Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1242 Qin Si: I have leg cramps

Chapter 1242 Qin Si: I have leg cramps

Inside Rhine's apartment.

The light and luxurious decoration of the apartment is low-key and introverted everywhere, and a painting hanging on the wall is a collection of famous works.

But there is not a single piece of furniture with brand LOGO in the entire apartment, and the fresh green plants are just ordinary species. The flowers bloom just right, and the delicate Phalaenopsis stretches its slender stamens at the bar in the living room, stretched out by the shadows of the lights to form a work of art. smell.

Qiao Nian went upstairs to take a shower, changed clothes and came down.

Bo Jingxing and Qin Si are there downstairs.

When she went downstairs, the phone rang, Qiao Nian paused, took out the phone from her pocket, and looked over it idly.

Jiang Li's phone call.

She picked it up without hesitation, her voice contained the mist that had just taken a shower: "Hey, second brother, what's the matter?"

Qin Si was talking to Bao Jingxing, but when he heard the girl calling him brother naturally, he immediately looked at Qiao Nian as if he had seen a ghost.

"I'll go. I just heard sister Qiao shouting? I'm not deaf, am I?"

Gu San brought him a bottle of Evian water from the refrigerator, put it in front of him, and said with a blank expression, "Young Master Qin, your ears are fine, and I also heard Miss Qiao call me brother. It should be Young Master Jiang calling Come on the phone."

Qin Si moved his lips and was about to say, 'Of course I know it's Jiang Li calling'.

He looked at Qiao Nian again, with an inquiring and unbelievable expression on his face - he mainly wanted to know when Sister Qiao and Jiang Li had such a good relationship?What method did Jiang Li use to make Qiao Nian willingly call him brother.

You know, Qiao Nian was also very kind and respectful to Jiang Li in the past, but just like that, he didn't call Jiang Li with a tone of intimacy like now.

He glanced at Gu San.

Gu San immediately shrugged his shoulders at him, with an innocent face: "Young Master Qin, don't look at me, I don't know anything, if you want to know, you can ask Wang Ye."

The man sitting next to him on the sofa heard the words, his gentle and elegant face turned sideways, his deep eyes seemed to hide a bottomless pool of water, and his voice was low and seductive: "Don't ask me, I don't know If you want to know, you can ask Qiao Nian directly."

Qin Si immediately refused: "I don't ask sister Qiao, I only ask when I have something wrong. I'm not a gossip."

The corner of Gu San's mouth twitched, seeing that his expression immediately became complicated, and he really wanted to answer from the side: Young Master Qin, in fact, if you look in the mirror, you can be!
Fortunately, Qin Si couldn't hear his heartfelt voice, and didn't notice Gu San's immediately enriched facial expression.

Qin Si's attention was on the girls.

I saw the girl coming from the stairs, walked to where they were sitting, picked up a bottle of Evian water, unscrewed the cap and drank it.

After she took a sip, she put the water to her mouth again. She was even more laid-back than the big men. She seemed to glance at them from the corner of her eyes. Qin Si immediately sat up straight, and his upright sitting posture was It's like a student who was caught by the teacher as a deserter when he was a child.

He suddenly sat upright, making Bao Jingxing next to him frown, raised his hand, pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and asked him, "Qin Si, what are you doing, you're so surprised."


Only then did Qin Si realize that he seemed to be overreacting, a little embarrassed, and a little guilty, touched the earrings on his earlobe, and said perfunctorily: "Leg cramps."

Bao Jingxing: "You sit here well, and you still have leg cramps???"

(End of this chapter)

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