Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1602 Qi Yan, why do you look so bad

Chapter 1602 Qi Yan, why do you look so bad

"What did you say?!" Qi Yanteng stood up suddenly, with so much strength that she almost overturned the water glass in front of her.

Her eyelids twitched, she walked to the side, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, tell me what's going on!"

"The royal family suddenly announced at this week's activities that they would reduce their members. We didn't take it seriously at first. After all, we are the third in line. Even if the royal family wanted to reduce its members, it would not be able to reduce the number of members, so we relaxed our vigilance. Didn't tell you ma'am. Who knows..."

Qi Yan shook her hand holding the phone, and forced herself to be calm: "Continue talking."

"Who knows that your name is not included in the list announced today, and even, even... the name of the crown prince is not on it."

Qi Yan's face was as white as paper this time, and she staggered, her legs were so weak that she couldn't stand firmly, and she staggered back. Fortunately, her hands supported the sofa in time, otherwise she might fall to the ground and make a big joke .

But even if she stood firm, she still seemed very reluctant to speak: "You said, you said that my husband's name is not on the list of members of the royal family?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Seeing that her complexion was extremely bad, Qi Rongguang couldn't help but asked concerned: "What happened?"

"I..." Qi Yan looked at him, her pupils trembled violently, she opened her mouth, she wanted to say a thousand words to him, but her throat was stuck like a card holder, she couldn't utter a word, the wall of her throat was about to get angry and burst out Liao bubble to.

Qi Rongguang saw that she was in such a state of despair, he didn't bother to blame her for being arbitrary and domineering, and moved Jiang Li without saying hello to him, which caused Qi Lanyin's affairs.

Walking up to her, he patted her on the shoulder with great concern and asked, "Qi Yan, what happened? Why is your complexion so bad? Are you okay?"

At this moment, Qi Yan's eyes were hot, and she almost couldn't hold it.

But she firmly grasped the phone with her fingers, avoiding Qi Rongguang first: "Brother, I will tell you later."

Then she pursed her lips and said to the person on the other end of the phone with a serious face: "We are the third heir to the royal family. Why didn't they discuss such a big matter with us in advance? Go and find out what's going on." !"

She was calm and calm, and before hanging up the phone, she ordered: "Wait. Don't ask the royal family. We are not familiar with the media. They have many channels, and they have a wild way. The royal family must be tight-lipped now, and you will not ask them anything." If you can’t find out, you can find the media, the media may know the inside story.”

"Okay." Her confidant said solemnly: "Madam, don't worry, I'll do it right away."


Qi Yan hung up the phone and called her husband non-stop.

Her first call didn't go through.

The second call got through and no one answered.

Qi Yan didn't care about that much, and kept calling, and kept calling, with the intention of calling until the other party answered the phone.

Finally, there is no answering the phone.

Instead, turn off the phone directly.

Qi Yan's graceful face was white as snow, holding the phone, she couldn't recover for a long time.

When she was hesitating, her phone dinged.

She immediately grabbed her phone and looked at it.

【I'm in the royal family, I asked, my grandmother said you offended someone.Qi Yan, who did you offend? 】

This is a message from her husband, the third crown prince of country m.

The other party's text messages seemed calm and reserved.

But Qi Yan felt the accusation that the other party was almost unable to maintain calm.

(End of this chapter)

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