Lin Xi's subconscious hand covers his eyes.

The next second, a strong rush came and pushed Lin Xi away.

Lin Xi was pushed to the ground, while the mobile phone flew directly to the middle of the road, and was crushed by the cars.

She didn't even have time to get up and look around. A figure was directly hit and flew up.

It's like a slow motion movie. The man fell to the ground heavily.

At that moment, Lin Xi felt that his heart would not beat.

She lost her voice and called out the man's name: "Lin Shen!"

Lin Shen is covered with blood and falls to the ground. Lin Xi clearly sees that he smiles and shouts her name: "Lin On the eve of... "

Lin Xi almost cried and crawled toward Lin Shen.

Because of the traffic accident, people around gathered around, some called 120, and some helped to call the police.

The car that caused the accident suddenly backed back, and the crowd was scared to get out of the way. The car left as quickly as an arrow from the string. It was arrogant to the extreme.

On the other side, Bai Jinse's voice changed: "Lin Xi, Lin Xi, what's the matter with you? You talk! Who was calling you just now

Unfortunately, no matter how she called, no one answered.

Bai Jinse took down her mobile phone from her ear and saw that the opposite side had hung up. Her face was pale and flustered.

Jing Xiangdong is still sending roses to his friends who come here to help, but he doesn't notice the situation here.

Mo four years worried looking at white Jin se: "Jin se, what's the matter?"

Bai Jinse's lips seemed to be shaking, and her eyes were glistening with tears: "in the year of Mo Si, Lin Xi It seems that something has happened to her. What should I do? "

Mo Si Nian's face changed. He raised his eyes and looked at the happy scenery not far away.

His eyes flashed: "I ask the heaven to protect you, you first go to find Lin Xi, Jing Xiangdong here, I come to stabilize, we call at any time!"

White Jin se stretched out his hand to rub wet eyes: "good, Lin Xi's condition, you don't tell him, wait until I confirm to say with him again!"

Mo Sinian nodded: "no problem!"

Bai Jinse said, holding his mobile phone, he walked out of the square.

She vaguely saw the South Square. It seemed that something had happened. It seemed that a traffic policeman had passed by.

If we put it in peacetime, when she has something to do, she may not go there.

However, today she was very flustered. It seemed that there was something guiding her to go there.

When she arrived at the periphery of the accident scene, she seemed to hear Lin Xi's cry. Bai Jinse's face changed instantly.

She quickly squeezed out a way in the crowd, and asked Heaven and heart to protect her.

Until the white Jin se clearly see the scene of the accident, pale to the extreme.

Lin Shen is lying in a pool of blood, and Lin Xi kneels beside him, afraid to touch him, for fear of making his wound worse.

Lin Xi is cold-blooded. For the first time, Bai Jinse saw her cry so miserably.

She quickly walked over and reached out to hold Lin Xi: "don't be afraid of Lin Xi, Lin Shen will be OK for sure!"

Hearing Bai Jinse's voice, Lin Xi turns her head and hugs Bai Jinse, crying even more.

She just didn't cry and didn't say a word. Bai Jinse reached out and patted her on the back: "don't cry. Did you call for an ambulance?"

Lin Xi cried and nodded in tears: "yelled!"

Bai Jinse frowned and comforted her: "don't cry. It's very close to the hospital. It will come soon!"

Lin Xi is like a fool, just know to cry.

Soon, the ambulance arrived.

Bai Jinse and Lin Xi get on the ambulance together.

Wen Tian has already told Mo Si Nian about the things here.

Mo Sinian calls Bai Jinse, but he doesn't answer. He sends a message to Bai Jinse, asking him to call him back when he sees it.

To the hospital, Lin Shen was sent to the emergency room.

Lin Xi is sitting outside the emergency room. Although she has stopped crying, she looks like a fool. She has no soul.

When Bai Jinse saw the news of Mo Si Nian, she patted Lin Xi's shoulder helplessly: "I'll make a phone call, you stay here!"

Bai Jinse calls Mo Sinian at the end of the corridor. Before he leaves, he asks Wen Xin to look after Lin Xi.

She went as far as she could, and did not dare to let Lin Xi hear her.

If she knew that it was Jing Xiangdong who wanted to confess tonight that caused this tragedy, I don't know what she would think.

When the phone was connected, Bai Jinse's voice was a little tired: "what's the matter with you over there?"

Mo Sinian's tone was a little heavy: "I haven't told Jing Xiangdong about the accident. I don't know how to say that Jing Xiangdong has arranged everything. He just asked me, where have you been? Why hasn't Lin Xi come yet!"

Bai Jinse rubbed his forehead with a headache: "you If you don't tell him the truth, you'll know sooner or later! "Mo Sinian asked: "who is the man who saved Lin Xi?"

White Jin se Zheng Zheng: "you don't know?"

Mo Sinian shook his head: "ask the sky that the other side's face is full of blood, can't see clearly, should be acquaintances!"

Bai Jinse sighed helplessly: "it's Lin Shen!"

Mo Si Nian was stunned: "Lin Shen?"

Bai Jinse nodded: "yes, I think it's very exciting for Jing Xiangdong. He should know that Lin Xi used to like Lin Shen because when he was a freshman, Lin Xi almost had a car accident and was rescued by Lin Shen. Lin Shen was broken at that time and took care of him for more than a month. Later, Lin Shen got better and Lin Xi already liked him. This time, Lin Shen was more seriously injured Life and death are uncertain. Besides, Lin Shen should be enlightened by now. He doesn't have no feelings for Lin Xi. Do you know what I mean? "

Mo Si Nian was silent for a few seconds: "do you mean that Lin Xi might choose Lin Shen again because of this, and Jing Xiang Dong would be hit?"

Bai Jinse pursed her lips: "it's too possible. I know Lin Xi. Even if she doesn't like Lin Shen any more, Lin Shen almost died for her. As long as Lin Shen doesn't put down her feelings for her, she will draw a dungeon and trap herself. She won't like anyone any more, so as not to hurt Lin Shen. Do you understand?"

Mo Si Nian's voice was a little heavy: "I know. I'll tell Jing Xiangdong as soon as possible. It's not the way to hide such things!"

Bai Jinse some with the scene to the East: "tonight, doomed to let him down!"

Ink four years also some helpless: "there is no way, no one wants to happen this kind of thing, you look good at Lin Xi, I do a good job of Jing Xiangdong, come to the hospital!"

Bai Jinse hung up and hurried back.

This one tonight really messed up all the plans.

Jing shouts many friends to Dong, and calls many enthusiastic passers-by to prepare ninety-nine roses for each to present to Lin Xi.

When Lin Xi finished collecting ninety-nine roses, he would see the Cupid arrow pattern prepared by Jing Xiangdong in the center of the square.

The pattern is a combination of rose and blue enchantress. The red heart is surrounded by red roses, and Cupid's arrow is blue enchantress. This group, together, uses 999 roses, which costs a lot of manpower and material resources.

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