Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1227 There is a son of Tianchen Elite

Chapter 1227 There is a son of Tianchen Elite
What she said was too blunt and merciless. Mrs. Song gritted her teeth, her face changed, she pointed at her face, and stood up abruptly: "You! What do you mean?"

Tang Wanru didn't take her seriously, she sneered, met her eyes, and did not back down at all: "The literal meaning, why can't Mrs. Song understand?"

The fact that the Song family has an illegitimate daughter is known to everyone in the circle of noble ladies in Beijing.

Tang Wanru must also know.

She knew that this matter had always been a sore spot for the other party, but the other party ignored her feelings and brought up Qiao Nian in public to disgust her.

Why does she care about the other person's feelings and not fight back?

There was another important reason why Tang Wanru dared to fight back. The Song family was only a third-rate family in Beijing, but Mrs. Song had a high-profile personality and was defiant. She always thought her family was powerful and her background was strong.

So I often say some irrelevant words, and I have no eyesight to be a human being.

Normally, Tang Wanru and the others would not invite Mrs. Song to their gatherings, because they were afraid that she would offend others by talking nonsense in her brain.

Mrs. Song was able to come to Lanting's noble lady's afternoon tea today because another noble lady brought her here.

Seeing that the two of them were at war with each other at this moment, they were about to quarrel in a place like Lanting.

Someone tried to persuade them to fight, and quickly pulled the two of them apart to persuade them separately.

Mrs. Song's brows were full of resentment, even if someone comforted her and told her not to make a fuss, she still showed her teeth and claws wanting to quarrel with Tang Wanru.

Tang Wanru put on a good show, completely ignored the other party, she seemed to be generous, the more she behaved like this, the more she seemed that the other party was out of gregarious and uninterested.

Some people watched the excitement for nothing, and Tang Wanru didn't show her face when she was arguing with others, but now she covered her face with a smile, and said to Tang Wanru, "Did Young Master Jiang go back to Beijing yesterday?"

Tang Wanru is full of confidence in this circle. In addition to having the Jiang family behind her, she also gave birth to a pair of good children because of her ability to give birth.

Jiang Xianrou stopped talking.

Who in Beijing doesn't know that Jiang Xianrou is the only girl who can sneak into Qin Si's top circle.

In addition, Tang Wanru also gave birth to a good son.

Not Jiang Li.

Their circle doesn't want their children to enter the entertainment circle. Even if Jiang Li is successful in the entertainment circle, no matter how many fans he has outside, no matter how well-known he is.

In their kind of circle, the status of a celebrity doesn't have any halo, just like that, they feel that Jiang Li is not a good guy.

She was talking about Jiang Yao.

When Jiang Yao was mentioned, the aura around Tang Wanru suddenly became less sharp, with a hint of arrogance in her eyes, she smiled, "How do you know?"

After finishing speaking, she continued as if the others didn't exist, "He came back yesterday morning. The kid didn't tell me in advance when he was coming back. He surprised me by coming back yesterday."

The Jiang family separated, and the Jiang family's second and eldest families became two families.

Almost everyone in the circle knew that Mr. Jiang left the old house to the Dafang family, but left the company and his contacts to the second bedroom.

So it looks like Dafang is the heir chosen by Mr. Jiang.

But people in the circle are more optimistic about the Erfang family.

After all, compared with Erfang who has connections and a company, Jiang Zongjin from the Dafang family is just a university professor, and Qiao Nian was just picked up by Mr. Jiang from around the city this year, so it can be said that he has no foundation.

There is no comparison with the second room!

Tang Wanru can still be confident in this circle even if her family is separated.

What's more, she also has an elite son of Tianchen!

(End of this chapter)

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