shook his head: "no, I said she couldn't swim before that. Now she has learned! Since that incident, she has overcome the psychological barrier of going into the water, and now she has good swimming skills! "

Mo Sinian stood there with a vague look and did not answer.

Zheng Huaichen continued: "as for me and Bai Linlin, I really regret it now, but I can't deny what happened at that time, but I can explain one thing. I really love Bai Jinse. This feeling is not adulterated at all! Otherwise, I couldn't have chased her for so long and finally succeeded in being with her. "

Zheng Huaichen said, looking at Mo Sinian with a gloomy expression: "but Mr. Mo, do you know? One of the things that bothers me most in my life is that she never liked me from the beginning to the end, do you understand? She's been with me for two years, and I haven't touched her finger cuff. I don't know if she's keeping her innocence for that person, or I don't think I'm worth it. In a word, I'm really sorry for her, but at the beginning, she can't say that she was innocent! "

Ink four years complexion looking at Zheng Huaichen, forced to endure the discomfort in the heart, said: "your things, don't tell me!"

Ink four years finish saying, cold face stiff turn.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would reveal more emotions.

He is really ridiculous. He thinks that as long as he is good enough to Bai Jinse, Bai Jinse will like him. But he doesn't expect that she already has a place in her heart. How can she like him!

Zheng Huaichen suddenly said: "Mr. Mo, don't you want to know who the other party is?"

Mo Si Nian's tone was cold and suffocating: "I don't want to!"

With that, he strode into the bar.

Mo Si Nian thought that what he didn't care about was a woman!

However, the chest is stuffy and uncomfortable.

When Mo Sinian entered the box, he saw Jing Xiangdong holding the wine bottle. His eyes were a little sad: "Sinian, you're here!"

Mo Si Nian gave him a cold look and sat down directly.

When he sat there, he gave people the illusion of looking down at everything, as if he were the emperor who came to inspect.

Jing tut to the East, pushed a bottle of wine in front of him: "drink with me!"

Ink four years silent open bottle, pour wine, drink.

Then he poured another glass and continued to drink as if he were tireless.

When Mo Sinian got to the fifth cup, Jing Xiangdong finally said, "don't you come to drink with me? How can you drink worse than me

Mo four years didn't answer him, drank a cup again.

"Do you want to get drunk tonight?" Jing Xiangdong asked

Ink four years pour wine of hand a meal, slightly froze!

Yes, he can't get drunk any more, and show his stupid appearance of obedience in front of her!

He thought of the scene when he was drunk last night. He put his glass heavily on the table and leaned on the sofa with a cold look.

Because he was drunk yesterday, he made up with Bai Jinse. Moreover, he knew that Ji Rou might have left her lipstick in the car before, and his attitude was so indifferent. He was secretly happy for a day.

But I didn't think that all this was his own passion.

For the first time in his life, Mo Si Nian thought that others cared about him, but he didn't think that they didn't take him seriously at all!

Bai Jinse's attitude is cold, mostly because he doesn't want to be green headed!

After all, what she likes is her senior.

Think of here, ink four years look more and more gloomy.

Jing Xiangdong, even a piece of wood, also noticed that the ink age was not right.

He hesitated for two seconds, put down the cup: "with white Jinse again?"

Ink four years calm face, slowly take out a cigarette, also don't speak.

After all, Jing Xiangdong had drunk too much. He was always giving advice to Mo Sinian. Today, he began to withdraw.

He said: "four years, I tell you the truth, you don't want to admit defeat easily to Bai Jinse, so you want to find the place. After all, that woman didn't catch up with you. It's normal to meet a special one that can attract your attention. I don't think how much you like Bai Jinse!"

Lin Xi ignores Jing Xiangdong. Jing Xiangdong is a little sad and full of negative energy.

Then he took a sip from the bottle.

Ink four years look cold, smoked a cigarette, look dim.

Maybe what Jing Xiangdong said is reasonable. After all, he has never suffered any setbacks since he grew up. Even though his family is full of wealth, he still hides his identity and starts from scratch. Even in the process of starting a business, he can easily solve difficult problems.

Only he fell down here in baijinse.

Women in the past, only he did not see those women in the eyes of the share, where others look down on him!

However, Bai Jinse taught him a deep lesson.After drinking five glasses of wine and smoking the last cigarette in the cigarette box, Mo Sinian twisted out the cigarette end and stood up directly: "if you want to drink, go on, I'll go first!"

With that, Mo Sinian turned around and left.

Ink four years a person on the road driving around for a long time.

When he returned to No. 1 Beiyuan, Bai Jinse sat on the sofa and fell asleep.

Tonight, when she returned to No.1 Beiyuan, she received the phone call from Mo Sinian. At that time, she lied and was very angry. She also hung up the phone call from Mo Sinian.

However, after calming down, she felt that it should not be like this.

She had a cold war with Mo Si Nian before, and she also tried to alienate Mo Si Nian.

However, the results will only make themselves more uncomfortable, more frequently think of ink four years.

Therefore, Bai Jinse finally plans to have a good talk with Mo Sinian.

Tonight, she didn't want to stand him up, but she didn't want to go home with him because she saw the news of his blind date.

She thought that as long as she explained well, Mo Sinian should still be able to listen to her.

As a result, she fell asleep and didn't see Mo Sinian come back.

Bai Jinse heard the sound of opening the door and immediately opened his eyes.

Then, she saw Mo Sinian change his shoes silently, turn around and plan to go upstairs.

Bai Jinse stood up from the sofa and looked at him straightly.

As a result, Mo Sinian, as if he didn't see her, walked towards the stairway without expression and squint.

Bai Jinse didn't hold back and said, "Mr. Mo, can we have a talk?"

Mo Si Nian turns around and looks at Bai Jin se coldly: "what do we have to talk about?"

White Jin se a choke, think of oneself before in the telephone tone is not good, ink four years angry is also should.

"I want to talk to you about tonight," she said

On Mo Si Nian's cold face, he suddenly pulled out a very complicated and ironic smile: "what are you talking about? How do you enjoy your dinner with your seniors

Bai Jinse's face changed: "Mr. Mo, I really want to talk to you. Can you stop being so weird, OK? The reason why I didn't come home with you is that I... "

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