Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1240 Slapped in the face by my own son

Chapter 1240 Slapped in the face by my own son
Jiang Yao walked around her to the coffee table, bent down to pick up the water, twisted the cap and took a sip, put down the bottle, looked down at Tang Wanru who was still there, and said, "I'm going to invite Niannian to have a meal."

"You invited her to dinner?" Tang Wanru's eyebrows thumped fiercely, her heart was floating in the air and could not find a foothold: "It's not necessary."

Jiang Yao looked at her incomprehensibly.

He wanted to treat Qiao Nian to a meal, what do you mean it's unnecessary?

Tang Wanru was preoccupied, and said to herself: "So what if she enters the next round? It's just a competition. Don't say she enters the next round, even if she wins the competition, it doesn't matter to us. We don't need to participate in a competition just because of her." Just run to please her..."


Jiang Yao frowned, and interrupted her forcefully, telling her to stop talking.

He also said: "Do you know what you are talking about? The World Software Competition is not just a competition. This competition is not only full of gold in China, but also has a lot of weight in the world. Anyone who studies computers does not want to win this kind of award. Let me make an analogy with you, do you know the Nobel Prize?"

Tang Wanru just doesn't care about the academic world, not to the point of ignorance. She also graduated from Cambridge as a top student, but she didn't choose to go out to work. Not long after graduation, she married Jiang Zongnan, had children, and put herself Focus on your family.

She has studied abroad by herself, so she is not ignorant of the Nobel Prize.

The Nobel Prize mentioned by Jiang Yao is one of the most prestigious awards in the world. Scientists in no field do not want to receive this award.

All are proud to have won the Nobel Prize!

The same is true in China.

It's just that no one from State Y has won the Nobel Prize for so many years.

Because Continent Y does not have the blessing of this award, when it comes to high-end talks in the international technology field, they are always speechless.

Seeing her fluctuating expression, Jiang Yao knew that Tang Wanru understood what he meant.

Unhurriedly said: "The software competition that Qiao Nian participated in has the same weight as the Nobel Prize in the world, and it is also an award that is recognized everywhere. No one in China has won the award these years, and they can't even enter the group stage. This year, the finals of this competition will be held around the city, and Qiao Nian has reached the group stage again, do you understand the significance of this?"

There was only one reaction in Tang Wanru's mind: Isn't Qiao Nian going to show off again!
Jiang Yao pulled off the tie on his collar, and the tie hung loosely around his neck. His handsome face showed a tired look, and he put down the water in his hand, turned around and said to his mother: "So Qiao Nian The competition I participated in is not the pheasant competition you and Xianrou thought, if she wins the prize, don't say that Qingda will become famous in the first battle, she will be a god in the domestic computer field!"

"Her conferring a god has nothing to do with our family."

Jiang Yao thought she was speaking angry, afraid that she would not understand, and said to her, "Mom, do you know that there is always a list in the IT industry?"

Tang Wanru couldn't find her own voice, and tried her best not to show her emotions too much: "...I don't know."

Jiang Yao didn't see the irritability she had shown since hearing Qiao Nian won the award, and continued: "Someone made a list based on the strength of hackers around the world, called Tianbang. Ranked No. 1 among existing hackers. Number [-] is a man named Sun, whose influence in the illegal area cannot be underestimated."

(End of this chapter)

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