Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1293 Dad, He Is My Boyfriend

Chapter 1293 Dad, He Is My Boyfriend
Thinking of this, Jiang Zongjin looked at Qiao Nian again.

The girl lowered her head, holding chopsticks in her hands, and was eating with all her heart.

Perhaps it was because she was quite relaxed at the moment, the vile and flamboyant vigor she had before was gone, and her eyelashes covered her beautiful black pupils.

The girl has fair skin and looks extraordinarily well-behaved.

Jiang Zongjin's heart suddenly softened, his eyes softened, as if hiding the spring breeze in March, gentle and intoxicating, he turned his head and said to the man: "Anyway, thank you Young Master Ye for driving over to pick us up this time. I'll treat you to dinner at noon today. Don't be polite to me!"

The rest of the Jiang family thought that he was teaching at Tsinghua University and had little spare money on hand. In fact, Jiang Zongjin had won a lot of scientific research awards over the years.

He usually lives in poverty, and he has nothing to use money, so he saves all the money, and now he has saved a lot of money in his passbook.

Just eating the interest of the bank every year is enough for an ordinary family to live for several years.

So he can still pay for a meal.

Ye Wangchuan didn't give him this chance, and said in a hoarse and polite voice: "Uncle Jiang, you are too polite. I agreed to invite you at noon, how can I ask you to pay me."

"But..." Jiang Zongjin didn't think that Qiao Nian owed his friend a favor, so he was about to refuse.

Ye Wangchuan was very sensible and gave him a compromise suggestion: "Uncle Jiang, Niannian and I are... good friends. As a junior, I should pay the bill today. If you don't think it's good, we can make an appointment another day , next time you come to pay the bill, I won't fight with you, is that okay?"

When Qiao Nian heard him tell her father that he and her were 'good friends' quite naturally, the corner of her mouth twitched, she put down her chopsticks slowly, wiped her mouth, and called Jiang Zongjin: "Dad."

"Huh?" Jiang Zongjin was still thinking about the feasibility of Ye Wangchuan's suggestion, when suddenly his daughter called out, and instinctively took care of her first, with a gentle tone: "Nian Nian, what's the matter?"

Qiao Nian leaned back on the chair: "He wants to treat you, so let him treat you, it's the right thing to do anyway."

Jiang Zongjin: "..."

Where can this be right?

Even among friends, it's not easy for him to invite others to treat him.

He is the elder and the oldest person on the table, if he asks his daughter's friend to invite him to dinner, what should he do if the friend doesn't like his daughter?
What's more, Ye Wangchuan's circle very proud.

If Jiang Xianrou wanted to get in touch with that circle, he had to be careful to curry favor.

Jiang Zongjin didn't really want Qiao Nian to be looked down upon by outsiders.

Who knew that he frowned, still thinking about what to say: "This, it's not very good."

The girl said quite naturally: "There is nothing wrong with it."

Qiao Nian held her chin with her cold white hands, her eyes were dark and bright, and she said in a leisurely tone, "Dad, let me introduce, he is my boyfriend."

As soon as the word boyfriend came out, the whole box was as quiet as a chicken.

It was the first time for Gu San to see this kind of Shura field, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word, and he shrunk his neck to minimize his sense of existence.

Damn, he didn't expect Ms. Qiao to be so aggressive, to directly admit to Uncle Jiang that she was the master, this...

Gu San subconsciously looked at the middle-aged man.


Jiang Zongjin's jaw almost dropped from shock. He felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he didn't react for a long time. He once suspected that he had an auditory hallucination in his ears.

"Nian Nian, you said Young Master Ye is you..."

Qiao Nian admitted frankly: "Ah, he is my boyfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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