Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1603 Ma'am, the remaining 7 million has also been remitted to Ms. Qiao's account

Chapter 1603 Ma'am, the remaining 7 million has also been remitted to Ms. Qiao's account
"What's the matter?" Qi Rongguang leaned over and vaguely saw the note on Qi Yan's phone. He didn't know what happened, and asked her in confusion: "A message from my brother-in-law? What did he say? By the way, didn't you let me know what happened?" Did he help find Lan Yin? Does my brother-in-law have Lan Yin's whereabouts?"

Qi Yan took a deep breath, but she was still upset and couldn't calm down at all.

She could only shake her head, and denied it very irritably: "It has nothing to do with that."

Qi Rongguang devoted himself to Qi Lanyin and the Qi family, seeing that she was ambiguous, she became more irritable: "It's such a time, and you still keep everything from me! You have to tell me what happened, so I can help you .You don’t say anything, I can only worry on the sidelines.”

"You can't help me with this matter." Qi Yan looked at him, her eyes met, her heart filled with infinite regret, she gritted her teeth, quickly walked past her brother, walked to the front of the sofa, bent down to pick up the handbag, Not caring about grooming, after taking the bag, he said to Qi Rongguang: "Brother, I'm going out for a while, you stay here and wait for news from me."

"Qi Yan!" Qi Rongguang was really annoyed this time, and called her by her name emphatically.

Qi Yan walked away without looking back. Before going out, she paused slightly without turning her head, and said to the people in the room: "You stay here and don't go anywhere, just wait for me in the hotel. I'll go find Qiao Nian, if I succeed, then the Qi family's crisis can be resolved. If not, then the Qi family..."

Qi Rongguang raised his heart.

"Then the Qi family is over this time."

After Qi Yan finished speaking, she didn't say any more, and closed the door for him when she left.

On the road outside the Rhine.

Qi Yan didn't dare to wait in the car, so she stood under the camphor tree downstairs.

Passers-by pass by on the sidewalk from time to time, and when they see her dressed up, they can't help but glance at her when they pass by.

Qi Yan didn't care about these either.

She has been standing here for two full hours in a pair of stiletto heels.

At this moment, she is numb from ankle to calf, and blisters are formed on the part of her heel rubbed by the shoes. Every minute and every second of her standing here is undoubtedly a kind of torture, but Qi Yan has long since neglected these things , she stood upright, holding a handbag, quietly waiting for someone to come out.

Except for pedestrians on the road, there was no one she had to wait for.

The driver couldn't stand it anymore.

Walking over, he persuaded her in a low voice: "Madam, I think the person you are waiting for has not come out yet, why don't you get in the car and wait in the car."

"No, I'm right here." Qi Yan didn't say much, very concise.

After she rejected the driver's suggestion, the phone rang again.

Qi Yan immediately picked up the phone with a dry voice: "Hello?"

"Madam, we have already transferred the remaining 7 million to the account you mentioned according to your instructions. Do you have any other instructions?"

Qiao Nian opened her mouth to ask for [-] billion, but Qi Yan only gave [-] million at the beginning, and she was reluctant to give the remaining [-] million.

Now I have to deliver it to my door in person.

This sense of humiliation almost slapped her face!
Qi Yan twitched the corner of her mouth bitterly: "An order? What else can I order. That's it for now, I will tell you if I have something to say."

The Qi family is not a family that can treat 10 billion as a small amount. With the 10 billion in cash, their family has hurt their main artery this time.

Even if they can survive this crisis smoothly, the Qi family will never regain their former glory.

In the future, you can only be a man with your tail between your legs.

(End of this chapter)

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