When Bai Jinse came back to the design department, one of Feng Xiaoxi's customers just came to do private customization.

Feng Xiaoxi took the client to the reception room. When she passed by Bai Jinse, she raised her voice deliberately: "Miss Li, you can rest assured that no matter what kind of design style you want, I can meet your requirements, and ensure that you will be brilliant at the banquet!"

Miss Li's voice is soft: "you are the person recommended by Song Jin, I believe her eyes!"

Feng Xiaoxi's face slightly changed, some unnatural, speed up the pace toward the reception room.

She originally wanted to show off how powerful she was with Bai Jinse. As a result, Li Qing suddenly pointed out that she was the customer Song Jin left to her.

Feng Xiaoxi instantly felt that she had lost points in front of Bai Jinse and was in a bad mood.

As soon as they left, Yunyan snickered: "Jinse, she just showed off to you on purpose!"

Bai Jinse hooked his lips and said, "well, I can see it. It's just that ordinary people show off what they lack."

Yun Yan lowered her voice: "you really hit the nail on the head. I've heard that she used to have few private customized customers. If Song Jin hadn't left her so many customers, she would really lack customers!"

Bai Jinse hooked her lips and was about to speak when she heard assistant Lin Shen calling her to the office.

Bai Jinse immediately stood up and walked towards Lin Shen's office.

As soon as she entered the door, Lin Shen looked up from the document and said, "sit down!"

Bai Jinse sat down on the black leather sofa beside him: "director Lin, what can I do for you?"

Lin Shen took a look at her: "when we were two, just treat me as a senior. By the way, what happened to Lin Xi? How did she get hurt? "

Bai Jinse truthfully replied: "it's the fracture of the left arm. There's no big problem!"

As for how she got hurt, she avoided talking about it. She didn't dare to tell Lin Shen. When she heard his name, Lin Xi was upset and fell down the stairs.

Lin Shen breathed a sigh of relief: "that's good. I was shocked when I heard you say she was injured on the phone!"

Bai Jinse looked at Lin Shen: "senior, do you have anything else to do with me?"

Lin Shen thought of what Mo Si Nian had told him, and his eyes flashed: "well, you just entered the company, and you don't have any private customized customers. Private customization is the best one that Hengrui does, and the company values it very much."

"I mean, if you're under a lot of pressure, I can introduce you to a few customers. When you take part in several competitions and lay a foundation for your reputation, there will be more customers." Lin Shen said as he watched the change of Bai Jinse's expression.

As soon as his words were finished, Bai Jinse directly refused: "senior, I know that you care about me, but I still can't accept your kindness. Although the requirements for private customization are indeed strict, there is a three-month period. If I can't meet the requirements of the company in three months, it can only show that I'm not suitable for Hengrui, or, I'm not competent enough for this position! "

Hearing Bai Jinse's words, Lin Shen felt helpless: "how can you Still as stubborn as when I was in college! "

Bai Jinse smiles: "it's not stubborn, it's my personal persistence. If it changes, it's not Bai Jinse!"

Lin Shen said with a smile: "what you said is the same. I just want to tell you that if you need help, you can talk to me directly. Unexpectedly, you are arrogant and will not accept it at all!"

Bai Jinse hooked his lips: "senior, although I don't accept your help, I really appreciate your kindness!"

Lin Shen smiles and shakes his head: "OK, I know. Go out to work!"

As soon as Bai Jinse left, Lin Shen sighed helplessly and dialed Mo Si Nian.

"Mr. Mo, I just told Jinse about helping her introduce private customized customers, but Jinse refused without hesitation!" Lin Shen opens his mouth.

Mo Sinian's hand of signing documents was stiff: "did you tell her that's what I mean?"

Lin Shen shook his head: "no, I said, this is my personal meaning!"

Bai Jinse would refuse. He had expected that.

On the phone, Mo Sinian couldn't hear the mood: "it seems that you still know her and know she won't accept it!"

In the morning, when Mo Sinian told Lin Shen, Lin Shen was outspoken. According to Bai Jinse's character, he would not accept other people's help.

I didn't expect that he was right.

Lin Shen couldn't figure out Mo Sinian's attitude, so he shook his head: "it's not understanding, or she would refuse the same thing before. Only in this way can I guess!"

Ink four years "well" A: "good training her, her design talent is good, that's it!"

With that, Mo Sinian hung up.

Lin Shen's palms are a little sweaty. Bai Jinse was parachuted to Hengrui jewelry design department in 2004.

However, the attitude of Mo Sinian towards Bai Jinse was a little strange. Lin Shen couldn't understand the meaning of Mo Sinian at all.

He sighed helplessly, but he was really like a tiger!After work in the afternoon, Bai Jinse and Lin Shen go downstairs together.

As soon as they got to the parking lot, they saw Mo Sinian's car coming and parking directly beside Lin Shen's car.

He lowered the window: "Bai Jinse, get in the car, I'll take you to the hospital!"

White Jin se a Zheng, this just remember, at noon, Mo Si Nian is to say, he afternoon send her past.

Bai Jinse shook his head quickly: "Mr. Mo, don't use it. Director Lin went to see Lin Xi and took me by the way!"

Mo Si Nian frowned: "I said to send you this morning!"

He didn't like the things he had arranged, and there was a change in the way.

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