The smile on Lin Xi's face converged instantly.

When Jing Xiangdong saw Lin Xi's look cool down, he suddenly woke up.

The white Jin se face has no facial expression of stand at one side, don't say a word.

She can see that Mo Sinian, a friend of mine, is a philanderer. Unexpectedly, he has come up with an idea for Lin Xi.

Jing Xiangdong took it when he saw it was good. He looked at Lin Xi and blinked: "I'll come down and see you again!"

As soon as Jing Xiangdong walks, Bai Jinse looks at Lin Xi: "Lin Xi, I just called my senior. We'll come to see you after work in the afternoon. You're very well. Don't take care of Jing Xiangdong. I can see what he is at a glance!"

Lin took a close look at Bai Jinse: "I can see that, don't worry, I only like cloud Lin Shen

Bai Jinse looked at her with a desire to talk and stop: "you You just know. And don't shout Yunshen any more. There is no Yunshen in the world but Lin Shen. This is Lin Shen's attitude. Do you understand? "

Lin Xi nodded: "Jinse, I understand!"

Bai Jinse twisted the quilt for her and left.

As soon as she got to the parking lot, she saw Mo Sinian standing nearby, throwing a mint into her mouth.

When he saw Bai Jinse, his eyes flashed: "get in the car, I'll take you back to the company!"

Bai Jinse was stunned. She didn't dare to think that Mo Sinian was waiting here to send her back to the company.

She refused: "no, I drove when I came here today. Besides, I have to come here this afternoon!"

Mo Si Nian looked happy and angry, he repeated: "get in the car, I don't want to repeat the third time, if necessary, I can send you here in the afternoon!"

White Jin se quickly shakes head: "really need not, Mo always!"

Mo Si Nian's face was not happy: "I have something to tell you!"

Then he opened the door and put his hand on it.

When Bai Jinse heard what he said, he seemed to understand something. He immediately said with a serious look: "Mr. Mo, I know what you are going to say. You can rest assured that today's event is just a coincidence. I will not regard it as a predestined meeting. I feel that I have a predestined relationship with you, and then I have a wrong idea!"

Ink four years of handsome face, instant green, his voice gnash teeth: "said to tell you this?"

Bai Jinse's expression was a little confused: "what do you want to say?"

Ink four years cold face, stare at her don't speak.

Bai Jinse stood in the same place for a few seconds. Under the pressure of Mo Si Nian's eyes, he couldn't stand it and simply walked towards the car.

Anyway, it's not like I've never been in his car! What are you afraid of!

Ink four years this just cold hum a, directly close the car door, on the driver's seat.

When the car left the hospital, Mo Si said for a long time, "when did you meet Yun Ziyan?"

Bai Jinse answered truthfully: "today!"

Mo Si Nian sneered sarcastically: "today's relationship is so good. Your relationship with others is really advancing by leaps and bounds!"

Bai Jinse made a big alarm in her heart, and she suddenly looked at Mo Sinian: "don't worry, Mr. Mo, no matter who I'm with, I'll keep the least sense of propriety here, and I won't make you feel uncomfortable!"

Mo Si Nian's face turned black: "who told you this?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Jinse frowned, a little confused about Mo Si Nian.

Mo Sinian tried hard to calm down and didn't care about this woman: "you'd better keep a distance from him. Don't wait for someone to catch you. He said that you knew yunziyan before and slandered Bai Linlin before. Do you understand?"

White Jin se a Leng, instant second understand.

She hadn't thought about this possibility before, but according to the rich ideas of those reporters, it's really possible.

She nodded: "don't worry, Mr. Mo, I will pay attention to propriety and won't let others grasp the handle!"

The ink shop is on fire and the red light is red. She steps on the brake, turns her head and looks at Bai Jinse. Her tone is not happy to the extreme: "can you stop it? I don't feel well! "

The white brocade se was stunned for a moment and pursed lips: "good, I change!"

Mo Si Nian never thought that what someone said would make people so angry.

She was very respectful and even obedient in every sentence, but he was very unhappy!

Can turn to think, is he let white Jin se keep distance, don't want to, he can't even curse words.

Seeing that he was silent, Bai Jinse couldn't help asking: "Mr. Mo, are you looking for me to talk about this?"

Ink four years of cold ah.

Bai Jinse nodded: "thank you for reminding me. If you don't say it, I can't think of it myself!"

Mo Si Nian frowned at her.

Bai Jinse said: "sorry, I'm used to it. I'll change you into you in the future."Mo Si Nian snorted coldly and didn't speak any more.

Bai Jinse turned to look out of the window, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

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