Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1239 It's Not My Uncle Squeezing Their Family Out

Chapter 1239 It's Not My Uncle Squeezing Their Family Out

After Jiang Yao left the hotel, he immediately called Tang Wanru and learned that Tang Wanru was at home, so he drove back to Jiang's old house.

On the way back, he even called Jiang Li.

On the phone with Jiang Li, Jiang Yao asked about Qiao Nian.

As Jiang Li talked about Qiao Nian and Jiang Xianrou's every detail on the phone, his handsome face sank slightly.

It wasn't until the car drove to the gate of the old house that Jiang Yao said to the person on the other end of the phone in a deep voice: "I'm home, so I won't tell you now."

With that said, Jiang Yao hung up the phone.

He unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door, and walked into the house with a sinking face.

"Young master, you are back." The servant of the Jiang family saw him coming back, and hurriedly went to hand Jiang Yao the slippers.

Jiang Yao strode in and saw Tang Wanru who was applying a facial mask in the living room.

Tang Wanru was wearing silk pajamas, her hair was rolled up, and green seaweed mud was smeared on her face. When she saw Jiang Yao coming back, she gracefully put down the half-applied cream and said with a pleasant smile, "Yaoer, are you back? Tonight If you want to eat, I will ask my aunt to buy it."

Jiang Yao didn't speak, but frowned, watching Tang Wanru beckon the servant over, and skillfully ordered the servant to buy his favorite dishes.

Jiang Yao's face became more serious, he pursed his thin lips, walked to the side expressionlessly and said to Tang Wanru, "Mom, I have something to say."

Tang Wanru ordered the servant: "Buy these first, and you take your mobile phone with you. I will remember what else I need to call you later."

"Okay, ma'am." The servant saw that the atmosphere in the house was not right, went to the kitchen to bring his own things, and went out immediately.

As soon as the servant left, Tang Wanru leisurely picked up the wet tissue on the coffee table, wiped her face, and asked Jiang Yao, "What do you want to say to me?"

She threw the wet tissue stained with seaweed mud into the trash can, and said suspiciously: "I wanted to ask you what happened to you on the phone before, what happened to you calling in a panic?"

Seeing Tang Wanru's well-maintained face showing deep concern for him, Jiang Yao seemed to be stuck in the throat by an invisible hand, and it was difficult to speak.

"What's wrong with you, you don't even say a word." Tang Wanru walked over with more concern, patted his shoulder, and said worriedly: "Yao'er, didn't you say you have something to tell me."

With a complex expression on Jiang Yao's face, he took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "Mom, do you know that Qiao Nian signed up for the World Software Competition?"

When mentioning this, Tang Wanru's concern quickly faded into indifference. Since Jiang Yao was her proudest son, she still had a little patience and barely turned her face: "Why are you asking this. It's not something you should care about. She and We have nothing to do!"

When Jiang Yao heard his mother's indifferent words, his heart sank, as if someone poured cold water on his head.


Jiang Li really didn't lie to him, it wasn't Qiao Nian who was excluding their family, it was their family who were excluding the uncle's family.

"Xianrou told me that Qiao Nian didn't know how to use a computer, so she went through the back door to win the competition quota for the sake of showing off..." Jiang Yao said, then stopped to observe the change of expression on Tang Wanru's face: "I just found out that Qiao Nian passed the competition." In the qualifying round, he became the only person representing China to enter the group stage in recent years."

Tang Wanru immediately raised her face with a look of astonishment: "What did you say?"

Jiang Yao's deep voice gave her a heavy blow: "Qiao Nian won No.1 in the first round. She is the only one who advanced among the 16 countries."

 PS: 6 update today, don’t wait for the update tonight, update later tomorrow afternoon, good night
(End of this chapter)

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