Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1226 Tang Wanru is also in Lanting

Chapter 1226 Tang Wanru is also in Lanting

He desperately said in his heart that he was not sour, that Jiang Li and Sister Qiao were cousins, and had lived with Jiang Li for so long in the city, and that Sister Qiao had a better relationship with Jiang Li than he did, which was normal.

But it is sour, sour, and sour.

Qin Si's face was in pain at first, but when Gu Sanyi beat him with a dull stick, he stopped talking and couldn't continue, but he looked left and right, and saw the man sitting next to him waiting for the live broadcast of the game, as if he had thought of it What, rolled his eyes, and asked seriously: "Master Wang, sister Qiao didn't install a live broadcast software for you?"

When he asked this question, the air in the box froze for a few seconds.

Until Ye Wangchuan moved, lifted the end of his eyes, his black eyes were deep and restrained, he gave him a cool swishing look, and answered him slowly: "No."

Qin Si retracted his neck and touched the back of his neck, feeling comfortable.

Even Master Wang, a real boyfriend, can't get the treatment that Sister Qiao installs the software by herself, and he, a game teammate, doesn't get it, so it seems to be okay!


There are 3 minutes left in the game.

The atmosphere in the box was tense.

At the beginning, Qin Si would joke with others and talk about other things, but before the start of the game, even he stopped talking.

There was a moment of silence in the box.

Tangning, Zhang Yang and the others stared at the computer, waiting for the live broadcast on the screen.

Ye Wangchuan went out halfway and answered a phone call. It was Ye Lao calling, asking him about Qiao Nian's participation in the competition and if he was ready.

He simply calmed down the person on the phone who was more nervous than him, then returned to the box, sat back in his original position and quietly waited for Qiao Nian's match to start.

At the same time, Tang Wanru was also in Lanting.

But unlike Qin Si and Ye Wangchuan, she didn't book a box.Just sit with a group of noble ladies by the window outside the Lanting lobby and drink water.

Tang Wanru is wearing a dark green satin cheongsam that fits the curves, and the workmanship is exquisite. The embroidery on the cheongsam is even more exquisite and ingenious.

She wears a string of emerald jadeite necklaces around her neck, which can be said to be gorgeous and conspicuous among a group of ladies.

Tang Wanru was holding a cup of coffee at the moment, stirring it gently with a spoon in her hand, while listening to the chatting of the noble ladies sitting at her table.

She was not very interested in other people's topics, and she always showed a lack of interest.

Until a lady brought the topic to her.

"Mrs. Jiang, I heard that your family is separated, and your first room is separated from the first room. What's going on?"

"Your family doesn't always get along very well. I haven't heard you talk about conflicts in your family."

Tang Wanru's sharp eyes saw that the other party was watching the show hidden in the corner of her eyes and brows, she put down the coffee cup with a cold face, and returned it bluntly: "Why should I tell you about the conflicts in my family?"

The other party's face turned blue, and he couldn't get off the stage.

"I'm just asking, you don't need to react so strongly. Oh, by the way, I also heard that the niece you found was selected to represent China to participate in this World Software Contest. Did you hear that? I My son said that the competition is very powerful, and only one person is selected to represent the country every year, but I didn’t expect it to fall to your family this year.”

Tang Wanru's complexion became more and more serious, but she was very thoughtful, calm, and kept her face calm. She silently put the coffee spoon aside and made a crisp sound: "If Mrs. Song is envious, she can also take the family's coffee. The illegitimate daughter was brought back. I heard Mr. Song has a daughter outside who has already entered junior high school, and her grades have been very good. If you are willing to get someone to come back, maybe your family will also have a champion in the Beijing college entrance examination."

(End of this chapter)

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