Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1241 The No. 1 hacker in China is outside the top 500, and you miss the No. 1

Chapter 1241 The No. 500 hacker in China is outside the [-]th place, and you miss the No. [-]
"Zhou Hengfeng, who was in full swing in domestic speculation before, is also on this list, but he is outside the top [-]."

"Mom, do you know if Qiao Nian can enter the finals of this competition, how many places can she rank on the list?"

Tang Wanru took a deep breath and looked at him, her eyes shaking slightly: "How many?"

"Within 50."

Jiang Yao gave her a heavy hammer, and continued in a gentle and elegant manner: "As long as she can pass the group stage and enter the final round, she can enter the top 50 on the list. If she wins the ranking again, she can enter the top 20. For the top 20 people on this list, even Tianchen wants to poach them."

"You said Tianchen wanted to poach Qiao Nian?!"

"Yes. If Qiao Nian can win the ranking in this competition, Tianchen will definitely contact her. She is only a freshman. As for whether she will give up her studies and enter Tianchen, it is not certain. It depends on the result of her discussion with her uncle. .”

The back of Tang Wanru's neck stiffened, and she couldn't speak a word.His eyes shook violently, apparently unable to digest what Jiang Yao told her.

The thing she should be most proud of in the first half of her life is that Jiang Yao strives for success, enters Tianchen, and becomes a member of Tianchen.

The day Jiang Yao successfully entered Tianchen, not only she was happy, but everyone in Jiang's family was also happy. The year before last, a banquet was held at the hotel to celebrate.

Jiang Yao thought for a moment, then raised his eyes and said, "Mom, even if Qiao Nian loses the group stage, she has won glory for the country this time, do you understand?"

"Before her, no one in China was able to enter the group stage! She was a representative of the country and defeated players from 16 countries in her freshman year, and won the only place to advance to the play-in competition. To be honest, she is very competitive this time."

Tang Wanru didn't want to talk to him at all, mainly because she didn't know what she could answer, so she couldn't follow Jiang Yao in praising Qiao Nian for his hard work and greatness?

She's about to die of anger now, okay?
She didn't turn her face in anger because she had been well-bred and cultivated for many years to be calm.

Otherwise, she wouldn't stand here and listen to Jiang Yao's constant praise of Qiao Nian, she would have been too tired to listen.

"I'll go up and tell Dad the good news first."

Jiang Yao didn't see anything unusual about her, so he picked up his mobile phone, walked upstairs to the bedroom, and said, "I'll book a private room in Yufu later, and our family will have dinner together."

Tang Wanru didn't have time to stop him, Jiang Yao had already gone upstairs and closed the door, and called Jiang Zongnan to tell him the 'good news'.

She was so angry that she picked up the mask on the table and smashed it on the ground. Her chest was still heaving for a long time. After Tang Wanru smashed something, she desperately endured it, but the muscles on her cheeks twitched to betray the anger and aggrievedness in her heart at the moment.

Oh, she originally thought that after the separation, the family would calm down.

It doesn't matter if the old man handed over the old house to the big house, anyway, they have already taken the contacts around the old man into their own hands, and they are also taking care of the family business.

So what if Qiao Nian was assigned to the old house?
No one in Beijing will regard her as the future heir of the Jiang family.

But who would have thought that Qiao Nian could turn the tables against the wind and throw out a king bomb for herself in a blink of an eye, messing up all her plans.

Tang Wanru's eyes were gloomy, and she stood there looking at the mess all over the place. She ordered the servants to clean up the floor, turned around, and returned to the room arrogantly.

Finding the cell phone that hadn't been used for a long time in the drawer, she sat in front of the dresser and hesitated again and again, but finally she couldn't resist the flames of jealousy in her heart. She dug out the only phone number in the address book, and called out: "...Hello?"

(End of this chapter)

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