Mo Sinian directly interrupts Bai Jinse's words and mocks: "it's because there are more important people who want to eat together, right? You don't have to tell me, I already know! It's the same with you or without you

White Jin se hears the last words, the facial expression a change, the facial expression is pale: "what do you say?"

Mo Sinian's eyes were obscure and his tone was very impolite: "am I not clear enough? Or is there something wrong with your understanding? My parents have never met you. Do you think it's important whether you go to my home or not? Or do you really take yourself seriously! "

Bai Jinse's face was hard to see. She opened her eyes and looked at Mo Sinian in disbelief: "so, is that what you think?"

Mo Sinian's expression was indifferent: "otherwise? You don't think that if you don't go to my house, I can't even have dinner! "

Bai Jinse's face was green and white: "ink four years, you bastard!"

Mo Si young hissed and stepped up to Bai Jinse. His eyes narrowed dangerously. His face was cold and his words were very clear: "Bai Jinse, before you scold me, you'd better think about it clearly. Who had to get the certificate with me at the beginning?"

As soon as Mo Si Nian approached, Bai Jin se could clearly smell the smell of wine on his body, mixed with strong smoke and light mint.

Listen to his words, white Jin se spirit of the whole body slightly tremble, anger to the extreme, she suddenly laughed at herself.

Yes, why did she have to wait for Mo Si to explain to him!

This man doesn't care about his behavior at all. Her explanation is dispensable to him. Why should she insult herself.

Thinking of this, Bai Jinse took a deep breath, raised her eyes and looked at Mo Sinian. Her tone was indifferent, as if she saw Mo Sinian for the first time: "Mr. Mo is right. It's my choice to get the certificate with you. I'm sorry, I've been speechless just now. I really don't need to explain to you. After all, a small person like me can't affect the overall situation. As for me, if I want to talk to you, you should listen to a joke. After all, we really have nothing to talk about! "

With that, Bai Jinse turned around and walked up the stairs from the other side of the sofa.

As soon as she turned around, the expression on her face could not be stopped, and a look of grievance flashed across her eyes.

It's because she thinks too much about it. She's nothing to Mo Sinian. It's ridiculous. Mo Sinian has helped her several times, and she really takes herself seriously.

As soon as Bai Jinse left, Mo Sinian sat on the sofa with a stiff look and squeezed his eyebrows.

The next morning, Bai Jinse got up early and wanted to go to the company ahead of time. Who knows, as soon as she opened the door, she saw that Mo Sinian just came out.

Two people's eyes together, and the same move away.

Bai Jinse went downstairs and didn't even have breakfast. He drove to the company by himself.

Not long after work, Bai Jinse received the news from Qi.

[Jin se, do you have time today? I want to see how the jewelry is doing! 】

Bai Jinse: [OK, you come to the company, let's have a look together! 】

Qi silent: [MEDA, love you, after watching, I invite you to dinner! "

Bai Jinse: [well! 】

not long after Bai Jinse sent the news, Jing Xiangdong came to the design department.

He is looking for Lin Xi, but Lin Xi should be hiding again. He has no choice but to come directly to the design department to find Bai Jinse.

His look was a little decadent, which was different from that of the past: "white designer, I know Lin Xi is deliberately hiding from me, you let her out, I have something to say to her! It's not true that she has been avoiding me all the time

White Jin se Mou son Shan Shan: "you wait, I send a message to Lin Xi!"

After Bai Jinse sent the message, Lin Xi replied.

Bai Jinse looked up at Jing Xiangdong and said, "she's going back to the information technology department now. Go to find her!"

With that, Jing Xiangdong is finally relieved.

As a result, as soon as he turns around, he meets Yun Yan who just came in from the outside.

Yun Yan looks at Jing Xiangdong and stares big eyes. Isn't this the handsome guy who helped him yesterday?

She keeps looking at Jing Xiangdong. Unfortunately, Jing Xiangdong has something in mind. She doesn't look at her at all and walks right by her side.

Cloud Yan face flashed a loss, can't help but clutch fingers.

However, she soon comforted herself that when he came to the design department, it must show that someone in the design department knew him, so that she could easily know his identity.

Thinking of this, Yun Yan hurried to Bai Jinse, and her voice hesitated: "Jinse Who was that gentleman looking for

"Oh, you said Jing Xiangdong, he came to me for something!" White Jin se looked at a cloud Yan, some surprised counter asked a way: "don't you know him?"? When Lin Xi was injured by shangyunxi before, he was still at the scene? "

Cloud Yan surprised of opened mouth, she unexpectedly know nothing.

Looking at her appearance, Bai Jinse was stunned and suddenly realized: "by the way, you asked for leave that day. You were not in the company at that time!"Yunyan also remembered that she did ask for leave that day.

Later, after she went to work, she heard that Shang Yunxi had a fight with Lin Xi in the information technology department and was dismissed. She didn't pay much attention to it.

She did not expect that the original person, that day in the company.

She pursed her lips and carefully looked at Bai Jinse, trying to hide her careful thinking: "Mr. Jing Is he from the Jing family? Why is he in the company

Bai Jinse didn't expect that Yun Yan was so curious about Jing Xiangdong. Her eyes flashed and she didn't hide: "he is really the Jing family, the Jing family Only child

White Jin se Dun, she said so, cloud Yan should be able to think of the identity of Jing Xiangdong.

Her eyes flashed and she continued: "as for his coming to the company, it is said that he has a good relationship with Mr. Mo and often comes here!"

Although Yun Yan is introverted, doesn't attend banquets, and doesn't pay much attention to the affairs of the upper class, she knows something about the identity of the only child of the Jing family.

Yun Yan looked at Bai Jinse and nodded: "thank you, Jinse!"

White Jin se expression light: "this has what good to thank, go back to work!"

Yun Yan nods, secretly remembers the name of Jing Xiangdong, and returns to her seat.

She supported her chin, and in her mind came the evil smile on her face when Jing Xiangdong helped herself that day. Her face was a little hot.

She sat for a while and wanted to ask Bai Jinse about Jing Xiangdong, but she was afraid that her behavior was too obvious.

She absentmindedly sat in the seat for a while, holding the cup, got up and went to the tea room.

The information technology department and the design department are on the same floor, sharing a tea room.

As soon as Yun Yan came out of the design department, she saw that Jing Xiangdong was talking to Lin Xi in the corridor. His brow was wrinkled. It seemed that he was explaining something to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi stood there in silence with a cold face.

Yunyan holding the cup, suddenly unable to walk.

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