Yuan Feng's eyes flashed: "have you returned to Mingcheng?"

Song Jin a Leng, voice some unnatural: "Hmm!"

Yuan Feng asked, "why?"

Song Jin tone some flustered: "what why ah, my home in Mingcheng, naturally want to come back to come back!"

Yuan Feng was disappointed: "it's for Mo Sinian, ah Jin. I've told you many times that Mo Sinian doesn't like you. Don't be stubborn any more!"

Song Jin tone with a cry: "I deal with Bai Jinse, really not for ink four years, you believe me, OK?"

Yuan Feng's heart, and no backbone of the soft: "then you tell me, in the end, what is the matter, I only know the truth, can decide to help you, you can't for no reason, just tell me to kill, I'm not your tool, I want you well, you understand?"

Song Jin was silent for a few seconds, as if she had made up her mind. She closed her eyes: "I found something, so Bai Jinse must die!"

"What's the matter?" Yuan Feng asked in a deep voice.

Song Jin said: "Bai Jinse is not Bai Zhengming's own daughter. Her real identity is my uncle's own daughter who was lost 20 years ago. She looks like my little aunt. If my uncle goes to have a paternity test that day, it will be found out. At that time, Bai Jinse will be recognized back to the Song family. What am I? Everything I have these years must be given to Bai Jinse People, I'm not reconciled! "

Yuan Feng obviously did not expect that it was such a thing.

He was surprised and said, "how can you find these for no reason?"

Song Jin's voice has been broken: "I have said that she looks like my little aunt, don't you understand? As long as she doesn't die, my uncle will find out one day! "

Yuan Feng was calmer than Song Jin in the end: "did you ever think that Bai Jinse would scare the snake when he died! If your uncle finds out her identity, then if you find out it's you who did it again, you won't have a foothold in the Song family! "

Song Jin heard this, suddenly some collapse, yes, uncle is to know Bai Jinse, if Bai Jinse a death, uncle guess something, continue to investigate, that can do!

Song Jin was flustered and collapsed: "what do you say to do? Yuan Feng, I really can't help it! "

Yuan Feng stood in front of the window, silent for a moment, then slowly said: "in fact, the best way is to let your uncle's daughter go home! In this way, your uncle will not continue to investigate! "

Song Jin instantly raised her voice: "how can I watch Bai Jinse go back to song's house, unless I die!"

Yuan Feng frowned: "listen to me, I said to let your uncle's daughter go home, but I didn't say she was a real daughter!"

Song Jin was stunned: "what do you mean by this?"

Yuan Feng calmly said: "you find him a fake daughter! When the time comes, I can help you with the other party's life experience, all the identification and results, and guarantee that your uncle can't find out the problem! "

Song Jin eyes a bright, surprise of stare big eyes, right ah, this is a good way once and for all.

Yuan Feng continued to analyze: "as long as you control the fake Song family '

Song Jin nodded with a smile: "I know, I know what you mean, ah Feng, thank you, I know, you are the best to me, this time, you must help me, I will find the right person now!"

Yuan Feng nodded: "in this way, if you find the right person, you can contact me. It's better to be an orphan, so that others can't find out. Do you understand?"

Song Jin nodded, and was excited to find the right person immediately.

Hang up, Song Jin immediately began to find people.

At the same time, Bai Jinse and Mo Si Nian were pulled into a wechat group by Jing Dongxiang.

The name of the group is I want to confess. There are only three of them in the group.

Mo Si Nian: [Jing Xiangdong, did you just run out of the mental hospital today? 】

Jing Xiangdong: [four years, I'll give you another chance to talk! 】

Bai Jinse: [do you want to advertise? 】

Jing Xiangdong: [yes, yes, a few days ago, I asked Xixi if she wanted to be my girlfriend. Xixi said that she would consider it. I think the time is almost right, and it's almost time to be my girlfriend! 】

the year of Mo Si: [so You're going to tell us what we're doing. Why are you pulling us together? 】

Jing Xiangdong: [how can you be so ungrateful? You forgot the ideas I gave you when you were chasing white designers. Would you like me to tell you now! 】

Bai Jinse: [what's the idea? 】

the year of Mo Si: [Jing Xiangdong, shut up! 】

Jing Xiangdong: [that I shut up! You help me, I can't think of any good ideas, I want to give sunset a lifetime unforgettable confession! 】Bai Jinse: [the scene is not important, the important thing is sincerity! 】

Mo Si Nian: [I agree with my wife, just like when I had a candlelight dinner, my wife successfully agreed to me! 】

Bai Jinse: [Mo Sinian, you are very proud to take me down with a meal? 】

Mo Si Nian: [wife, I'm wrong. I mean, all the sincerity accumulated before. In the end, the meal of confession made you promise me, which deeply reflects the importance of sincerity! 】

Jing Xiangdong: [in the year of Mo Si, you are so clever! 】

Bai Jinse: [don't you give advice in front of Lin Xi? 】

Mo Si Nian: [wife's strength protects husband, moved! 】

Jing Xiangdong: [I shouldn't pull you and your husband into a group, throwing dog food all the time, but also working together to bully me! 】

Mo Si Nian: [wife, let's leave the group! 】

Jing Xiangdong: [don't leave. Help me. I admit my mistake. Your dog food is sweet and you are not tired of eating it! 】

Mo Si Nian: [I haven't seen you for a few days. Flattery is getting better and better! 】

Jing Xiangdong: [thank you! 】

Bai Jinse: [tell me what you think. I'll give you some suggestions according to Lin Xi's preference. Besides, if I really want to tell you, I'll be the first to show up for Lin Xi in the future! 】

Mo Si Nian: [I help my wife! 】

Jing Xiangdong: [tut Mo Si Nian, you go away, white designer, I plan to 】


In the evening, Bai Jinse calls and invites Lin Xi out for dinner.

Lin Xi went to the central square, got off the taxi, stood on the side of the road and called Bai Jinse: "Jinse, where are you?"

Bai Jinse only told her to come to the central square, but didn't tell her which restaurant she was in.

Hearing Lin Xi's voice, Bai Jinse couldn't help but smile: "where are you?"

Lin Xi looked around, just about to speak, suddenly heard a frightened voice: "Lin Xi, be careful!"

Lin Xi reaction, suddenly turned around, saw the glare of the car lights, toward their own light, a piece of white light, stabbing her to see nothing clearly.

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